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英语小演讲稿 my dream怎么写-开头和结尾(精选20个)

发布时间:2023-11-18 19:19:21 查看人数:54

英语小演讲稿 my dream怎么写


开头:五年级小学生竞选英语课代表演讲稿范文 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 我是五年级4班的xx。这次,我竞选的项目是英语课代表。虽然这是一份辛苦的工作,但我愿意努力为班级和同学服务。

结尾:如果我落选了,我也不会气馁,俗话说“失败乃成功之母“,我还会继续努力,找出自己的不足并及时改正,下次争取能选上。 我的发言结束了,希望大家支持我,投出手中宝贵的一票,谢谢大家!


开头:尊敬的各位领导、老师:上午好!我叫_____,现任三年级英语教师和英语教研组组长。我今天来竞聘英语教师的岗位。 非常感谢学校领导给了我向大家介绍自己,接受检验和挑战的机会。我将客观地说明我自己所具备的应聘能力,全面地论述我对于做好英语教学工作的总体思路和具体措施,并且,将心悦诚服地接受各位领导和老师的评判。

结尾:3. 有较强的教学能力从选择教师这门职业的第一天起,我最大的心愿就是做一名受学生欢迎的好老师,为了这个心愿,我一直在不懈努力着。要求自己做到牢固掌握本学科的基本理论知识,熟悉相关学科的文化知识,不断更新知识结构,精通业务,精心施教,把握好教学的难点重点,认真探索教学规律,钻研教学艺术,努力形成自己的教学特色。 我的教学风格和教学效果普遍受到学生的认可和欢迎。我提出的教学模式在市区研讨会上做了交流并发表在《课改通讯》上。


开头:怎么写小学生英语故事演讲稿 (1)buying a hat a lady went to a hat shop to buy a hat. as she was very fussy, it took her a long time to pick on one. already at the end of his patience the salesman was afraid that she might change her mind again so he tried to flatter her: 'an excellent choice, madam. you look at least ten years younger with this hat on!' to his dismay, the lady took off her hat at once and said: 'i dont want a hat that makes me look ten years older as soon as i take it off. show me some more hats!'

结尾:“now some one is dying,” said the little girl, softly, for she had been told by her old grandmother, the only person who had ever been kind to her, and who was now dead that whenever a star falls an immortal spirit returns to the god who gave it.


开头:dear judges, good evening! thank you for holding this meaningful english speech competition. it offers us a stage not only for showing our interests, but also a great chance to communicate with and learn from others.

结尾:look, this is my carreer. i like to be a teacher. it can’t be more common. but it’s full of love. my dream is trying to give children a much fairer chance to learn. i’m sure love can water whatever kinds of land. thank you !


开头:good morning, everyone! i will talk about sports. i am a lovely boy. i like many kinds of sports, such as walking, running, swimming, climbing, cycling and skipping. sports give me a good health and bring me a lot of fun.

结尾:now, i will tell you about my cycling sport. i often ride my bike when i am free. i like to ride my bike on a road. there are no cars and few people on the road. it is not very long. it is very good for cycling. when i ride down the slope, the bike runs very fast, and i feel like flying. it’s very good for me. cycling gives me a lot of fun. sports give me a strong body and bring me a lot of fun. if you want to be strong, please do sports; if you want to enjoy a happy life, please do sports, too. thank you! 小学五年级英语口语演讲稿


开头:with the fast development of society, english as a tool of commuciation becomes more and more important . as an international language, everyone all over the world starts to learn it. i am one of them. and i love english very much. through years of learning. i gained many good ways. today, i’ll talk about how i study english. i hope we can share the learning experience and learn from each other.



开头:good afternoon,everyone.today,my topic is “i want to be free.”it’s a story about a wolf and a dog. a wolf was almost dead with hunger.a house-dog saw him,and asked,”friend,it’s bad for you.”

结尾:“噢,没有什么。”狗说,“我的主人每天晚上都用一条铁链子拴住我,你很快就会习惯的。”“就是因为这个原因吗?”狼说道,“那么,再见了,我的朋友,我宁愿选择自由。” 你想要自由吗? 谢谢大家!


