英 [mə'nʊvə]
美[mə'nʊvɚ; mə'njʊvɚ]
- n. [军] 机动;演习;策略;调遣
- vi. [军] 机动;演习;调遣;用计谋
- vt. [军] 机动;演习;用计;调遣
- 1. a military training exercise
- 2. a plan for attaining a particular goal
- 3. a deliberate coordinated movement requiring dexterity and skill;
- "he made a great maneuver"
- "the runner was out on a play by the shortstop"
- 4. a move made to gain a tactical end
- 5. an action aimed at evading an opponent
- 1. She tried to maneuver her body into a more comfortable position.
- 她试着把身子挪了挪,换了一个较为舒服的姿势。
- 2. This maneuver of his is a diabolical conspiracy.
- 他这一手是一个居心叵测的大阴谋.
- 3. It's a maneuver to deflect the attention of the people from what is really happening.
- 这是为将公众的注意力从真正发生的事情上转移开而耍的花招。
- 4. The pilot was able to maneuver the crippled aircraft out of the hostile area.
- 飞行员成功地驾驶严重损坏的飞机驶出敌区。
- 5. He executed the same maneuver, easily swinging his boots over the wire.
- 他也照此办理, 穿靴子的脚轻松地迈过铁丝网.
来自英汉文学 - 廊桥遗梦