第1篇 英语演讲稿:善意的谎言
ladies and gentelmen,
honored guests and visitors:
thank you for being here today.
i'll be discussing white lies.
i think they're important and necessary.
i feel they're perfectly ok to say.
yhey protect and preserve.
they bring comfort and joy.
here's why we tell white lies.
first,white lies protect the innocent.
they hide painful truths.
they help avoid heartache and suffering.
they can lessen a tragedy.
they can mask an ugly mess.
white lies are often better than the truth.
white lies can comfort a child.
they can dignify the elderly.
they can even console the broken-hearted.
second,white lies give encouragement.
they often give hope.
they can inspire,motivate and uplift.
they are potent psychology.
they can trun a life around.
they can even work miracles sometimes.
teachers use them with failing students.
parents try them with troublesome kids.
doctors tell them to the terminally ill.
third,white lies bring happiness.
they are a delightful gift.
they can really cheer people up.
they are thoughtful and considerate.
they are kind-hearted and polite.
white lies are effective praise.
they bring enjoyment to kids.
they introducemagic and fantasy.
thanks to white lies we have fairy tales like santa claus.
fourth,white lies are part of our culture.
white lies are inevitable.
here are six white lies!
第2篇 诚信演讲稿:一句谎言就能毁掉人
中国素以 文明古国,礼仪之邦 闻名于世。明礼诚信,自古以来就是中华民族的传统美德,也是社会公德的重要内容。它包含了 明礼 和 诚信 两个内容。明礼 就是讲文明、懂礼仪,如爱护公共财物、遵守交通规则等。诚信 就是指诚实守信,表里如一,言行一致。
孔子说过: 人而无信,不知其可也。它表达了诚信的重要性。无诚则无德,无信事难成。范文top100下面,我给大家讲两个关于诚信的故事。
而同样在商鞅 立木为信 的地方,却曾经发生过一场 烽火戏诸侯 的闹剧。
周幽王为博取宠妃的一笑,下令在都城附近20多座烽火台上点起烽火 烽火是边关报*的信号,只有在外敌入侵需要救援的时候才能点燃。结果诸侯们见到烽火,率领将士们匆匆赶到,当大家弄明白这是君王为博妻一笑的骗局后,都愤然离去。五年后,敌人大举攻周,幽王再次点燃烽火,而诸侯都没有来 谁也不愿再上第二次当了。结果幽王被逼自刎。
一个 立木取信,一诺千金;一个帝王无信,戏玩 狼来了 的游戏。范文写作结果前者变法成功,国强势壮;后者自取其辱,身死国亡。可见,诚信是一个国家,一个社会,一个民族生存的必备条件。
然而,在我们身边缺失诚信的事情却时有发生:虚假广告横行天下;劣质商品充斥市场;**生****现象严重;豆腐渣 工程造成无数人间悲剧 因此,在社会主义文明高度发展、人与人相处难见真情的今天,诚信品质尤为重要。
第3篇 善意的谎言演讲稿范文
第4篇 《有魔力的真实谎言》英文演讲稿
so the type of magic i like, and i'm a magician, is a magic that uses technology to create illusions. so i would like to show you something i've been working on. it's an application that i think will be useful for artists -- multimedia artists in particular. it synchronizes videos across multiple screens of mobile devices. and i borrowed these three ipods from people here in the audience to show you what i mean. and i'm going to use them to tell you a little bit about my favorite subject: deception.
one of my favorite magicians is karl germain. he had this wonderful trick where a rosebush would bloom right in front of your eyes. but it was his production of a butterfly that was the most beautiful.
(recording) announcer: ladies and gentlemen, the creation of life.
marco tempest: when asked about deception, he said this:
announcer: magic is the only honest profession. a magician promises to deceive you -- and he does.
mt: i like to think of myself as an honest magician. i use a lot of tricks, which means that sometimes i have to lie to you. now i feel bad about that. but people lie every day.
(ringing) hold on.
girl in phone: hey, where are you?
mt: stuck in traffic. i'll be there soon. you've all done it.
lady: i'll be ready in just a minute, darling.
man: it's just what i've always wanted.
woman: you were great.
mt: deception, it's a fundamental part of life. now polls show that men tell twice as many lies as women -- assuming the women they ask told the truth.
we deceive to gain advantage and to hide our weaknesses. the chinese general sun tzu said that all war was based on deception. oscar wilde said the same thing of romance.
some people deceive for money. let's play a game. three cards, three chances.
announcer: one five will get you 10, 10 will get you 20. now where's the lady? where is the queen?
mt: this one? sorry. you lose. well, i didn't deceive you. you deceived yourself. self-deception. that's when we convince ourselves that a lie is the truth. sometimes it's hard to tell the two apart. compulsive gamblers are experts at self-deception. (slot machine noise) they believe they can win. they forget the times they lose.
the brain is very good at forgetting. bad experiences are quickly forgotten. bad experiences quickly disappear. which is why in this vast and lonely cosmos, we are so wonderfully optimistic. our self-deception becomes a positive illusion -- why movies are able to take us onto extraordinary adventures; why we believe romeo when he says he loves juliet; and why single notes of music, when played together, become a sonata and conjure up meaning.
that's "clair de lune." its composer called debussy said that art was the greatest deception of all. art is a deception that creates real emotions -- a lie that creates a truth. and when you give yourself over to that deception, it becomes magic.
thank you. thank you very much.