英 [ɒks]
- n. 牛;公牛
复数: oxen;
ox 公牛
- 1. an adult castrated bull of the genus Bos; especially Bos taurus
- 2. any of various wild bovines especially of the genera Bos or closely related Bibos
- ox
- ox: [OE] Ox is an ancient word, traceable back to a prehistoric Indo-European *uksín-. This also produced Welsh ych ‘bull’, Irish oss ‘stag’, and Sanskrit ukshán ‘bull’, and it has been speculated that there may be some connection with Sanskrit uks- ‘emit semen’ and Greek hugrós ‘moist’, as if *uksín- denoted etymologically ‘male animal’.
If this was so, the ‘seed-bearing’ function had clearly been lost sight of by the time it had evolved to Germanic *okhson, which was reserved for a ‘castrated bull’. Ox’s modern Germanic relatives are German ochse (taken over by English in the compound aurochs ‘extinct wild ox’ [18], which etymologically means ‘original or primeval ox’), Dutch os, Swedish oxe, and Danish okse.
=> aurochs - ox (n.)
- Old English oxa "ox" (plural oxan), from Proto-Germanic *ukhson (cognates: Old Norse oxi, Old Frisian oxa, Middle Dutch osse, Old Saxon, Old High German ohso, German Ochse, Gothic auhsa), from PIE *uks-en- "male animal," (cognates: Welsh ych "ox," Middle Irish oss "stag," Sanskrit uksa, Avestan uxshan- "ox, bull"), said to be from root *uks- "to sprinkle," related to *ugw- "wet, moist." The animal word, then, is literally "besprinkler."
ox, bull, cow, buffalo
ox: 泛指野生或驯养的牛类,系动物学的用词,通称,也指公牛。
bull: 指未经阉割,通常用于配种的公牛,也指西班牙或美洲经专门饲料用作斗牛表演的公牛。引申指彪形大汉。
cow: 指任何品种的成年母牛或乳用的乳牛。
buffalo: 指水牛,在美国指野牛。
- It's not to be expected that an ox and an ass should worship at the crib.
- 一头牛和一头驴子竟在畜圈里做起礼拜来,这是意想不到的.
- I'm very hungry, and I can now stow away an ox.
- 我真是饿极了, 现在我可以把一头牛吞下肚.
- Seize a horse by the mane, and lead an ox by the nose.
- 马儿抓鬃牛牵鼻.
- Horse ox sheep, chicken dog Shi.
- 马牛羊, 鸡犬豕.
- At that time, taxes and levies were as many as the hairs on an ox.
- 那时, 苛捐杂税多如牛毛.
- We must lead an ox by the halter.
- 牵牛要牵牛鼻子.
- Pasturage breed aquatics basically has pig, ox, sheep and fowl.
- 畜牧养殖主要有猪 、 牛 、 羊和家禽.
- The ox when weariest treads surest.
- 牛困走得稳.
- Wash ox bone marrow and cut into sections. Scald.
- 牛骨髓洗净切成段, 飞水待用.
- He drove the ox hard.
- 他使劲地赶牛.
- An ox is taken by the horns, and the man by the tongue.
- 牛因有脚而被抓, 人因有舌而遭殃.
- The ox kills well.
- 牛的出肉率很高.
- The ox eats the grass on the lawn.
- 牛在草坪上吃草.
- An old ox makes a straight furrow.
- 老将出马,一个顶俩.
- Through the ages ox can be found as subject matters on paintings, ceramics, or carvings.
- 其后,以牛为题材的艺术作品见于不同的媒介,如绘画 、 陶瓷 、 雕刻等.
- The ox has stepped out one path of going to the side in river.
- 牛踩出了一条到河边去的小路.
- We've made a fire fit to roast an ox.
- 火生得很旺,足以烤一头牛了.
- She is one year younger than I am; she was born in the year of the ox.
- 她比我小一岁, 是属牛的.
- You cannot flay the same ox twice.
- 一头牛不能剥两次皮.
- He is as strong as an ox.
- 他体壮如牛.
- Taking a glance at the stone, you will see that it is just like a crouched ox.
- 蓦然看去,这石头像一头卧牛.
- The ox is never woe , till he to the harrow go.
- 牛不耙地不知苦.
- The startled ox dashed about in all directions in the fields.
- 那头牛受惊了,在田地里四处奔突.
- The bronze ox heads are the important sacrificial offerings of the ancient Dian Kingdom.
- 牛头青铜器是古代滇国的重要祭祀用品.
- We all call him Iron Ox.
- 我们都称他“铁牛”.
- If the ox falls , whet your knife.
- 墙倒众人推.
- I'm willing to be an ox serving the country all my life.
- 我甘当孺子牛,终生为国家服务.