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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:39:32 查看人数:35



开头:the topic of my speech is budgeting for life, get ready from this moment from this penny. some day i went shopping with my roommates, after leaving the check-out counter, i picked one item from a girl’s bag and asked her: ‘hey, it’s pretty wrapped up. how much? ’ after long pause with no response, shamefully she said ‘beats me, i seldom care prices.’ the talk was over then there came the one deserved thinking ---- when we go into raptures at the sight of luxuries, have we ever thought of our finance management?

结尾:ladies and gentlemen, from now on, please reflect on ourselves, stop hankering after material comfort and unrealistic compare. attempt to count every cent and make every cent count, because the future we seek for is well worth today’s efforts.


开头:为生活理财英语演讲稿 the topic of my speech is budgeting for life, get ready from this moment from this penny. some day i went shopping with my roommates, after leaving the check-out counter, i picked one item from a girl’s bag and asked her: ‘hey, it’s pretty wrapped up. how much? ’ after long pause with no response, shamefully she said ‘beats me, i seldom care prices.’ the talk was over then there came the one deserved thinking ---- when we go into raptures at the sight of luxuries, have we ever thought of our finance management?

结尾:ladies and gentlemen, from now on, please reflect on ourselves, stop hankering after material comfort and unrealistic compare. attempt to count every cent and make every cent count, because the future we seek for is well worth today’s efforts.


开头:the topic of my speech is budgeting for life, get ready from this moment from this penny. some day i went shopping with my roommates, after leaving the check-out counter, i picked one item from a girl’s bag and asked her: ‘hey, it’s pretty wrapped up. how much? ’ after long pause with no response, shamefully she said ‘beats me, i seldom care prices.’ the talk was over then there came the one deserved thinking ---- when we go into raptures at the sight of luxuries, have we ever thought of our finance management?

结尾:besides, part-time job is ought to be part of our college life. in terms of money management, part-time job teaches us how challenging to earn money and helps develop thriftiness. in addition, concurrently holding a job and study cultivates us to make sensible use of our time as well as our money. furthermore, we might as well set foot in investment market, not for _____ a fortune, but for more understanding in case of future need.


为生活理财英语演讲稿the topic of my speech is budgeting for life, get ready from this moment from this penny.some day i went shopping with my roommates, after leaving the check-out counter, i picked one item from a girl’s bag and asked her: ‘hey, it’s pretty wrappe
