英 ['pɔːs(ə)lɪn]
- n. 瓷;瓷器
- adj. 瓷制的;精美的
复数: porcelains;
porcelain 瓷器
- 1. ceramic ware made of a more or less translucent ceramic
- porcelain
- porcelain: [16] The bizarre history of the word porcelain leads us back to a pig’s vagina. It was originally applied to fine china in Italian, as porcellana. This meant literally ‘cowrie shell’, and was used for the china in allusion to its shelllike sheen. Porcellana was a derivative of porcella ‘little sow’, a diminutive form of porca ‘sow’ (to which English pork is related), and was applied to cowrie shells because they supposedly resembled the external genitalia of female pigs. English acquired the word via French porcelaine.
=> pork - porcelain (n.)
- 1530s, from Middle French porcelaine and directly from Italian porcellana "porcelain" (13c.), literally "cowrie shell," the chinaware so called from resemblance of its lustrous transparency to the shiny surface of the shells. The shell's name in Italian is from porcella "young sow," fem. of Latin porcellus "young pig," diminutive of porculus "piglet," diminutive of porcus "pig" (see pork (n.)). According to an old theory, the connection of the shell and the pig is a perceived resemblance of the shell opening to the exposed outer genitalia of pigs.
porcelain is china & china is p.; there is no recondite difference between the two things, which indeed are not two, but one; & the difference between the two words is merely that china is the homely term, while porcelain is exotic & literary. [Fowler]
- a porcelain figure
- 瓷像
- There were lilies everywhere in tall white porcelain vases.
- 高高的白色瓷瓶上绘满了百合花。
- ...decorative 17th and 18th century porcelains.
- 17和18世纪装饰用的瓷器
- ...a priceless collection of English porcelain.
- 一批价值连城的英国瓷器藏品
- They conform exactly to the written descriptions, of porcelain ware used in the imperial palace.
- 这些青瓷盘与史记记载的宫廷用瓷器完全一致.
- To investigate the influence of CDIC dental implant and baked porcelain metal crown on MRI image.
- 目的:观察在颅脑磁共振成像(MR) 检查中,口腔内种植体和烤瓷金属冠对MRI影像学诊断的影响.
- Our shop also has a porcelain mending service.
- 本店兼有修补瓷器的服务.
- Jingdezhen is known as the porcelain city.
- 景德镇有瓷都之称.
- Chaozhou Xingguang Porcelain Art Factory is professional in producing craft flowerpot and receptacle.
- 潮州市星光瓷艺厂是一家专业生产工艺花盆、花插的工厂.
- With color range of it, porcelain is the main factor deciding the color in teeth.
- 牙本质瓷颜色分布区域较大, 是决定牙齿颜色的主要因素.
- The porcelain is fine and glossy.
- 瓷质细润.
- The stone pottery is the pottery lying between pottery and porcelain.
- 石陶器是介于陶器与瓷器之间的陶瓷,兼具二者之性质.
- So his porcelain carving works are all very few similar spread in of the world.
- 所以他流传于世间的瓷雕作品都是极少雷同的上乘之品.
- Be delicate porcelain body are hard and dense, transparent glaze, Gentle match for jade.
- 定瓷胎质坚密细腻, 釉色透明, 柔润媲玉.
- The Chinese porcelain town of Jingdezhen also enjoys a great reputation at home and abroad.
- 瓷都景德镇,闻名中外.
- Davidoff porcelain ashtrays are made exclusively for Davidoff by a renowned European manufacturer.
- 大卫杜夫瓷制烟灰缸均由闻名于世的欧洲厂商制造.
- In Jingdezhen, even dances have a connection with porcelain.
- 在景德镇, 连舞蹈都和瓷器有关系.
- Wu porcelain Square, edge of today's unique porcelain altar.
- 悟瓷坊, 当今独树一帜的瓷坛新锐.
- Edith enjoys collecting fine porcelain from around the world.
- 伊迪丝喜欢收集世界各地的精致瓷器.
- He assembled a rich trove of Chinese porcelain.
- 他收集了一批中国瓷器.
- The porcelain vase is enveloped in cotton.
- 瓷花瓶用棉花裹着.
- These porcelain plates have rather original designs on them.
- 这些瓷盘的花纹很别致.
- If you evaporate a little sea water on a porcelain dish ; on cooling, crystals of common salt will deposit on the sides of the dish.
- 如果你将少许海水放到瓷盘中蒸发,冷却后就会有普通食盐的结晶附着在盘的四周.
- To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.
- 属于这类物质的有云母 、 瓷器 、 石英 、 玻璃 、 木材等等.
- A porcelain sink cleans easily.
- 瓷水槽容易弄干净.
- The cargo includes three thousand pieces of porcelain.
- 这批货物中包括三千件瓷器.
- a dainty porcelain cup
- 小巧玲珑的瓷杯
- Arlott squirrelled away books, pictures and porcelain plates.
- 阿洛特将书本、图片和瓷盘瓷碟都藏起来。
- Place them in a jam jar, porcelain bowl, or other similar container.
- 将它们装入果酱罐、瓷碗或其他类似容器中。