开头:大学生三分钟英语演讲稿一 good afternoon, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, the title of my speech is defeat makes me more confident. most people may think that defeat is a kind of obstacle that prevents you from being successful. quite the contrary, i believe defeat makes me more confident.
开头:the romantic love story——the film describes a love story between a harlot and a rich man. it is a fairy story about cinderella of modern version. being the he-ro-in-e in a fairy tale seems to be the dream of every girl since very young. all girls are looking forward to romantic love stories descending on them. the more impossible the love is going to happen, the happier the girl to be, which is definitely decided by the nature of girls. the most impressed things came to me in the film were the hero’s (richard gere) character. he was charming, a real confident man, so perfect, so charming, however, that didn’t make you think he was conceited or he was pretend to be attractive. as a matter of fact, he is an indeed gentleman, with a natural gentle manner. his charm actually comes from his inner refinement. his personality is a great magnet to me.in the meanwhile, the difference between a rude woman and elegant women are obviously high lightened in this film, which i has paid attention to for a long time.
开头:各位同学、老师: 早上好! 很荣幸我是我们班第一个做课前三分钟演讲的人,我的普通话不是很标准,还望各位同学、老师海涵!我演讲的题目是---------------我们是90后
开头:金无足赤,人无完人。每个人都有自己的优点和缺点。以下是小编精心收集整理的精选大学生三分钟励志演讲稿范文,希望对你有所作用。 精选大学生三分钟励志演讲稿范文
开头:老作家巴金的《随想录》一问世,便引起许多人的深思。 这五本薄薄的小册子,被誉为“说真话的大书”。尤其是这位老人,在直言者卢梭像前所作的自我反省,更向每个人提出了一个既严肃又深刻的问题:人们有没有勇气跪倒在自己面前。巴金老人的坦率和真诚使我第一次注意到,原来在人们意识的深层,埋藏着忏悔的种子。
开头:stepping into the new century environment pollution has become more serious than ever since. there are different kinds of pollution. such as water pollution air pollution and noise pollution and so on. it seems that we live on a planet which is full of pollution. where all these pollution comes from? to a large extend the environmental destruction is the heavy price that we pay for the rapid development of economy and the growing population. in order to have more fuel people cut down trees and dig more corals. but the growing needs for energy are hardly to meet. countless private cars on the street the gas stations are short of gasoline even the government has raise the price so many times in order to control the needs of gasoline but it’s still not working. overusing the natural resources has already affected the ecological balance. however the factories still release the toxic air into the sky and the polluted water into the rivers. people still lack of the conscious of protecting the environment. i think it’s time for all of us to do something.
开头:各位年轻的朋友: 大家好! 如果有人问你:什么是精彩?你会怎样回答?战争年代的踊跃参军,八十年代的文学热,还是九十年代的出国热?对,它们都是精彩。每个时代有每个时代的精彩,每个时代也造就了不同的精彩,但无论怎样,精彩总是与青春紧紧相连。
开头:尊敬的校领导、老师、亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好,我发言的题目是:青春的呐喊。 春回大地,万物吐露生机。高考的脚步和春天一起悄悄地想我们走来,在这明媚的春光里,我们已经进入高考冲刺阶段。
开头:when i was seven, i started learning english. i played games and sang english songs with other children. sometimes, i watched english cartoons. it's funny. then i discovered the beauty of the language, and began my colorful dream in the english world.
开头:亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 大学生活是多姿多彩的,但也需要我们去把握和深入体会。有人说:“平凡的大学生有着相同的平凡,而不平凡的大学却有着各自的辉煌。”你可以选择平凡,却不可以选择平庸;可以的话,相信谁都想不平凡。那么怎样才能使自己的大学生活充实有意义,怎样做主自己的大学生活呢?我随便谈谈个人的几点观点。
开头:亲爱的老师,同学们: 大家好,今天我要演讲的题目是《梦》。 梦是一颗种子,会生根、发芽。 小时候,我集万千宠爱于一身,爸爸妈妈夸我漂亮,爷爷奶奶夸我能干,乡里乡亲夸我懂事,老师朋友夸我聪明,我亦自信满满,成为爸妈的骄傲,爷爷奶奶的心肝,小朋友的楷模,老师的得意,我更相信我的未来,就像妈妈说的一样:好好学习,将来上大学,留在大城市。
开头:做一个文明之人 尊敬的老师们、同学们: 早上好!今天我讲话的题目是《做一个文明之人》。 记得有人说过:“人,一撇一捺,写起来容易做起来难。我们要经常性地思考,我在做什么,我做得怎样,我要成为怎样的人。”做怎样的人,一百个人会有一百种答案,但在每一个答案的背后都有一个基点,那就是做人首先要做一个文明的人。
开头:大学课前三分钟演讲稿一 只有合作,才能双赢 同学们: 大家好!我演讲的题目是“只有合作,才能双赢”。
开头:大学课前三分钟演讲匆匆那年 我终究还是逃不过这一场情劫。从你出现的那一天。 一 与你的初遇,居然是在一场万恶的考试中,这是我挠破头皮也想不到的。初二与初一混座考试,我不知道这是哪个脑残家伙想出来的,但恰是因这个荒唐可笑的防止学生考试作弊的办法,我和你第一次成为了同桌。
开头:尊敬的老师、家长们,亲爱的同学们: 你们好! 我们的人生并不是一条平坦的阳光大道,路上有黑暗,我们的心会迷失。这时候,我们就需要一盏灯引导我们走出迷宫。而那盏灯,就是我们的梦想。