开头:我和北京奥运 olympic ad me 我盼望着2008年8月8日快点到来。这是北京奥运会开幕的日子,是世界体育大家庭聚会北京的日子,更是每一个中国人倍感骄傲的日子。

结尾:at last i will mobilize every students around me to learn civilized manners andstrenth the consciousness of theprotecting the enivoement .we should do from now on for beijing olympic game to be a real green olympics, humanities olympics, technology olympics “同一个世界,同一个梦想”,我希望我的梦想能够变为现实 “one word one dream” i hope my dream will come true


开头:chen yongsi&chen haiying(15): there are many sayings in our life.but have you ever realized that some of them may be truth and some of them may be ridiculous rumors?let’s welcome chen yongsi and chen haiying to help us find out the truth behind it.welcome!!! chen peishan(15): failure is the mother of success.we know thomas edison almost failed 8,000 times in inventing the light bulb.but as we all know,after his hard work,he finally changed the whole world.after reading about famous musician beethoven's story,chen peishan from class 15 has something to say as well.let's welcome her! luo shumeng(16): are you good at learning english?what’s the secret of your success ?well, luo shumeng from class 16 today may give us some clues about it.so let's welcome him to make us a speech!welcome!! xiao xingrui(16): have you watched the movie 'the pursuit of happiness'

结尾:在这个寒假吗?我还记得克里斯对儿子说了什么,真的给我留下了深刻的印象。“你有梦想,你就得保护它。”他说。你觉得这部电影怎么样?让我们欢迎肖xingrui从类16谈论他对这部电影的印象。大的手! !彭尾矿(16):哇,下一个主题会让你疯狂。我希望你听说过iwatch。因为下一个演讲者谈论这样的事。还记得我们谈到了关于上学期计算机的优点和缺点。所以接下来彭尾矿从类16会带给我们什么?让我们欢迎他在舞台上!


开头:大家好! 明天是“六一”国际儿童节。55年前,国际民主妇女联合会为保障全世界儿童的生存权力、保健权力和受教育的权力,于1949年11月在莫斯科召开的一次大会上决定每年六月一日为国际儿童节。1949年12月23日,中国 也规定六月一日为儿童节。于是,全世界的儿童就拥有了一个属于自己的节日——“六一”国际儿童节。

结尾:i hope teachers: dedication, love of health, rigorous, inquiring. comprehensively implement the party‘s education policy, teaching, the five domains simultaneously. firmly establish a sense of service, quality awareness and quality consciousness. for every student, cherish every educational opportunities, better in each class, doing everything to promote the health of every student, harmonious, comprehensive development. of life for students lay a solid foundation for development. let us work together to put xitang primary school into the satisfaction of the people work hard. finally, i wish the students a happy holiday!


开头:a forever friend sometimes in life you find a special friend someone who change you life just by being part of it

结尾:to open it this is forever friendship 有时在生活中 您找到一个特殊的朋友


开头:13年小学生英语演讲稿300字 i always feel tired after eight classes a day, so my dream school starts at 8:30 a.m. and ends at 3:30 p.m. there are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. we can choose our favorite lessons to learn. we can spend more time doing some outside reading. the students do after-school activities for one and a half hours every day. we needn’t do a lot of homework. we are all happy to stay at school.

结尾:the teachers here are kind and helpful. they are not only our teachers but also our good friends. the students are polite and friendly. we all know how to keep our school clean and tidy. there is no litter around the campus. i love my dream school. we will grow up to be happier there.


开头:关于小学生即兴英语演讲稿 hello, everyone, i’m liu dongdong. i’m a student. there are three people in my family—my father, mother and i. my father is 40 years old. he is a worker. i think he is a good worker. because he works very hard. he gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. so he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets 小学 home. he likes reading newspapers. he usually reads it after supper. so he gets lots of news.

结尾:i’ m 15 years old. i wear glasses. i like reading. i always read books after school. i like singing, too. my favorite singer is jay chou. his music is very nice. what do you think of him? i also like making friends. if you want to meet me, please write to me. oh, my parents love me and i love them, too. my family is a happy family. 关于小学生即兴英语演讲稿,尽在酷猫写作范文网。


开头:good morning,ladies and gentlemen. i am tracy from guangzhou huamei international school. i am a shiny girl. my family love me and i love then too. do you know how help at home? let me tell you about that.

