timothy edmonds
124 dana avenue,
san jose, ca 95126
telephone no: 408-535-1029
email id: tim.
summary of qualifications :
experienced leader with the skills to manage an organization's day-to-day operations, financial structure and ongoing corporate strategy.
experience :
swingstar directory services (nasdaq: swgs)
san jose, ca
chief executive officer , 1998 - present
lead a $25m a year yellow-pages directory service company with over 200 employees.
conduct analyst conference calls with top wall street investors.
manage an operating budget of near $50 million annually.
oversee all merger and acquisition activity at the corporate level.
orchestrated a significant turn-around since coming on board 4 years ago:
sales up 20% year-over-year, with a projected 20xx run rate of $31 million.
compounded stock-price increase of 30% and more media coverage.
reduction of 10% in operating costs by eliminating redundancies.
recruited a top team of management talent and an effective board of directors.
tapped former executives of fortune 100 companies to make a move to swgs.
bell north telecommunications san francisco, ca
executive vice-president, strategy 1990 - 1998
managed all strategic initiatives for a $1 billion in revenue telecom company.
oversaw over five major strategic acquisitions and implementations.
advised other top executives on the firms' strategic direction.
sat on the company's board of directors.
created all strategic roadmaps for future growth and income.
commission business plans and market assessment studies for growth.
worked with the cfo to devise appropriate capital financing for deals.
other positions held:
director of corporate communications, axtell, inc. 1987 - 1990
senior auditor, ernst and young, 1982 - 1987
auditor, ernst and young. 1977-1980
education : stanford university
palo alto, ca
mba; concentrations in finance and accounting
1980 - 1982 depaul university
chicago, il bs; accounting 1973 - 1977
姓 名:
性 别: 男
年 龄: 27岁
婚姻状况: 未婚
最高学历: 本科
工作年限: 2年
政治面貌: 共青团员
现居城市: 广州
籍 贯: 广州
工作类型: 全职
期望薪资: 3000-5000元
工作地点: 广州市
求职行业: 金融保险、证券、期货
求职职位: 其他经营管理
2013-03 - 2014-03中国邮政储蓄银行广州花都支行 零售客户经理
工作描述: 1.每月可较好地完成100万元余额任务,2013年春节新增余额600万元. 2.完成每月100万元理财、30万元保险、10万基金产品销售任务。 3.通过对周边社区、商圈进行市场外拓,邮储银行pos机月均30台、代发工资月均2户。
2012-12 - 2013-03 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 大堂经理
工作描述: 在网点引导与分流客户,做好日常客户维护工作;协助支行长进行市场开拓,新客户开发、存量客户资产升级;
2012-09 - 2012-12 中国邮政储蓄银行花都区××路支行 柜员
工作描述: 负责客户的柜面业务操作、查询、储蓄、开户、电子银行
2008-09 - 2012-06 东北财经大学 金融学 本科
专业描述: 货币银行学 金融机构管理 国际金融 公司金融 风险管理 期货及衍生品 投资学 计量经济学 商务沟通 管理学 统计学
英语 良好
2013-08 银行从业资格证书
2013-01 基金销售从业资格证书
2013-01 保险代理从业资格证书
2010-09 大学英语六级
2011-09 计算机二级
喜欢与人打交道,性格外向,乐于团队合作,抗压能力强。 对金融行业,尤其是小企业融资有浓厚的兴趣。