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第1篇 2020北大才女王帆演讲稿
















谢谢大家!谢谢老师! 王帆,女,辽宁本溪人,1988年12月生,江湖雅号“小帆老师”,学而思网校初中语文明星教师,研究生毕业于北京大学艺术学院戏剧影视学专业,台湾东海大学中文系研究生交换生。下面是小编整理的20xx北大才女王帆演讲稿,欢迎你的阅读。


第2篇 1957年的女王圣诞演讲稿

happy christmas.

twenty-five years ago my grandfather broadcast the first of these christmas messages. today is another landmark because television has made it possible for many of you to see me in your homes on christmas day. my own family often gather round to watch television as they are this moment, and that is how i imagine you now.

i very much hope that this new medium will make my christmas message more personal and direct.

it is inevitable that i should seem a rather remote figure to many of you. a successor to the kings and queens of history; someone whose face may be familiar in newspapers and films but who never really touches your personal lives. but now at least for a few minutes i welcome you to the peace of my own home.

that it is possible for some of you to see me today is just another example of the speed at which things are changing all around us. because of these changes i am not surprised that many people feel lost and unable to decide what to hold on to and what to discard. how to take advantage of the new life without losing the best of the old.

but it is not the new inventions which are the difficulty. the trouble is caused by unthinking people who carelessly throw away ageless ideals as if they were old and outworn machinery.

they would have religion thrown aside, morality in personal and public life made meaningless, honestly counted as foolishness and self-interest set up in place of self-restraint.

at this critical moment in our history we will certainly lose the trust and respect of the world if we just abandon those fundamental principles which guided the men and women who built the greatness of this country and commonwealth.

today we need a special kind of courage, not the kind needed in battle but a kind which makes us stand up for everything that we know is right, everything that is true and honest. we need the kind of courage that can withstand the subtle corruption of the cynics so that we can show the world that we are not afraid of the future.

it has always been easy to hate and destroy. to build and to cherish is much more difficult. that is why we can take a pride in the new commonwealth we are building.

this year ghana and malaya joined our brotherhood. both these countries are now entirely self-governing. both achieved their new status amicably and peacefully.

this advance is a wonderful tribute to the efforts of men of goodwill who have worked together as friends, and i welcome these two countries with all my heart.

last october i opened the new canadian parliament, and as you know this was the first time that any sovereign had done so in ottawa. once again i was overwhelmed by the loyalty and enthusiasm of my canadian people.

also during 1957 my husband and i paid visits to portugal, france, denmark and the united states of america. in each case the arrangements and formalities were managed with great skill but no one could have 'managed' the welcome we received from the people.

in each country i was welcomed as head of the commonwealth and as your representative. these nations are our friends largely because we have always tried to do our best to be honest and kindly and because we have tried to stand up for what we believe to be right.

in the old days the monarch led his soldiers on the battlefield and his leadership at all times was close and personal.

today things are very different. i cannot lead you into battle, i do not give you laws or administer justice but i can do something else, i can give you my heart and my devotion to these old islands and to all the peoples of our brotherhood of nations.

i believe in our qualities and in our strength, i believe that together we can set an example to the world which will encourage upright people everywhere.

i would like to read you a few lines from 'pilgrim's progress', because i am sure we can say with mr valiant for truth, these words:

"though with great difficulty i am got hither, yet now i do not repent me of all the trouble i have been at to arrive where i am. my sword i give to him that shall succeed me in my pilgrimage and my courage and skill to him that can get it. my marks and scars i carry with me, to be a witness for me that i have fought his battles who now will be my rewarder."

i hope that 1958 may bring you god's blessing and all the things you long for.

and so i wish you all, young and old, wherever you may be, all the fun and enjoyment, and the peace of a very happy christmas.

