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发布时间:2022-02-23 12:46:02 查看人数:91





in the exam just finished, i failed in the english exam. i don't want to find any reason to excuse myself, because it is wrong, it is wrong, to find reasons to escape, only to make myself deeper and deeper. it becomes a habit to pass the buck, and this habit is hard to change.

i knew the teacher had great expectations for me, but i still didn't do well. i'm sorry about that. but since i have made mistakes, i have to correct them. therefore, i also think a lot of things to learn after passing the exam.

first of all, i want to break the bad habit of not reading the subject carefully. sometimes i tend to look ahead and write down the questions in front of them, but they are a lot wrong. this may also be related to the answer technique. in a word, through the following practice, i must carefully examine the topic in the course of the exam, self-study, read the questions, and look at the topic. when time permits, you should check it a few times and never allow yourself to repeat the same mistakes.

test skills are in practice. in life, i also need to strengthen my own practice and review, before the exam, make a thorough study, no more busy, no direction. learn to accumulate in daily life, and then do more grammar projects. you should also practice the exercises. at ordinary times to recite the words, read more excellent, improve their own level.

after all, this exam is not a final exam. i still have a chance. next time, i will try harder to keep my teachers, parents and classmates from being disappointed. don't let yourself down.

review: xxx

20xx (xx) xx day.




考试技巧贵在练习。生活之中,我还要多多加强自己的练习和复习,考试之前制定周详的,不再手忙脚乱,没有方向。平日生活学习中学会积累,然后多做语法项目。对做等练习题也要多加练习。 平时有空就背单词,多读优秀的,提高自己的水平。





due to the lack of discipline in my discipline this afternoon, i missed the english class in section 5, section 5. when i got angry with the teacher, i thought deeply about it and realized how badly i had made a mistake.

although i got only two english classes, but it is the two english classes absent, i not only violates the school discipline, hurt the heart of the english teacher, and also angered the xx teacher (called you write written self criticism), and make you angry, the worst is that i destroyed the class collective honor and discipline, to the class with black, among the teacher and the students had a very bad effect.

i was a college youth, should be in the age of the teacher don't have to worry about tired, but now because of my lazy and lax, kuang's english class this afternoon, i felt very ashamed. english teacher worked diligently for our class, but i was absent due to personal lazy, lazy in the dormitory, made the teacher angry, i realized i made serious mistakes, now i solemnly to you with english teacher review, hope you can forgive me. i am very ashamed and sorry for my absenteeism, i admit my mistake.

teacher, i hereby assure you that from today on, i will take a serious class, no longer play truant, and no longer violate the discipline of the school and the class, strictly observe the school rules, and start over again. teacher, i deeply realized that i made a mistake, today's things i'll never forget also dare not to forget, teacher, i'm sorry, i will strictly abide by the class discipline and behave well, strive for correct mistakes, and change the impression of my my teachers and classmates. if there is a recidivism, please punish the teacher again, ask the teacher to give me a chance to correct, i will definitely change the loose discipline. please look at my performance!

review: xxx

20xx (xx) xx day.










dear teachers,


i am in class * * * * * *, i am very guilty and twelve. very sorry to write the written self criticism, to say to you i to fight the bad behaviour of deep hatred and killing nor discipline determined to. i regret the fighting that happened yesterday. as a student in school, it is wrong to fight. as a student, we must have the appearance of students, unity, fraternity, is our duty. impulse cant solve anything, it can be self-defeating, damaging the relationship, losing the trust of the teacher. i feel guilty about what i do. here, write this book to show remorse.

thats what happened, and though it wasnt me, it was my fault. no matter what happens, calm and understanding, can be small, small matter. more is better than none. as a student, learn to learn, and to know how to be a strong person in life. i should face it calmly. a fight is a temporary solution, but it doesnt solve the problem. the fight not only lost face, but also to the school, teachers, class and parents, face smear. students should have the responsibility of the students, after the other people, but i happened to his body, this kind of social habits, no quality performance, is really should not happen at school, im ashamed of what i have and im sorry.

after profound self-reflection, i decided to have the following personal correction measures:

1. submit a thorough review of the contents as required, and make a deep excavation of the root causes of the errors in your thoughts, and recognize the serious consequences that may be caused by them.

2. ideological awareness is not high, and serious deficiencies are emphasized in important matters. even if there is a recognition, there is no real implementation of the action.

dont talk back to your teacher at any time or anywhere.

4. raise awareness, grasp implementation, and vigorously develop criticism and self-criticism.

if you are ashamed, you will mend your ways. i want to take this fight as a mirror to constantly review myself, criticism and education myself, consciously accept the supervision. through this incident, i will raise my awareness and strengthen the responsibility measures. i have the determination and confidence to make me learn better! now that i have realized my mistake, i intend to correct the bad habit in the future and adjust my attitude to the future.

i made a promise to the school that i would never be so reckless again. there is nothing to report to the school teacher in the first place. i hope this teacher can give me leniency!



student: * * *

_____* _____ day.





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