结尾:i really enjoy helping my partents at home. do you think i an a helpful girl? i think so! thank you! 关于小学生英语励志演讲稿范文



结尾:i will be eight years old when 2023 olympic being held in beijing.first,i should economy paper and save water.second,i should work hard for my lessons try to practice my english.the most important is smile for all the people in beijing 2023 olympic.because it can remain the impression very well for the foreigners in beijing 2023 olympic.


开头:my favourite super star is jj , he has a lovely dimple and his eyes are also very lovely . now let me tell you the story about jj . he enterde the music indestry at the year xx , before that year ,he was only a boy who wrote songs for many super stars ,his songs were liked by many people but no one care who was the writer . he was noly hard to write songs because he like music ,he thought music has it soal , if you sing it by heart , it well be lived .

结尾:now he is not rather a shy singer and performer , the lyrical songs make him mature ,and now he is a man or not a boy . he is a real super star with many fans ,the improve mark a big step forward confident .


开头:小学生英语演讲稿范文:my favorite animal hello! everyone. i’m tang jingting. i’ am eleven years old. i’m from experiment primary school. i’m in class 1,grade 5, . nice to meet you.

结尾:however, unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. many people make money by hunting dolphins. if we don’t protect them,maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. as a student, i hope more and more people should protect dolphins. i love dolphins very much. and i hope dolphins are our good friends for ever. i hope they can live in the blue sea happily and peacefully. let’s protect the animals together. let’s take actions.


开头:by the time john pulled into the little town, every hotel room was taken. “you've got to have a room somewhere.” he pleaded. “or just a bed--i don't care where.” “well, i do have a double room with one occupant,” admitted the manager,“ and he might be glad to split the cost. but to tell you the truth, he snores so loudly that people in adjoining rooms have complained in the past. i'm not sure it'd be worth it to you.”

结尾:“he was already in bed, snoring away, when i came in the room,” john said. “i went over, gave him a kiss on the cheek, said, 'goodnight, beautiful.' with that he sat up all night watching me.” 关于小学生英语即兴演讲稿


开头:小学生英语感恩演讲稿 小学生英语感恩演讲稿 hello, everyone. thanksgiving is a virtue, is a long history of cultural heritage. its source is like the flowing streams of love. memories of history, we were so touched by the story of a mother to son: ancient, can become the big industry, at three moves, for future generations to leave' told ' the story. in modern times, a well-known anti-japanese general ma jingzhai 's mother, she was arrested, the face of the japanese threat, without fear, decided to allow her son to the war of resistance against japan, then fast to death. ma jingzhai wrote the' great mother, live on in spirit, son of bearing mother, continue to struggle.'. this one case, a hymn to love, do not reflect a mother do great?

结尾:students, let us bear in mind the parents owe, parent institute thanksgiving! thanksgiving with a heart to deal with parents, with a sincere heart to communicate with their parents, not to re-think parenting is a matter of course, not to indulge in cable complained summation. dear students, let usparent said: 'dad, mom, i love you!' finished my speech, thank you everyone!


开头:英文原文 everyone, please think of your biggest personal goal. for real -- you can take a second. you've got to feel this to learn it. take a few seconds and think of your personal biggest goal, okay? imagine deciding right now that you're going to do it. imagine telling someone that you meet today what you're going to do. imagine their congratulations, and their high image of you. doesn't it feel good to say it out loud? don't you feel one step closer already, like it's already becoming part of your identity?

结尾:所以观众们,下一次当你试图告诉别人你的目标时, 你会说什么? 完全正确,做对了。(对你的目标缄默,闭住嘴。保守秘密。) (掌声)

英语小演讲稿 my dream怎么写-开头和结尾(精选20个)

英语小演讲稿 my dreamdear students and teachers:my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. to be honest ,at first i don’t want to be a teacher, because in my view, this job is not challenge and monotonous . the major
