英 ['kʌmlɪ]美['kʌmli]
- adj. 清秀的,标致的
比较级: comelier;最高级: comeliest;
comely 标致的
可能来自becoming, 得体的,适宜的。
- 1. according with custom or propriety;
- "her becoming modesty"
- "comely behavior"
- "it is not comme il faut for a gentleman to be constantly asking for money"
- "a decent burial"
- "seemly behavior"
- 2. very pleasing to the eye;
- "my bonny lass"
- "there's a bonny bay beyond"
- "a comely face"
- "young fair maidens"
- comely
- comely: [13] Old English had an adjective cymlic ‘beautiful’ (no relation at all to come), but this seems to have died out around the year 1000, and it is likely that comely, which first appears in the early 13th century, represents a reduced version of becomely, an adjective long since defunct of which there are a few records towards the end of the 12th century. This meant ‘suitable, becoming’ (it was formed, of course, from the verb become), an early meaning of comely; its other semantic strand, ‘beautiful’, is probably a memory of Old English cymlic.
=> become - comely (adj.)
- "beautiful, handsome," c. 1400, probably from Old English cymlic "lovely, splendid, finely made," from cyme "exquisite, glorious, delicate," from West Germanic *kumi- "delicate, feeble" (cognates: Old High German chumo "with difficulty," chumig "weak, delicate;" German kaum "hardly, scarcely"). Or perhaps the modern word is from Middle English bicumelic (c. 1200) "suitable, exquisite," literally "becomely" (compare becoming).
- Mr. Sykes entered - a tall, stout man of about fifty, comely of feature , but feeble of physiognomy.
- 赛克斯先生进来了 ― ―这人又高又胖,约莫50岁, 眉目清秀, 一副优柔寡断的相貌.
- He stood there facing the others with an inexpressibly winning smile upon his comely face.
- 他面对大家站着,讨人喜欢的脸上带着难以用语言形容的迷人笑容.
- The politician stopped for a moment to chat with the comely woman leaning upon the gate.
- 这位政治家停下了脚步,以便与一位靠着大门的美丽的妇女作短暂的攀谈.
- I hope my young friend will like such a comely sample of his own blood.
- 俺盼着咱们那位年轻的朋友喜欢你这么一位和他一脉相传的漂亮姑娘才好.
- The girl has a good figure and comely appearance.
- 这个姑娘身材佼好,面容清秀.
- The two maids were trim and comely.
- 两个侍女干净利落.
- Spring , after the noon, is harmonious and comely.
- 午后的春天, 和谐而美丽.
- She is a most comely young woman.
- 她是个非常漂亮的年轻女子.
- Thy cheeks are comely with plaits of hair, Thy neck with strings of jewels.
- 你两鬓的头发多么秀美,像珠宝链子绕着脖子.
- A fresh , comely woman pressed through the throng to get a peep at the gray - bearded man.
- 一位年轻漂亮的妇人忙穿过人群去偷偷地看了一眼那位胡子斑白的男士.
- I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
- 2那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子(女子就是指民的意思),我必剪除.
- Or, in the case of the 50 most comely, in front of a Rubens.
- 而50个长相最标志的模特还特意站在雕塑前接受特别拍摄.
- I will not conceal his parts , nor his power, nor his comely proportion.
- 12论到鳄鱼的肢体和其大力, 并美好的骨骼,我不能缄默不言.
- KJV I will not conceal his parts , nor his power, nor his comely proportion.
- [新译]论到鳄鱼的四肢和它的力气, 以及美好的体态,我不能缄默不言.
- The comely and delicate one, The daughter of Zion, I will cut off.
- 2那秀美娇嫩的锡安女子, 我必剪除.