- n. 天主教濯足仪式时分发的救济金
- 1. a public ceremony on Maundy Thursday when the monarch distributes Maundy money
- maundy
- maundy: [13] Maundy Thursday commemorates Christ’s washing of the apostles’ feet at the Last Supper. The first antiphon sung at the Catholic Maundy service begins Mandātum novum dō vōbis ‘I give you a new commandment’, and so in medieval Latin mandātum (source of English mandate) came to be used as the name for the commemorative ceremony. The word passed into Old French as mandé, whence English maundy.
=> mandate, manual
- Maundy Thursday served as a preparation for the feast of Easter about to follow.
- 濯足日乃是为著紧接著到来之复活节筵席所做的预备.