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第1篇 联合国秘书长潘基文2019年世界难民日英语演讲稿

the number of forcibly displaced people in the world continues to rise. there are now more than 45 million refugees and internally displaced people – the highest level in nearly 20 years. last year alone, someone was forced to abandon their home every four seconds.

世界上被强迫流离失所者的人数持续增加。目前有4 500多万难民和境内流离失所者——这是近20年来的最高数字。仅在去年,每四秒钟就有一人被迫离开自己的家园。

war remains the dominant cause, with the crisis in syria a leading instance of major displacement. more than half of all refugees listed in a new report by the un high commissioner for refugees come from just five war-affected countries: afghanistan, somalia, iraq, syria and sudan. major new displacements have also been occurring in mali and the democratic republic of the congo.


figures give only a glimpse of this enormous human tragedy. every day, conflict tears apart the lives of thousands of families. they may be forced to leave loved ones behind or become separated in the chaos of war. children suffer the most. nearly half of all refugees are below age 18, and a growing number are fleeing on their own.


forced displacement also has a significant economic, social and, at times, political impact on the communities that provide shelter. there is a growing and deep imbalance in the burden of hosting refugees, with poor countries taking in the vast majority of the world’s uprooted people. developing countries host 81 per cent of the world’s refugees, compared to 70 per cent a decade ago.


finding durable solutions for the displaced will require more solidarity and burden-sharing by the international community. on world refugee day, i call on the international community to intensify efforts to prevent and resolve conflicts, and to help achieve peace and security so that families can be reunited and refugees can return home.



第2篇 联合国秘书长世界难民日英语演讲稿

on this observance of world refugee day, we must note a troubling trend: the decline in the number of refugees who are able to go home.


in xx, more than a million people returned to their own country on a voluntary basis. last year, only 250,000 did so - the lowest number in two decades. the reasons for this include prolonged instability in afghanistan, the democratic republic of congo and southern sudan.

xx年,一百多万人自愿返回了自己的国家。去年,只有25万人这样做,这是二十年来的最低数字。出现这种现象的原因包括阿富汗、刚果民 主共和国和苏丹南部的长期动荡。

the theme of this year's observance -- “home” -- highlights the plight of the world's 15 million refugees, more than three-quarters of them in the developing world, who have been uprooted from their homes by conflict or persecution.


for many refugees today, rapid urbanization means that home is not a crowded camp run by an international humanitarian organization, but a makeshift shelter in a shantytown, outside a city in the developing world.

今天,对许多难民而言,快速城市化意味着家园不是一个由国际人道主义组织管理的拥挤的营地,而是位于发展中世界某个城市外围某个棚户区的某 个临时收容所。

as these cities continue to experience spectacular growth, refugees are among their most vulnerable residents. they must struggle for the most basic services: sanitation, health and education. the impact of the global financial and economic crisis only increases the threat of marginalization and destitution.

随着这些城市继续以惊人的速度增长,难民成为城市中最弱势的居民群体之一。他们必须为获得环境卫生、健康和教育等最基本的服务而挣扎。全球 金融和经济危机的影响更加剧了边缘化和赤贫的威胁。

we in the humanitarian community must adapt our policies to this changing profile of need. this means working closely with host governments to deliver services, and intensifying our efforts to resolve conflicts so that refugees can return home.


on world refugee day, let us reaffirm the importance of solidarity and burden-sharing by the international community. refugees have been deprived of their homes, but they must not be deprived of their futures.





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