英 [dɒk]美[dɑk]
- n. 码头;船坞;被告席;尾巴的骨肉部分
- vt. 使靠码头;剪短
- vi. 入船坞
- n. (Dock)人名;(老)多;(英、法、瑞典)多克
复数: docks;第三人称单数: docks;过去式: docked;过去分词: docked;现在分词: docking;
dock 码头,船坞
来自词根duc, 引导,词源同duke, conduct. 用于指码头,船坞。
- 1. an enclosure in a court of law where the defendant sits during the trial
- 2. any of certain coarse weedy plants with long taproots, sometimes used as table greens or in folk medicine
- 3. a platform built out from the shore into the water and supported by piles; provides access to ships and boats
- 4. a platform where trucks or trains can be loaded or unloaded
- 5. landing in a harbor next to a pier where ships are loaded and unloaded or repaired; may have gates to let water in or out;
- "the ship arrived at the dock more than a day late"
- 6. the solid bony part of the tail of an animal as distinguished from the hair
- 7. a short or shortened tail of certain animals
- dock
- dock: English has no fewer than four distinct words dock. The oldest is the plant-name, which comes from Old English docce. Dock for ships [14] was borrowed from Middle Low German or Middle Dutch docke, which may have come from Vulgar Latin *ductia ‘duct, conduit’, a hypothetical derivative of Latin dūcere ‘lead’ (source of English, duke, educate, etc). Dock ‘cut off’ [14] was originally a verbal application of the noun dock ‘horse’s short tail’, which appears to go back to a Germanic *dukk- ‘bundle’; it may be the source of docket [15]. Dock for prisoners [16] was originally thieves’ slang, borrowed from Flemish dok ‘cage’.
=> duke, educate, induce; docket - dock (n.1)
- "ship's berth," late 15c., from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German docke, perhaps ultimately (via Late Latin *ductia "aqueduct") from Latin ducere "to lead" (see duke (n.)); or possibly from a Scandinavian word for "low ground" (compare Norwegian dokk "hollow, low ground"). Original sense perhaps "furrow a grounded vessel makes in a mud bank." As a verb from 1510s. Related: Docked; docking.
- dock (n.2)
- "where accused stands in court," 1580s, originally rogue's slang, from Flemish dok "pen or cage for animals," origin unknown.
- dock (v.)
- "cut an animal's tail," late 14c., from dok (n.) "fleshy part of an animal's tail" (mid-14c.), related to Old English -docca "muscle," from Proto-Germanic *dokko "something round, bundle" (cognates: Old Norse dokka "bundle, girl," Danish dukke "doll," German Docke "small column, bundle, doll, smart girl"). Meaning "to reduce (someone's) pay for some infraction" is first recorded 1822. Related: Docked; docking.
- dock (n.3)
- name for various tall, coarse weeds, Old English docce, from Proto-Germanic *dokkon (cognates: Middle Dutch docke-, German Docken-, Old Danish dokka), akin to Middle High German tocke "bundle, tuft," and ultimately to the noun source of dock (v.).
in dock
(of a ship) moored in a dock
in the dock
On trial or under intense scrutiny.
- They've docked 15% off my pay for this week.
- 本周他们扣掉了我15%的工资。
- dock workers
- 码头工人
- The ship was in dock .
- 船泊在船坞。
- He's been in the dock (= on trial for a crime) several times already.
- 他已受审多次。
- dock leaves
- 酸模叶
- The ferry is expected to dock at 6.
- 渡船预计在6点停靠码头。
- Next year, a technology module will be docked on the space station.
- 明年将有一个技术舱与航天站对接。
- If you're late, your wages will be docked.
- 如果你迟到了,就要扣你的工资。
- He threatens to dock her fee...
- 他威胁要扣掉她的服务费。
- To dock points would be wrong.
- 扣分的判罚是错误的。
- What about the odd chance that you do put an innocent man in the dock?
- 若是你真的把一个无辜的人送上被告席了呢?
- ...the loading dock...
- 装货码头
- She headed for the docks, thinking that Ricardo might be hiding in one of the boats...
- 她走向码头,想着里卡多可能正藏在其中一条船上。
- The vessel docked at Liverpool in April 1811...
- 这艘轮船于 1811 年 4 月在利物浦靠岸。
- Russian commanders docked a huge aircraft carrier in a Russian port...
- 俄罗斯指挥官指挥一艘巨型航空母舰驶入一个俄罗斯港口。
- The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station...
- 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。
- They have docked a robot module alongside the orbiting space station...
- 他们已经将一个自动操作舱与沿轨道运行的空间站并行对接上了。
- The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached.
- 卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。
- He had a house there and a dock and a little aluminum boat.
- 他在那儿有一所房子、一个泊船的码头和一艘小铝船。
- This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
- 新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控.
- Supervise and maintain the sanitation of kitchen, store rooms, hallways , dock, and equipment.
- 监督和维护厨房 、 储藏室 、 走廊 、 卸货区和设备的卫生.
- Background subtraction was used for detecting moving vessels in dock video images.
- 摘要通过背景差法对码头视频图像中的运动船只检测.
- Ships anchored alongside a dock.
- 船停在码头边.
- After visiting the auto dock.
- 参观了汽车码头后.
- Now it was again a green light on a dock.
- 现在它又是码头上的一盏绿灯了.
英汉文学 - 盖茨比
- Uses: used in protecting of road . railway . airport and dock . garden . raise . husbandry. etc.
- 用途: 广泛用于高速公路、铁路、道路等公共设施的安全防护.