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发布时间:2022-01-02 15:37:08 查看人数:72




姓 名:王锐 政治面貌:入党积极分子

性 别:男 学 历: 2010级安徽财经大学本科

年龄:22 系 别: 会计系

民 族: 汉 专 业: 会计学

藉 贯:江苏苏州 健康状况: 良好


主 修 课:财政学,会计学,管理学,财务管理,金融学,计算机, 成本会计,审计学


选 修 课:证券分析学,市场营销学,国际贸易与经济学,期货投资与实务,西方经济学

实 习:photoshop,ae影音制作,falsh,网页制作,证券投资分析,会计分岗实训

◆ 专业技能:


◆ 外语水平:

2010年通过国家大学英语四级考试, 2011年通过国家大学英语六级考试。 有较强的听说读写能力。

◆ 主要社会工作:


◆ 兴趣与特长:




◆ 个人荣誉:



◆ 主要优点:




◆ 自我评价


◆ 求职意向




autobiographical statement

i was born on december 6, 1967 in shijiazhuang, the largest city in hebei, china. i lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. in september 1984, i was admitted to tianjin finance and economics college after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. in the four years that followed, i studied in the department of accounting and statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in june 1988. in august 1988. i began to work in business and was an assistant at da xing enterprise corp. since november 1980, i have been working with electronic memories & magnetics corp. at first. i was a junior accountant; then successively i became assistant to accounting manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).the attached personal data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. as a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. i have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. this, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. to meet the needs of career development in the future, i have decided to continue my education. my plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an mba degree in the field of accounting. most business firms in china are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. my proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position.<>

【第3篇】英文 会计系毕业生个人简历


autobiographical statement

i was born on december 6, 1967 in shijiazhuang, the largest city in hebei, china. i lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. in september 1984, i was admitted to tianjin finance and economics college after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. in the four years that followed, i studied in the department of accounting and statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in june 1988. in august 1988. i began to work in business and was an assistant at da xing enterprise corp. since november 1980, i have been working with electronic memories & magnetics corp. at first. i was a junior accountant; then successively i became assistant to accounting manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).the attached personal data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. as a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. i have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. this, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. to meet the needs of career development in the future, i have decided to continue my education. my plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an mba degree in the field of accounting. most business firms in china are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. my proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position.<>

【第4篇】会计系毕业生个人简历 英文版


autobiographical statement

i was born on december 6, 1967 in shijiazhuang, the largest city in hebei, china. i lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. in september 1984, i was admitted to tianjin finance and economics college after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. in the four years that followed, i studied in the department of accounting and statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in june 1988. in august 1988. i began to work in business and was an assistant at da xing enterprise corp. since november 1980, i have been working with electronic memories & magnetics corp. at first. i was a junior accountant; then successively i became assistant to accounting manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).the attached personal data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. as a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. i have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. this, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. to meet the needs of career development in the future, i have decided to continue my education. my plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an mba degree in the field of accounting. most business firms in china are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. my proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position.<>



autobiographical statement

i was born on december 6, 1967 in shijiazhuang, the largest city in hebei, china. i lived there until completion of senior high school study in 1984. in september 1984, i was admitted to tianjin finance and economics college after successful performance in the competitive college entrance examination. in the four years that followed, i studied in the department of accounting and statistics of that college and obtained a diploma in june 1988. in august 1988. i began to work in business and was an assistant at da xing enterprise corp. since november 1980, i have been working with electronic memories & magnetics corp. at first. i was a junior accountant; then successively i became assistant to accounting manager, accountant, and senior accountant (present position).the attached personal data gives a detailed account of my work experiences. as a result of my six and a half years of experience in accounting. i have become thoroughly familiar with accounting operations in medium size business firms. this, however, can not satisfy my ambition and desire for knowledge. to meet the needs of career development in the future, i have decided to continue my education. my plans are first to complete baccalaureate study, and then to work toward an mba degree in the field of accounting. most business firms in china are expanding, and many new companies are being set up every month. my proposed study will no doubt reinforce my qualification for a more gainful executive position.<>




  • 会计系个人简历范文(5篇范文)
  • 会计系个人简历范文(5篇范文)72人关注

    ◆个人资料:姓名:王锐政治面貌:入党积极分子性别:男学历:2010级安徽财经大学本科年龄:22系别:会计系民族:汉专业:会计学藉贯:江苏苏州健康状况:良好◆知识结构主修课:财政… ...[更多]