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发布时间:2023-11-29 13:59:11 查看人数:83



开头:怎么写高二英语演讲稿 good morning,everyone.im so happy to give my own speech here today. once in a while,id think back on the things of past one year.lucky and excited,i was admitted into this school which is the best high school in our city.i thought it could give me great stimulation to achieve the dream in my heart.however,when i was on the point of facing difficulties,i seemed so weak on the way to success.i gradully lost interest in studying.the stimulation had gotten out of my system and wasnt in control of my mental.i began being absent-minded in most of classes.playing cellphone became my foolish fault.finally i delayed my studies.how could i account for my low scores?the answer might be:i was wrong all the way.


开头:hello, everybody, my name is xue yinjie. i'm 12 years old. i study at fenghuang primary school. i'm in class 1 grade 6. i go to school at 7 o'clock every morning. we read english everyday. there are three lessons in the morning. we have lunch at 11 o'clock. after lunch, we have a rest. the lessons in the afternoon are much more interesting. there are art lesson, computer studies, music lesson and science lesson. we leave school at four.


开头:dear teachers, students: hello, everyone! today, i lecture entitled 'the last one leaves.' with regard to protection of the environment is very important, i think, from a number of leaders of the speech to appeal to the masses, from the present of you locked the eyebrows and then to our theme of this lecture - 'green.' read the famous american writer o. henry novel 'last leaf' who, presumably still remember these words: 'when the last one, when the leaves fall, and their lives are over, i have to leave this world gone. ... love life painter john simon, is suffering from pneumonia and the brink of big time-limited, 'she gently grabbed the hands of the world's growing weakness, she would really like a soft, delicate leaves, as with the feng cold late autumn, gone away. '


开头:the family had just moved to rhode island, and the young woman was feeling a little melancholy on that sunday in may. after all, it was mother's day -- and 800 miles separated her from her parents in ohio.


开头:good morning,everyone.i'm so happy to give my own speech here today.­ once in a while,i'd think back on the things of past one year.lucky and excited,i was admitted into this school which is the best high school in our city.i thought it could give me great stimulation to achieve the dream in my heart.however,when i was on the point of facing difficulties,i seemed so weak on the way to success.i gradully lost interest in studying.the stimulation had gotten out of my system and wasn't in control of my mental.i began being absent-minded in most of classes.playing cellphone became my foolish fault.finally i delayed my studies.how could i account for my low scores?the answer might be:i was wrong all the way.­


开头:高二学生英语演讲稿 hello judges. i’m a student from the ssfls. my name is zhong shuxin. in the 21st century, one of the most serious problems we are facing is probably the energy crisis. with the development of technology, we have created a powerful energy source, which is both efficient and low in greenhouse gas emissions, nuclear energy. no doubt, nuclear energy does provide us with a lot of benefits, there are however, many risks which come with using it.


开头:高二英语励志成长演讲稿:never give up good afternoon, everyone。 it’s my great honor to stand here and give you a short speech。 my topic is “never give up”。 now let’s begin。


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