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发布时间:2024-01-16 11:44:12 查看人数:55



开头:中国名人的演讲篇 来到这里我感到非常荣幸。听到这个介绍,我有点疑惑这讲的到底是不是最权威,最具影响力的人物。首先,请允许我介绍一下自己。我是个纯正的中国人。在我小时,曾有许多美国游客来到我的家乡杭州旅游,从他们那儿我自学到了英语。20世纪70年代早期,许多外国游客来中国游览,所以每天早晨我都早起,为他们做了9年的导游。其中3位游客,他们教我英语,我带他们四处游玩。我学到了英语,同时也学到了文化。我学到了该如何从不同的角度思考,因为从他们那里获知的都与我小时在学校里学到的截然不同。父亲和老师告诉我中国是世界上最富裕的国家,我们将解放全人类,就像今天的朝鲜一样。后来我发现其实不然。因此,从那时开始我与大多中国人便有所不同了。人们都说:“杰克,你的思维方式都不像是个中国人了。”不过,美国人都认为我是个地道的中国人。中国人觉得我像个美国人是因为我了解美国的文化。我从未在美国接受过任何训练,但是我学到了很多,互联网的概念就是来自于美国。

结尾:我相信我能做到了,我能做到你们也能做到。所以在这个舞台上,我很期待,期待着一帮年轻人,带着你们的激情,凭着你们的勇气口才与智慧,挽起你们的袖子——来,咱们大干一场,用说话改变你们的命运吧! 谢谢大家!


开头:俞敏洪演讲稿 我也记得自己进北大以前连《红楼梦》都没有读过,所以看到同学们一本一本书在读,我拼命地追赶。结果我在大学差不多读了八百多本书,用了五年时间(掌声)。但是依然没有赶超上我那些同学。我记得我的班长王强是一个书癖,现在他也在新东方,是新东方教育研究院的院长。他每次买书我就跟着他去,当时北大给我们每个月发二十多块钱生活费,王强有个癖好就是把生活费一分为二,一半用来买书,一半用来买饭菜票。买书的钱绝不动用来买饭票。如果他没有饭菜票了就到处借,借不到就到处偷。(笑声)后来我发现他这个习惯很好,我也把我的生活费一份为二,一半用来买书,一半用来买饭菜票,饭票吃完了我就偷他的。(笑声掌声)

结尾:记得我在北大的时候,到大学四年级毕业时,我的成绩依然排在全班最后几名。但是,当时我已经有了一个良好的心态。我知道我在聪明上比不过我的同学,但是我有一种能力,就是持续不断的努力。所以在我们班的毕业典礼上我说了这么一段话,到现在我的同学还能记得,我说:“大家都获得了优异的成绩,我是我们班的落后同学。但是我想让同学们放心,我决不放弃。你们五年干成的事情我干十年,你们十年干成的我干二十年,你们二十年干成的我干四十年”。(掌声)我对他们说:“如果实在不行,我会保持心情愉快、身体健康,到八十岁以后把你们送走了我再走。”(笑声掌声) 俞敏洪演讲稿 ,尽在酷猫写作范文网。


开头:everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful. but what is true beauty? perhaps you can get the answer from the following story. this morning i went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. on the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by. but he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly. we were all very angry with the young man. to our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home. we all praised the girl.

结尾:he readily accepted her offer and both enjoyed a lovely meal. as the evening was drawing to a close the lady said, 'i've had a marvelous evening. would you like to stay the night?' the man hesitated then said, 'do you act like this with every man you meet?' 'no,' she replied, 'only those who catch my eye.'


开头:亲爱的俄罗斯公民! 尊敬的各位来宾! 三军将士们! 今天是伟大胜利的纪念日,是和平的节日,是正义胜利的节日,是善良战胜邪恶、自由战胜暴虐的节日。我向你们表示祝贺。

结尾:今天,我要向所有参加过伟大卫国战争的老战士们深鞠一躬,祝你们健康长寿。 胜利属于老兵! 光荣属于俄罗斯! 祝你们胜利日快乐!


开头:经典名人英语演讲稿范文 asking the devotees of civil rights, 'when will you be satisfied?' we can never be satisfied as long as our bodies, heavy with the fatigue of travel, cannot gain lodging in the motels of the highways and the hotels of the cities. we cannot be satisfied as long as the negro's basic mobility is from a smaller ghetto to a larger one. we can never be satisfied as long as a negro in mississippi cannot vote and a negro in new york believes he has nothing for which to vote. no, no, we are not satisfied, and we will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like waters and righteousnelike a mighty stream.

结尾:in the light of such tragic misunderstanding, i deem it of signal importance to try to state clearly, and i trust concisely, why i believe that the path from dexter avenue baptist church -- the church in montgomery, alabama, where i began my pastorate -- leads clearly to this sanctuary tonight.


开头:英国首相卡梅伦宣布辞职的演讲稿 the country has just taken part in a giant democratic exercise – perhaps the biggest in our history. over 33 million people – from england, scotland, wales, northern ireland and gibraltar – have all had their say.

结尾:and, yes, together, we will make america great again. thank you, god bless you, and god bless america. 是的,没错,携起手来,我们要让美国再次伟大。谢谢。上帝保佑你们,上帝保佑美国。


