- vt. 引用;传讯;想起;表彰
- 1. make reference to;
- "His name was mentioned in connection with the invention"
- 2. commend;
- "he was cited for his outstanding achievements"
- 3. refer to;
- "he referenced his colleagues' work"
- 4. repeat a passage from;
- "He quoted the Bible to her"
- 5. refer to for illustration or proof;
- "He said he could quote several instances of this behavior"
- 6. advance evidence for
- 7. call in an official matter, such as to attend court
- cite
- cite: [15] Latin ciēre or cīre meant ‘move’ (it was related to Greek kīnein ‘move’, source of English kinetic and cinema). From its past participle, citus, was formed the verb citāre, meaning ‘cause to move’, and hence ‘call, summon’. This passed into English (via Old French citer), as cite ‘summon officially’.
In the 16th century this came to be applied metaphorically to the ‘calling forth’ of a particular passage of writing, author, etc as an example or proof of what one is saying – hence the modern sense ‘quote’. The same Latin verb lies behind a range of other English verbs, including excite, incite, recite, and solicit.
=> cinema, excite, incite, kinetic, recite, solicit - cite (v.)
- mid-15c., "to summon," from Old French citer "to summon" (14c.), from Latin citare "to summon, urge, call; put in sudden motion, call forward; rouse, excite," frequentative of ciere "to move, set in motion, stir, rouse, call, invite" from PIE root *keie- "to set in motion, to move to and fro" (cognates: Sanskrit cyavate "stirs himself, goes;" Greek kinein "to move, set in motion; change, stir up," kinymai "move myself;" Gothic haitan "call, be called;" Old English hatan "command, call"). Sense of "calling forth a passage of writing" is first attested 1530s. Related: Cited; citing.
cite, quote, repeat
cite: 指引经据典以示证明或凭据。
quote: 指不加剪裁的直接引用原文或原话。
repeat: 仅强调口头或笔头重复别人的话或字句,并不必指明出处。
- The team at Frontpoint addresses the issue in a blog on its site, citing their own jam protection software and claiming that there aren't any documented cases of successful jam attack since the company began offering wireless security sensors in the 1980s.
- For example, one who doesn't know the rules a about plagiarism (剽窃) may accidentally use words or ideas without giving proper credit or one who fails to keep careful research notes may unintentionally fail to quote and cite sources as required.
- The past 15 years or so have been a noticeable period of improvement for food in England," the English chef says, citing the trend in British cuisine for better ingredients, preparation and cooking methods, and more appealing presentation.
- One such game, called World of Warcraft, is cited on many sites by posters complaining of a "gaming addiction.
- The study's authors, Joanne Wood and John Lee of the University of Waterloo and Elaine Perunovic of the University of New Brunswick, begin by citing older research showing that when people get feedback which they believe is overly positive, they actually feel worse, not better.
- To match the growing demand, services are springing up to make it easier to publish research products online and enable other researchers to discover and cite them.
- The most successful sharers—those whose data are downloaded and cited the most often—get noticed, and their work gets used.
- If we can help to direct students to more of these types of campuses and help students to understand them to be realistic and accessible places, have them apply to these schools at greater frequency and ultimately get in and enroll, we are going to raise the success rate, Rubinoff said, citing a variety of colleges ranging from large state institutions to smaller private schools.
- All the forecasts, plans, and anticipations cited above have failed so miserably because their authors and promoters thought the transitions they hoped to implement would proceed unlike all previous energy transitions, and that their progress could be accelerated in an unprecedented manner.
- Examples like meat and silly are cited to show
- A Voyage to the Moon,often cited as the first science fiction story, was written by Cyrano de Bergerac in 1649.
- A prime example Schweitzer and his colleagues cite is the 2004 collapse of energy-trading giant Enron, where managers used financial incentives to motivate salesmen to meet specific revenue goals.
- What does Maurice Schweitzer want to show by citing the example of Enron?
- The third rule is to be ready to cite options and consequences.
- Washington and Lee University is cited as an example to show that the gap of graduation rates between whites and minorities can be closed.
- The scientists cite a definition of "workaholism" as "being overly concerned about work, driven by an uncontrollable work motivation, and vesting so much time and effort in work that it impairs other important life areas.
2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
- The court, though, may want to allow room for police to cite situations where they are entitled to more freedom.
- They cite past research by several authors to show that this is the gap that must be narrowed to close the achievement gap.
2015年考研真题(英语二)阅读理解 Section Ⅱ
- This would be reasonable if it were not for the fact that scientists can easily arrange to cite themselves in their future publications, or get associates to do so for them in return for similar favours.
2020年考研真题(英语一)翻译 Section Ⅲ
- He cited his heavy workload as the reason for his breakdown.
- 他说繁重的工作负荷是导致他累垮的原因。
- She was cited in the divorce proceedings.
- 她在离婚诉讼中被传唤。
- He was cited for bravery.
- 他因表现勇敢而得到嘉奖。
- The judge ruled a mistrial and cited the prosecutors for outrageous misconduct.
- 法官裁定为无效审判,并以严重渎职为名传讯了检察官。
- She cites a favourite poem by George Herbert...
- 她引用了自己最喜爱的一首乔治·赫伯特的诗。
- He cites just one example...
- 他只引用了一个例子。
- They cited Alex's refusal to return to the marital home...
- 他们引证了亚历克斯拒绝回到婚后的家中一事。
- Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
- 3位海军上将和1位海军高级文员将被指名,原因是他们在接到性侵犯的举报后没有采取任何行动。
- Cite the examples of the personalized service of the foreign library.
- 举出国外图书馆个性化服务的范例.
- Use standard footnote conventions, giving full bibliographic information for all sources you cite.
- 用标准的脚注方法, 给出你所引的所有资料详细的书目信息.
- Too many cases, are too numerous to cite it.
- 案例太多了, 举不胜数呀.
- I'll just cite some figures for comparison.
- 我要引用一些数字作比较.
- Cite specific false statements she's made and demand she back up her allegations or correct them.
- 具体的举例塌所说的一些虚假的陈述并且要求她撤回那些陈述或者更改他们.
- Let me cite an incident that happened last semester as an example.
- 就举我上个学期在美国求学时的例子吧.
- He may cite previous patents and suggest that they anticipate our claims.
- 他可能列举以前的专利情况,并提出他们的专利申请早于我们.
- If possible, cite a weakness that will work to the companys advantage.
- 可能的话, 你可说出一项可能会给公司带来好处的弱点,如可说:我是一个完美主义者.
- Of many results we shall cite just one.
- 在这许多结果中我们将只引述一个.
- Cite all quotes, references and sources.
- 引用时应包含引言 、 参考与来源.
- If you didn't cite something, that was the one thing your professor wanted you to cite.
- 如果你没有引用什么东西, 那个东西就是你的教授希望你引用的.
- If you use sources other than the course text answer the questions, please cite them.
- 如果参考资料超出教科书范围, 请注明引用出处.
- It would be an endless task to cite such living examples.
- 这样的实例举不胜举.
- That is helpless actually the performance that cite.
- 那其实是无奈之举的表现.
- Allow me to cite an example.
- 允许我举一个例子.
- The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
- 为了达到目的,魔鬼也会援引圣经.
- In the decoration field, I greatly cite minority finery art.
- 在装饰艺术领域主要例举少数民族服饰艺术.
- We can cite Nelson Mandela's experience as an excellent example of overcoming adversity.
- 我们可以把纳尔逊·德拉的经历作为克服困境的很好的例子.
- If possible , cite a weakness that will work to the company's advantage.
- 你不应该说你没有任何弱点, 以此来回避这个问题;每个人都有弱点.