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发布时间:2024-01-12 19:04:02 查看人数:12



开头:(96年“21世纪杯全国大学生英语演讲比赛”二等奖获得者,北京外国语大学 徐义成) facing this audience on the stage, i have the exciting feeling of participating in the march of history, for what we are facing today is more than a mere competition or contest. it is an assembly of some of china's most talented and motivated people, representatives of a younger generation that are preparing themselves for the coming of a new century.

结尾:we are not going to evade that responsibility. we are going to let people down. and people, far and near, will hear of us. frost will be brought to their backbones and tears to their eyes when our stories are told and retold, so let us go forth, my fellow members of this luckily chosen generation, and meet the new century in victory and glory.


开头:building bridges for the future i’m studying in a city that’s famous for its walls. people who visit my city are amazed at the imposing sight of its walls, especially when silhouetted against the setting sun with gold, shining streaks. the old, cracked bricks are covered with lichens and the walls are weather-beaten guards standing still for centuries.

结尾:and how about the ancient walls of mine and other cities? should we tear them down? definitely not. my city, like beijing and other cities, is actually making a great effort to preserve the walls. these walls attract historians, archaeologists, and many schoolchildren who are trying to study our history and cultural heritage. walls have become bridges to our past and to the rest of the world. if the ancient builders of these walls were still alive today, they would be proud to see such great changes in the role of their walls. they are now bridges that link east and west, south and north, and all countries of the world. our cultural heritage will survive globalization.


开头:change leo tolstoy once said, everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. he is right. we always have great plans and dreams in our minds… too ready to achieve something grand that changes the world or benefits all of mankind .for example; we hate pollution and have made up our minds to find new energy sources that keep the environment clean. yet we still litter on the ground. we complain about traffic jams, so we plan to build more highways to solve the problem, but it never occurs to us that our failure to follow traffic regulations is the leading cause of this situation. we are so concerned that the violence in the media has a bad impact on our children, we urge the government to set laws to protect them. but, do we, as adults, set a good example for our kids? we use nasty words and even spit on the ground in front of them, i dare to say, we harm more!

结尾:朋友,当您在做某一件事情的时候,请您想一想,您的行为会对您周围的人产生怎样的影响, 因为,您的行为不单单影响到您自己,还有您周围的人,更重要的是我们的孩子…甚至我们的世界。 21世纪杯英语风采比赛获奖者演讲稿


开头:ladies and gentlemen: how well are we in tune with the rhythm of life? in our busy day to day existence, we don’t often stop to ask ourselves this question. at least i don’t. and it wasn’t until i joined a competitive sporting event that i learned a most important lesson – we must place our mind in harmony with the natural order of things to be successful.

结尾:ladies and gentlemen, life is like running a marathon, let us discover, define and develop a natural rhythm of life, in order to achieve both harmony and success. thank you for listening.


开头:have you ever bought any food on the train? and do you ask for the receipt after buying it? nowadays, all trains in china provide its passengers with receipts for commodities, but 7 years ago, things were quite different.

结尾:许吉如,女,1992年6月出生,清华大学法学院,20xx年12月获第xx届“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛北京赛区总决赛冠军。 南京申办20xx年青奥会形象大使,20xx年2月随中国代表团赴温哥华申奥。 奥冠体育俱乐部形象大使。 第16届21世纪杯全国英语比赛演讲稿


开头:21世纪杯英语演讲比赛技巧 主要考察选手多方面能力:思维能力、逻辑能力和语言能力。思维能力是指选手在毫无准备的情况下对某一问题的分析能力,对问题理解的深度和宽度等;逻辑能力主要指选手是否有全局观,是否能合理搭筑整个演讲的框架,所阐述观点的层次性是否清晰;而语言能力则是指选手即席用英语进行交流沟通的能力,可检验选手的英语语言熟练度和准确度如何。那么如何应对即兴演讲呢?

结尾:观点本身能够站得住脚,有充足的材料可以说明论证。 承认你的观点有修正和完善的余地。你的观点可能只是你目前认识的一个方面,或者是现阶段你的一种想法,它仍然有完善的余地。


开头:决赛特等奖选手 2023级 陈若曦 honorable judges and dear fellow students, just as most people here,when i first saw the topic reform and opening-up policies,a voice came out,saying what a grand scale!then those big events,such as china's accession to wto,the launch of shenzhou and the submersion of jiaolong flashed through my mind.however,at this moment i stand on the stage as a member of chinese youth,i'm not gonna draw a magnificent blueprint for you.what i exactly want is to find out the relation between chinese youth and this era of reform and opening-up.

结尾:in the end, i have to say that reform and opening-up is a great fortune for every chinese. owing to the window it opens for us, i can now embrace the world. that’s all. thank you. 文字来源:陈若曦 张亦弛


开头:east and west have met runner-up: rui cheng gang, foreign affair college honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: kipling said:' east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!' but now, a century later, they have met.

结尾:在温暖的阳光中,小兔子在等待着我们一起演奏,等待着交响乐开始。 他有必要再永远的等下去吗?决择在于我们自己。谢谢。 21世纪杯学生比赛英语演讲稿范文


