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发布时间:2020-06-01 16:43:35 查看人数:295



  It’s well known that smoking is bad for our health. It does much harm to our lung. Smoking too much is very easy to get cancer, which is very terrible. Besides, smoking also do harm to people’s teeth. Those people always smoke will demage their teeth and their teeth are always yellow. That makes others feel sick. The last but not least, the people smoke the passive smoking are tend to get sick. They have do nothing wrong,but stand beside those smoking people. It’s unfair. So, in order to the health of everyone, please stop smoking.


  篇二:吸烟有害他人自由 Smoking Hurts Others’ Freedom

  Though smoking has been banned in public places in many cities, many people are still addicted to smoking, especially young people. Some smokers seem to have “quite convincing” reasons for their continuing to smoke. They claim if smoking is forbidden in public places, it will infringe upon their personal freedom and human rights.


  But these smokers should know that they are not entitled to the freedom to smoke, which infringes upon non-smokers’ freedom to breathe clean and fresh air in public places. Unfortunately, these smokers make non-smokers victims of their bad habit. Some smokers ignore health problems and stress that the smoking ban will endanger the local economies. In their words, tobacco industry means money and millions of jobs. Indeed, tobacco industry, on the one hand, collects a large amount of revenue every year and helps develop local economies; on the other hand, they make people victims of lung cancer and other fatal diseases. Have they ever thought of the direct medical costs on treating smoking-related diseases?


  It is reported that the US Government has adopted even more severe measures to control the development of its tobacco industry. Having a hard time at home, some US tobacco companies are sparing no effort in finding their way into China, which has the world’s largest number of smokers. In modernChina, opium brought by British imperialists brought great suffering to Chinese people, who were then called “sick men ofEast Asia”. Have we forgotten this bitter experience? Is tobacco revenue so dear or smokers’ freedom so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of the health and life of our people?



  If you smoke and you still don't believe that there's a definite link between smoking and bronchial troubles, heart disease and lung cancer, then you are certainly deceiving yourself. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. Let us just say that you are suffering from a bad case of wishful thinking. This needn't make you too uncomfortable because you are in good company. Whenever the subject of smoking and health is raised, the governments of most countries hear no evil, see no evil and smell no evil.

  You don't have to look very far to find out why the official reactions to medical findings have been so lukewarm. The answer is simply money. Tobacco is a wonderful commodity to tax. It's almost like a tax on our daily bread.

  This is surely the most short-sighted policy you could imagine. While money is eagerly collected in vast sums with one hand, it is paid out in increasingly vaster sums with the other. Enormous amounts are spent on cancer research and on efforts to cure people suffering from the disease. Countless valuable lives are lost. In the long run, there is no doubt that everybody would be much better-off if smoking were banned altogether.

  For a start, governments could begin by banning all cigarette and tobacco advertising and should then conduct antismoking advertising campaigns of their own. Smoking should be banned in all public places like theatres, cinemas and restaurants. Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially of the dire consequences of taking up the habit. A horrific warning--say, a picture of a death's head--should be included in every packet of cigarettes that is sold. As individuals we are certainly weak, but if governments acted honestly and courageously, they could protect us from ourselves.


  吸烟对我们的身体是有害的,下面小编为大家带来了3篇关于吸烟的英语作文,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够帮助到大家。  篇一:吸烟Smoking  It’s well known that smokin


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