第3篇 英国女王伊丽莎白二世2019年圣诞节英语演讲稿

i once knew someone who spent a year in a plaster cast recovering from an operation onhis back. he read a lot, and thought a lot, and felt miserable.

later, he realised this time of forced retreat from the world had helped him to understandthe world more clearly.

we all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. with so manydistractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. be it through contemplation,prayer, or even keeping a diary, many have found the practice of quiet personal reflectionsurprisingly rewarding, even discovering greater spiritual depth to their lives.

reflection can take many forms. when families and friends come together at christmas, it’soften a time for happy memories and reminiscing. our thoughts are with those we have lovedwho are no longer with us. we also remember those who through doing their duty cannot be athome for christmas, such as workers in essential or emergency services.

and especially at this time of year we think of the men and women serving overseas in ourarmed forces. we are forever grateful to all those who put themselves at risk to keep us safe.

service and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear; they have an enduringvalue which spans the generations.

i myself had cause to reflect this year, at westminster abbey, on my own pledge ofservice made in that great church on coronation day sixty years earlier.

the anniversary reminded me of the remarkable changes that have occurred since thecoronation, many of them for the better; and of the things that have remained constant, suchas the importance of family, friendship and good neighbourliness.

but reflection is not just about looking back. i and many others are looking forward to thecommonwealth games in glasgow next year.

the baton relay left london in october and is now the other side of the world, on its wayacross seventy nations and territories before arriving in scotland next summer. its journey is areminder that the commonwealth can offer us a fresh view of life.

my son charles summed this up at the recent meeting in sri lanka. he spoke of thecommonwealth’s “family ties” that are a source of encouragement to many. like any familythere can be differences of opinion. but however strongly they’re expressed they are heldwithin the common bond of friendship and shared experiences.

here at home my own family is a little larger this christmas.

as so many of you will know, the arrival of a baby gives everyone the chance tocontemplate the future with renewed happiness and hope. for the new parents, life will neverbe quite the same again!

as with all who are christened, george was baptised into a joyful faith of christian dutyand service. after the christening, we gathered for the traditional photograph.

it was a happy occasion, bringing together four generations.

in the year ahead, i hope you will have time to pause for moments of quiet reflection. asthe man in the plaster cast discovered, the results can sometimes be surprising.

for christians, as for all people of faith, reflection, meditation and prayer help us torenew ourselves in god’s love, as we strive daily to become better people. the christmasmessage shows us that this love is for everyone. there is no one beyond its reach.

on the first christmas, in the fields above bethlehem, as they sat in the cold of nightwatching their resting sheep, the local shepherds must have had no shortage of time forreflection. suddenly all this was to change. these humble shepherds were the first to hearand ponder the wondrous news of the birth of christ - the first noel - the joy of which wecelebrate today.

i wish you all a very happy christmas.

第4篇 英国女王2019年英国议会开幕英语演讲稿

my lords and members of the house of commons.

my government will legislate in the interests of everyone in our country. it will adopt a onenation approach, helping working people get on, supporting aspiration, giving newopportunities to the most disadvantaged and bringing different parts of our country together.

my government will continue with its long-term plan to provide economic stability andsecurity at every stage of life. they will continue the work of bringing the public finances undercontrol and reducing the deficit, so britain lives within its means. measures will be introducedto raise the productive potential of the economy and increase living standards.

legislation will be brought forward to help achieve full employment and provide more peoplewith the security of a job. new duties will require my ministers to report annually on jobcreation and apprenticeships. measures will also be introduced to reduce regulation on smallbusinesses so they can create jobs.

legislation will be brought forward to ensure people working 30 hours a week on the nationalminimum wage do not pay income tax, and to ensure there are no rises in income tax rates,value added tax or national insurance for the next 5 years.

measures will be brought forward to help working people by greatly increasing the provision offree childcare.

legislation will be introduced to support home ownership and give housing associationtenants the chance to own their own home.

measures will be introduced to increase energy security and to control immigration. mygovernment will bring forward legislation to reform trade unions and to protect essentialpublic services against strikes.

to give new opportunities to the most disadvantaged, my government will expand thetroubled families programme and continue to reform welfare, with legislation encouragingemployment by capping benefits and requiring young people to earn or learn.

legislation will be brought forward to improve schools and give every child the best start in life,with new powers to take over failing and coasting schools and create more academies.

in england, my government will secure the future of the national health service byimplementing the national health service’s own 5 year plan, by increasing the health budget,integrating healthcare and social care, and ensuring the national health service works on a 7day basis. measures will be introduced to improve access to general practitioners and to mentalhealthcare.

measures will also be brought forward to secure the real value of the basic state pension, sothat more people live in dignity and security in retirement. measures will be brought forwardto increase the rights of victims of crime.

