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发布时间:2024-01-29 09:32:02 查看人数:68



开头:i’m very grateful to receive this award for “best actress”. i can’t begin to tell you how much i appreciate this great honor. 能够获此“最佳女主角”奖,我非常感激。我现在无法表达我是多么珍惜这个伟大的奖项。


开头:sit down you're too old to be standing! thank you mr day lewis from you it exacerbates thishonour to a – it blows it right out of the ball park. thank you so much to the academy, asrandom and as subjective as this award is, it means a great deal in a year of — yet again —extraordinary performances by women.


开头:我在杭外的英语学习大致分为两个阶段,“外向型学习”和“内在型学习”。 由于我就读的小学当时尚未普及英语教育,所以我刚进杭外时,英语基础几乎为零。但现在看来,零基础的学生似乎非常适合杭外的英语教育,因为这免去了老师纠正你之前学习偏差的工作,就如在一张白纸上画画比在一张初稿上作修改更方便一样。


开头:change leo tolstoy once said, everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. he is right. we always have great plans and dreams in our minds… too ready to achieve something grand that changes the world or benefits all of mankind .for example; we hate pollution and have made up our minds to find new energy sources that keep the environment clean. yet we still litter on the ground. we complain about traffic jams, so we plan to build more highways to solve the problem, but it never occurs to us that our failure to follow traffic regulations is the leading cause of this situation. we are so concerned that the violence in the media has a bad impact on our children, we urge the government to set laws to protect them. but, do we, as adults, set a good example for our kids? we use nasty words and even spit on the ground in front of them, i dare to say, we harm more!


开头:yes! thank you to the academy for this incredible recognition. it doesn’t escape me for onemoment that so much joy in my life is thanks to so much pain in someone else’s. and so i wantto salute the spirit of patsey for her guidance. and for solomon, thank you for telling her storyand your own.


开头:thank you. thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you to the academy for this - all 6,000members. thank you to the other nominees. all these performances were impeccable in my opinion. ididn't see a false note anywhere. i want to thank jean-marc vallée, our director. want to thankjared leto, jennifer garner, who i worked with daily.


开头:three mirrors reflect the way i learn english after i came back from the “21st century-ericsson cup”7th national english speaking competition with the award of the “most promising speaker”, people kept asking me the same question over and over again. “how did you learn english, especially as a non-english major?” actually i believe that a hundred people would have a hundred of ways to learn english well. however, i would like to share my personal experience of english learning with those who have the enthusiasm for improve their english. since i have set up three mirrors in my prepared speech in hoping that they would guide our young generation on the way to globalization, i would like to maintain three mirrors here to reflect how i learned english.


开头:if there were no after life whether there’s afterlife, the answer has never been the same. the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death; they may feel attached to the affection of their offspring, but they never lay their hopes on their afterlife. they may also say that good will be rewarded with good, and evil with evil, but they don’t really believe any retribution in their after life.


开头:thank you. thank you so much. thank you. it’s quite overwhelming. thank you to themembers of the academy for this honor. my dear friends who are here tonight, gena andgeorge, for your kind words, to my hero, louis zamperini, to the cast of blood and honey andmost of all, to my family, my love. your support and your guidance make everything that i dopossible. mad, i’m not gonna cry, i promise, and i won’t embarrass you. you and yourbrothers and your sisters are my happiness and there is no a greater honor in this world thanbeing your mum.


开头:获奖感言英语演讲稿 hi everyone, my name is dongqi yang from china, i am horror to be here today and i am very happy to receive this award.


开头:my name is tiffany, a year 2 student from the university of macau. i am currently an active member of the university public speaking team, president of the honours college student association, and also the vice president of the event department in marketing society. i am very active and outgoing. i enjoy being with people, engaged in conversations with them so that i can understand them more. i like public speaking as it can help increase my self-esteem and self-confidence. aside from public speaking, i am also good at english recitation. i have joined the macao-wide english individual recitation for a number of times when i was studying in the secondary school.


开头:facing this audience on the stage, i have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest. it is an assembly of some of china’s most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century.


开头:第70届美国电影电视金球奖颁奖礼在好莱坞贝弗利山希尔顿酒店举行。安妮-海瑟薇(anne hathaway)凭借《悲惨世界》(les miserables)获电影女配角。下面是《悲惨世界》女配角安妮·海瑟薇获奖感言。


if there were no after lifewhether theres afterlife, the answer has never been the same. the atheists deny after life, believing that our life is no more than from the cradle to the grave. they may care about their illustrious names after death; they may


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