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发布时间:2023-11-22 18:23:34 查看人数:85



开头:the world is changing with really remarkable speed. if you look at the chart at the top here, you'll see that in 2025, these goldman sachs projections suggest that the chinese economy will be almost the same size as the american economy. and if you look at the chart for 2050, it's projected that the chinese economy will be twice the size of the american economy, and the indian economy will be almost the same size as the american economy. and we should bear in mind here that these projections were drawn up before the western financial crisis.

结尾:this big ship here was the one sailed in by zheng he in the early 15th century on his great voyages around the south china sea, the east china sea and across the indian ocean to east africa. the little boat in front of it was the one in which, 80 years later, christopher columbus crossed the atlantic. (laughter) or, look carefully at this silk scroll made by zhuzhou in 1368. i think they're playing golf. christ, the chinese even invented golf. welcome to the future. thank you.


开头:中国崛起的英文演讲原文 mr. robert,dear classmates: my speech is china's rise will benefit the whole world. in the past decades,especially after the implementation of reform and opening-up policy,china has witnessed remarkable changes in various fields and has attracted worldwide attention,so a wholly new word 'china's rise'came into being.in the world arena,there are two apparently different viewpoints towards china's rise.some countries subjectively and baselessly think china's rise is horrifying and worrying,they interpret china as a growing monster,putting forward 'china threat theory' to deter or contain this great country.but i hold the totally opposite opinion.

结尾:china knows perfectly that it can't develop in isolation from the rest of the world,so china is more than happy to work with any countries who are willing to adhere to political trust and mutual cooperation.china actively supports solving disputes through dialogue and negotiation in a peaceful way,and it will unswervingly follow the path of peaceful development and stay open and inclusive.our leaders have been reiterating we don't seek hegemony now,and we won't do it either even when china is a developed country. in a word,china's rise is sure to be a good chance for a healthier and richer world.


开头:同志们、朋友们: 今年是世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争胜利70周年,半个多世纪前,在那场世界性的反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗击日本法西斯的时间之长,规模之大,作用之巨,是举世瞩目的,我们可以毫无愧色地说,这是中华民族近百年来蒙受无数屈辱之后,反对外来侵略取得的第一次完全的胜利。



同志们、朋友们:今年是世界反法西斯战争和中国抗日战争胜利70周年,半个多世纪前,在那场世界性的反法西斯战争中,中国人民抗击日本法西斯的时间之长,规模之大,作用之巨,是举世瞩目的,我们可以毫无愧色地说,这是中华民族近百年来蒙受无数屈辱之后,反对外来侵略取得的第一次完全的胜利。时间虽然过去了半个多世纪,但日本帝国主义发动侵华战争,对中国人民犯下的 滔天罪行,我们决不会忘记。他们在中国大地上横行肆虐,所到之处,城市破坏,村庄被毁,生灵涂炭,血流成河。八年抗战中,中国军民死伤人数3500万,直接、间接经济损失达5