to bring different parts of our country together, my government will work to bring about abalanced economic recovery. legislation will be introduced to provide for the devolution ofpowers to cities with elected metro mayors, helping to build a northern powerhouse.

my government will continue to legislate for high-speed rail links between the different parts ofthe country.

my government will also bring forward legislation to secure a strong and lastingconstitutional settlement, devolving wide-ranging powers to scotland and wales. legislationwill be taken forward giving effect to the stormont house agreement in northern ireland.

my government will continue to work in cooperation with the devolved administrations on thebasis of mutual respect.

my government will bring forward changes to the standing orders of the house of commons.these changes will create fairer procedures to ensure that decisions affecting england, orengland and wales, can be taken only with the consent of the majority of members ofparliament representing constituencies in those parts of our united kingdom.

my government will renegotiate the united kingdom’s relationship with the european union andpursue reform of the european union for the benefit of all member states.

alongside this, early legislation will be introduced to provide for an in-out referendum onmembership of the european union before the end of 2019.

measures will also be brought forward to promote social cohesion and protect people bytackling extremism. new legislation will modernise the law on communications data, improvethe law on policing and criminal justice, and ban the new generation of psychoactive drugs.

my government will bring forward proposals for a british bill of rights.

members of the house of commons.

estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

my lords and members of the house of commons

my government will continue to play a leading role in global affairs, using its presence all overthe world to re-engage with and tackle the major international security, economic andhumanitarian challenges.

my ministers will remain at the forefront of the nato alliance and of international efforts todegrade and ultimately defeat terrorism in the middle east.

the united kingdom will continue to seek a political settlement in syria, and will offer furthersupport to the iraqi government’s programme for political reform and national reconciliation.

my government will maintain pressure on russia to respect the territorial integrity andsovereignty of ukraine, and will insist on the full implementation of the minsk agreements.

my government looks forward to an enhanced partnership with india and china.

prince philip and i look forward to our state visit to germany next month and to our state visitto malta in november, alongside the commonwealth heads of government meeting. we alsolook forward to welcoming his excellency the president of the people’s republic of china andmadame peng on a state visit in october.

my government will seek effective global collaboration to sustain economic recovery andto combat climate change, including at the climate change conference in paris later this year.

my government will undertake a full strategic defence and security review, and do whatever isnecessary to ensure that our courageous armed forces can keep britain safe.

my government will work to reduce the threat from nuclear weapons, cyber attacks andterrorism.

other measures will be laid before you.

my lords and members of the house of commons

i pray that the blessing of almighty god may rest upon your counsels.

第5篇 英国女王伊丽莎白二世1986年圣诞英语演讲稿

every year, this christmas party is held for the children of the people living in the mews ofbuckingham palace. everyone seems to be enjoying it. usually, we're lucky with the weather,but tonight it seems a bit more like a typical english winter. the children have been waiting forthe usual buildup of excitement and expectation for father christmas to arrive, no doubt,wondering what he's brought with him in his sack.

for the children, the party and the meeting with father christmas are perhaps the mostexciting part of the evening.

but i hope that a walk through the stables also helps to bring the traditional story alive forthem. i hope it also helps them to realise how fortunate they are to have comfortable homesand warm beds to go to, unlike the holy family, who had to share with the animals becausethere was no room at the inn.

christmas is a festival for all christians, but it is particularly a festival for children. as we allknow, it commemorates the birth of a child, who was born to ordinary people, and who grew upvery simply in his own small home town and was trained to be a carpenter.

his life thus began in humble surroundings, in fact, in a stable, but he was to have aprofound influence on the course of history, and on the lives of generations of his followers.you don't have to be rich or powerful in order to change things for the better and each of us inour own way can make a contribution.

the infant jesus was fortunate in one very important respect. his parents were loving andconsiderate. they did their utmost to protect him from harm. they left their own home andbecame refugees to save him from king herod, and they brought him up according to thetraditions of their faith.

on this birthday festival, which we try to make an occasion of happiness for our own families,we must not forget those children who are the victims of ill treatment or neglect.

it is no easy task to care for and bring up children, whatever your circumstances – whether youare famous or quite unknown. but we could all help by letting the spirit of christmas fill ourhomes with love and care and by heeding our lord's injunction to treat others as you wouldlike them to treat you.

when, as the bible says, christ grew in wisdom and understanding, he began his task ofexplaining and teaching just what it is that god wants from us.

the two lessons that he had for us, which he underlined in everything he said and did, are themessages of god's love and how essential it is that we, too, should love other people.

there are many serious and threatening problems in this country and in the world, but theywill never be solved until there is peace in our homes and love in our hearts.

the message which god sent us by christ's life and example is a very simple one, even thoughit seems so difficult to put into practice.

to all of you, of every faith and race, i send my best wishes for a time of peace and tranquilitywith your families at this festival of christmas. a very happy christmas to you all.

