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发布时间:2022-02-16 20:40:02 查看人数:25



















一.具备比较扎实的计算机基础和软件应用能力.熟悉电脑硬软设备,熟悉其操作平台以及一些相关配置.熟悉office,dreamweaver, potoshop flash cad access 等一些常见可视化操作软件与自学能力较强.对html asp vb vc 等非可视化操作性软件有一定基础性认识.




做事有较好的耐心与严格的自我要求。勤奋好学,注重实践;注重社会分工和团 队协作精神,诚实信用,效率优先,有较强的社会实践性和适应性!




i am a xxxx, enrolled in guangdong vocational college of science and technology, department of computer science, computer application technology.

time flies, just three years of university life is about to pass. in the jingjing campus, the teacher's teaching, the students love and the influence of all aspects, so i got a lot of knowledge, to understand a lot of truth.

in my study career, as an ideal, ambitious, i am in refining a "normal mind, failing to calm, calm" attitude. i am a cheerful person, full of confidence, the courage to challenge themselves, good interpersonal relationships is built on frankness, mutual aid, understanding and communication based on.diligent, respect teachers, unite students, safeguarding collective interests, helpfulness is my learning criteria. i have mastered the specialized knowledge of web production, image processing, database application and analysis, animation, office software, and so on, with my own interest and three years of study and practice. extracurricular also actively read other aspects or related professional books to increase their knowledge. and last year in the "national computer information high-tech" examination, access to "graphic image processing module (photoshop platform) advanced image producer (national vocational qualification three)" certificate. in the computer hardware, i am familiar with its composition principle, can skillfully assemble the computer, independently exclude all kinds of computer failures. and passed the english two tests.

as a graduating college student, i know that three years of university life is only laying the foundation for society, in the future i will face and in the challenges. but i will strength and enthusiasm of the heart to face these challenges, learn from them, enrich themselves, so as to better realize the value of life.


i have been abiding by the rules and regulations of the school since i was admitted to school. i have good ideological and moral qualities, and i have excelled in all aspects. have a strong sense of collective sense of honor and work responsibility, adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts.

three years of university, i have systematically studied the basic theory of the professional knowledge, while the theoretical knowledge applied to practical activities, the knowledge into practical ability, application ability and creativity.and strive to the unity of theory and practice. in the study and master the professional knowledge and application of professional skills, but also strive to broaden their knowledge, develop their own other aspects of ability; in my spare time, i actively participate in physical exercise, enhance physical fitness, but also love labor, actively participate in school to carry out various cultural and sports activities, enrich the extracurricular life, so that they have been in all aspects of the corresponding increase.

i have the advantage of honesty, enthusiasm, character perseverance. i believe that integrity is the conduct of the country, so i have always been to make their own demands, and promised to someone else's work must be completed on time. at the same time i am happy to help others, and the relationship between the students harmonious.

as a xxxx college degree in computer science, what i have is young and knowledgeable. young may mean lack of experience, but young also means enthusiasm and vitality, i am confident that with their own ability and knowledge in the work and life after graduation to overcome difficulties, and constantly realize the value of life and the pursuit of self-goal.


i am a scholar, studied at shijiazhuang university, department of computer science, computer application technology.

time flies, just three years of university life is about to pass. in the jingjing campus, the teacher's teaching, the students love and the influence of all aspects, so i got a lot of knowledge, to understand a lot of truth.

in my study career, as an ideal, ambitious, i am in refining a "normal mind, failing to calm, calm" attitude. i am a cheerful person, full of confidence, the courage to challenge themselves, good interpersonal relationships is built on frankness, mutual aid, understanding and communication based on. diligent, respect teachers, unite students, safeguarding collective interests, helpfulness is my learning criteria. i have mastered the relevant professional knowledge such as web page making, image processing, office software, and so on, with my own interest and three years of study and practice.extracurricular also actively read other aspects or related professional books to increase their knowledge. in computer hardware, i am familiar with its composition principle.

as a graduating college student, i know that three years of university life is only laying the foundation for society, in the future i will face and in the challenges. but i will strength and enthusiasm of the heart to face these challenges, learn from them, enrich themselves, so as to better realize the value of life.











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