英 [ɪg'zɒtɪk; eg-]美[ɪɡ'zɑtɪk]
- adj. 异国的;外来的;异国情调的
1. exotic <===> outlandish. 构词原理及其含义差不多。
exotic 外来的,异国的
exot-, 外面,来自ex-. 即外来的,异国的。
- 1. being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world;
- "alien customs"
- "exotic plants in a greenhouse"
- "exotic cuisine"
- 2. strikingly strange or unusual;
- "an exotic hair style"
- "protons, neutrons, electrons and all their exotic variants"
- "the exotic landscape of a dead planet"
- exotic (adj.)
- 1590s, "belonging to another country," from Middle French exotique (16c.) and directly from Latin exoticus, from Greek exotikos "foreign," literally "from the outside," from exo "outside" (see exo-). Sense of "unusual, strange" in English first recorded 1620s, from notion of "alien, outlandish." In reference to strip-teasers and dancing girls, it is attested by 1942, American English.
Exotic dancer in the nightclub trade means a girl who goes through a few motions while wearing as few clothes as the cops will allow in the city where she is working ... ["Life," May 5, 1947]
As a noun from 1640s, "anything of foreign origin," originally plants.
- Nobody ever had a better time or did more exotic strange things than I did in an 80-year period.
- However, many schools seem to ignore the advice; and it does not cover the kind of glamorous, exotic trips.
2019年12月六级真题(第三套)阅读 Section C
- In her work, she revealed a side of nature so exotic, dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received much acclaim.
2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
- Matter and the now more exotic anti-matter would have had little space to avoid each other.
2018年12月六级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
- The image which also contained novel descriptions of ants, fascinated a European audience that was more concerned with the exotic story unfolding before them than the gender of the person who painted it.
2018年12月六级真题(第二套)阅读 Section B
- brightly-coloured exotic flowers/plants/birds
- 色彩鲜艳的异国花卉 / 植物 / 鸟儿
- She travels to all kinds of exotic locations all over the world.
- 她走遍了全世界所有具有奇异风情的地方。
- ...brilliantly coloured, exotic flowers...
- 色彩斑斓的奇异花卉
- She flits from one exotic location to another.
- 她辗转于异国他乡。
- The smell of the exotic tea made me think of Bali island.
- 这特殊的茶香使我想起了?Q里岛.
- This author romanced his trip to an exotic country.
- 这位作者吹嘘了他的异国之旅.
- Hence the search for exotic beta.
- 对“奇异贝塔”的追寻也将如此.
- Chinese and Western academic background, the doomed exotic thinking of the local impact is limited.
- 中西学术背景的差异, 注定这一异域思想在本土的影响是有限的.
- No, let's have something more exotic.
- 不, 我们吃一些有异国情调的吧.
- Northern Australia is a hotbed of exotic animals, including the frilled lizard.
- 北澳大利亚是奇异动物的温床, 包括皱褶蜥蜴.
- Ditto the Red Sea and its wonderland of coral reefs and exotic sea life.
- 红海及其珊瑚礁奇景和珍奇海洋生物也再见了.
- The zoo has a number of exotic birds.
- 动物园里有很多外国的鸟.
- Tropical foliage and blooms stand out against luscious lavender for an exotic feel.
- 热带树叶和花朵的立场反对芬芳的薰衣草异国的感觉.
- Shanghai Botanical Garden is a paradise full of exotic flowers and rare plants.
- 上海植物园,奇花异草的天地.
- Some exotic tree species died and its crown was withered.
- 一些外来树种发生了树冠干枯和植株枯死.
- There are some exotic words in English language.
- 英语中有一些外来词.
- There were also exotic pets, reptiles and a variety of other wild animals.
- 还有一些奇形怪状、颜色各异的宠物 、 爬行动物和各种各样的其他野生动物.
- Without any difficulty , Zhao Na married the exotic prince of whom she had dreamt.
- 赵娜顺利地与其梦寐以求的异国白马王子花好月圆.
- Geomancy is an exotic flower of Chinese traditional culture.
- 风水学是我国传统文化的一朵奇葩.
- In the distant and exotic country, the dust and I stand alone, forsaken, my eyes pale.
- 在遥远地异国, 灰尘扑面而来,我孤独地站在那里, 已被遗弃, 我的眼神暗淡.
- Clarification of indigenous and exotic species is very important for floristic analysis and vegetation restoration.
- 澄清一个地区的植物来源对于植物区系分析及植被恢复是很重要的.
- Aren't you worried about the exotic particles crossing back over my bridge?
- 你就不担心外来粒子也会通过我那座桥梁跑进来?
- She likes to wear exotic clothes.
- 她喜欢穿奇装异服.
- He likes the bird with exotic plumage.
- 他喜欢那只有奇特羽毛的鸟.
- the exotic blooms of the orchid
- 奇异的兰花
- She has a partiality for exotic flowers.
- 她特别喜爱异国花卉。
- Exotic pets are the latest status symbol.
- 养珍禽异兽是表现社会地位的最时髦方式。
- I was beguiled by the romance and exotic atmosphere of the souks in Marrakech.
- 我被马拉喀什露天市场的浪漫情调和异域风情深深地吸引了。