第6篇 英国女王伊丽莎白二世在德国总统府欢迎国宴上英语演讲稿

mr president,

prince philip and i would like to thank you and frau schadt for the warm welcome you havegiven us at the start of our fifth state visit to germany. in the 50 years since our first visit, ourcountries have lived through many profound changes. i am very glad to record that one of theirreversible changes for the better in my lifetime has been in the relationship between theunited kingdom and germany.

mr president, it falls to a head of state to lead a nation in the marking of anniversaries. everymonth this year we commemorate either the centenary of a momentous event in the firstworld war; the 70th anniversary of a milestone at the end of the second world war; or, herein germany, 25 years of reunification following the fall of the wall which divided this city andthis nation for so long.

but, tonight, i would also like to cast back rather further in time. last week in a water-meadow by the river thames, i attended an event to celebrate the 800th anniversary of themagna carta. of course, in common with other events in our remote history, the precise factsof 1215 are disputed. the consequences of the agreement between king john and his barons,however, are not disputed: for the first time we established in england that no man should beabove the law and that individuals as well as rulers have rights. thus began the long, slow andinterrupted process of our country's evolution into a democracy.

tomorrow i shall visit st paul's church, where the first freely-elected legislature in germanymet in 1848. the frankfurt parliament turned out to be a false dawn; it took another centuryand the loss of the most terrible wars in history to set germany on the path of democracy.

earlier this year my cousins visited germany to mark with you, mr president, more recent andpainful anniversaries. the duke of kent visited dresden and the duke of gloucester visitedbergen-belsen. i myself shall visit bergen-belsen on friday. these visits underline the completereconciliation between our countries.

germany has reconciled with all her neighbours. i pay tribute to the work of the germanstatesmen since the second world war who reinvented germany and helped to rebuild europe.i met chancellor adenauer at windsor in 1958. he rejected the idea of a neutral germany,preferring to anchor germany in the west. his successors took up the challenge of unitinggermany as a member of all the institutions of europe and the west.

since 1945 the united kingdom has determined to number among germany's very strongestfriends in europe. in the intervening decades, britain and germany have achieved so much byworking together. i have every confidence that we will continue to do so in the years ahead.

since berlin and germany were reunited there has been much to celebrate. today i cruisedwith you, mr president, along the spree. i saw fewer cranes than when i was last here in 2019.but still the most magnificent element of berlin's skyline is the reichstag dome, an enduringreminder of our cultural cooperation. our work together includes every part of life, frompolitics to commerce, from industry to every aspect of the arts, in particular, music,museums and education.

we also saw a wonderful example of partnership in education and science during our visit to thetechnical university this afternoon. the enthusiasm and interest our students and youngpeople have for each other's ideas and work is our greatest asset: the next generation is at easewith itself and with contemporaries across europe in a way that was never the case before.

the united kingdom has always been closely involved in its continent. even when our mainfocus was elsewhere in the world, our people played a key part in europe. in the nineteenthcentury in the russian empire a welsh engineer called john hughes founded a mining townwhich is now donetsk in ukraine. and in the seventeenth century a scottish publican calledrichard cant moved his family to pomerania; his son moved further east to memel and hisgrandson then moved south to k?nigsberg, where richard's great-grandson, immanuel kant,was born.

in our lives, mr president, we have seen the worst but also the best of our continent. we havewitnessed how quickly things can change for the better. but we know that we must work hardto maintain the benefits of the post-war world. we know that division in europe is dangerousand that we must guard against it in the west as well as in the east of our continent. thatremains a common endeavour.

ladies and gentlemen, i ask you to rise and drink a toast to the president and the people ofgermany.




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