英 [kliːv]美[kliv]
- vi. 裂开;披荆斩棘地前进;粘住;坚持
- vt. 砍开;使分开;打通
- n. (Cleave)人名;(英)克利夫
第三人称单数: cleaves;过去式: cleaved; cleft; clove;过去分词: cleaved; cleft; cloven;现在分词: cleaving;
2. c (拼音“砍”) + leave (离开、分离) => 把它砍开成分离的状态。=> 砍开、裂开。
3. cleave <====> cliff: cliff 就像是地球表面被劈开的一道道裂纹而形成的。
4. cleave => cleft.
2. c (拼音“砍”) + leave (离开、分离) => 把它砍开成分离的状态。=> 砍开、裂开。
3. cleave <====> cliff: cliff 就像是地球表面被劈开的一道道裂纹而形成的。
4. cleave => cleft.
cleave 劈开,坚守
1. 劈开,来自PIE*gleibh,砍,劈,词源同cleft,glyph.进一步来自PIE*skel,砍,劈,词源同 skill,scale. 2. 坚守,来自PIE*glei,黏,粘,词源同cling,glue.
- 1. separate or cut with a tool, such as a sharp instrument;
- "cleave the bone"
- 2. make by cutting into;
- "The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock"
- 3. come or be in close contact with; stick or hold together and resist separation;
- "The dress clings to her body"
- "The label stuck to the box"
- "The sushi rice grains cohere"
- cleave
- cleave: [OE] There are two distinct verbs cleave in English, both of Germanic origin. Cleave ‘cut’ comes from Germanic *kleuban, which goes back to an Indo-European base *gleubh- (this also produced Greek glúphein ‘carve’, source of English hieroglyphics). Cleave ‘adhere’ can be traced back ultimately to an Indo-European base *gloi-, *glei-, *gli- ‘stick’, from which English also gets glue and gluten. Its Germanic descendant *klai- produced English clay and clammy, and *kli- developed into cleave.
=> clammy, clay, climb, glue, hieroglyphics - cleave (v.1)
- "to split," Old English cleofan, cleven, cliven "to split, separate" (class II strong verb, past tense cleaf, past participle clofen), from Proto-Germanic *kleuban (cognates: Old Saxon klioban, Old Norse kljufa, Danish klöve, Dutch kloven, Old High German klioban, German klieben "to cleave, split"), from PIE root *gleubh- "to cut, slice" (see glyph).
Past tense form clave is recorded in Northern writers from 14c. and was used with both verbs (see cleave (v.2)), apparently by analogy with other Middle English strong verbs. Clave was common to c. 1600 and still alive at the time of the KJV; weak past tense cleaved for this verb also emerged in 14c.; cleft is still later. The past participle cloven survives, though mostly in compounds. - cleave (v.2)
- "to adhere," Middle English cleven, clevien, cliven, from Old English clifian, cleofian, from West Germanic *klibajan (cognates: Old Saxon klibon, Old High German kliban, Dutch kleven, Old High German kleben, German kleben "to stick, cling, adhere"), from PIE *gloi- "to stick" (see clay). The confusion was less in Old English when cleave (v.1) was a class 2 strong verb; but it has grown since cleave (v.1) weakened, which may be why both are largely superseded by stick (v.) and split (v.).
- a ship cleaving through the water
- 破浪前进的船
- The huge boat cleaved the darkness.
- 那艘巨轮在黑暗中破浪前行。
- Her tongue clove to the roof of her mouth.
- 她的舌头紧紧地贴着上腭。
- to cleave to a belief/idea
- 坚守信仰 / 信念
- She cleaved his skull (in two) with an axe.
- 她用斧头把他的颅骨劈成两半。
- (figurative)His skin was cleft with deep lines.
- 他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。
- They just cleave the stone along the cracks.
- 他们就是顺着裂缝把石头劈开。
- She has cleaved to these principles all her life...
- 她这一辈子都恪守这些原则。
- He still clove to this ideal.
- 他仍然坚守着这个理想。
- To me, Cleave is an ax skill.
- 所以在我看来, 横劈就是个斧系技能.
- Honestly baditem. It gives a good amount of damage and regen and it also has cleave.
- 老实说,狂战斧挺好用的, 它可以带来相当可观的攻击加成,恢复能力,并且它还有溅射效果.
- By reason of the voice of my groaning my bones cleave to my skin.
- 5因我唉哼的声音,我的肉紧贴骨头.
- The water is going to cleave a channel into the rock.
- 水流将在大山中冲出一条峡谷来.
- That stubborn man always cleave to his idea.
- 那固执的人不愿改变想法.
- The tribe cleave to their old belief even after the european arrive.
- 即使在欧洲人到来之后,这些部落仍固守著它们古老的信仰.
- The Public and the people, Aye , Aye, my lads, let us hate cleave to the other.
- 公众和人民, 是啊, 小伙子们, 让我们痛恨公众, 拥护人民.
- Which may be why we still cleave to his great poem.
- 这或许就是我们依然坚守着他伟大诗篇的原因.
- It is possible to cleave to it permanently , even to be driven mad by it.
- 你可能对它一辈子契而不舍, 甚至于被它弄得疯疯颠颠.
- Ribozymes are small catalytic RNA, which could cleave the target gene and block its expression.
- 核酶是一类具有催化活性的小分子RNA, 它能够特异性的与靶RNA分子结合 后进行切割,从而能抑制目的基因的表达.
- But cleave unto the LORD your God, as ye have done unto this day.
- 只要照着你们到今日所行的,专靠耶和华你们的神.
- The banks are also happy that regulators have promised to cleave more closely to international rules.
- 同时令这些银行欢喜的是管理者们已经许诺将进一步跟紧国际标准.
- Those who cleave to the latter view include many conservative American politicians.
- 持后一种观点的人中包括了许多美国的保守派政客.
- A strong blow will cleave a plank in two.
- 强烈打击将使木板裂成两块.
- When writing your account of the matter, you ought to cleave to the facts.
- 起草这件事的报告时, 你应该忠于事实.
- Let me but cleave its clouds and spread wings in its sunshine.
- 只让我冲破它的云层,在它的阳光中展翅吧.
- At that time, it had only been demonstrated that RNA could cleave or ligate phosphodiester bonds.
- 当时只能证明RNA可以切割和连接磷酸二酯键.
- They just cleave the stone along the cracks.
- 他们就是顺着裂缝把石头劈开。