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发布时间:2023-06-06 16:58:02 查看人数:47


第1篇 英国女王伊丽莎白二世2019年圣诞节英语演讲稿

i once knew someone who spent a year in a plaster cast recovering from an operation onhis back. he read a lot, and thought a lot, and felt miserable.

later, he realised this time of forced retreat from the world had helped him to understandthe world more clearly.

we all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. with so manydistractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock. be it through contemplation,prayer, or even keeping a diary, many have found the practice of quiet personal reflectionsurprisingly rewarding, even discovering greater spiritual depth to their lives.

reflection can take many forms. when families and friends come together at christmas, it’soften a time for happy memories and reminiscing. our thoughts are with those we have lovedwho are no longer with us. we also remember those who through doing their duty cannot be athome for christmas, such as workers in essential or emergency services.

and especially at this time of year we think of the men and women serving overseas in ourarmed forces. we are forever grateful to all those who put themselves at risk to keep us safe.

service and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear; they have an enduringvalue which spans the generations.

i myself had cause to reflect this year, at westminster abbey, on my own pledge ofservice made in that great church on coronation day sixty years earlier.

the anniversary reminded me of the remarkable changes that have occurred since thecoronation, many of them for the better; and of the things that have remained constant, suchas the importance of family, friendship and good neighbourliness.

but reflection is not just about looking back. i and many others are looking forward to thecommonwealth games in glasgow next year.

the baton relay left london in october and is now the other side of the world, on its wayacross seventy nations and territories before arriving in scotland next summer. its journey is areminder that the commonwealth can offer us a fresh view of life.

my son charles summed this up at the recent meeting in sri lanka. he spoke of thecommonwealth’s “family ties” that are a source of encouragement to many. like any familythere can be differences of opinion. but however strongly they’re expressed they are heldwithin the common bond of friendship and shared experiences.

here at home my own family is a little larger this christmas.

as so many of you will know, the arrival of a baby gives everyone the chance tocontemplate the future with renewed happiness and hope. for the new parents, life will neverbe quite the same again!

as with all who are christened, george was baptised into a joyful faith of christian dutyand service. after the christening, we gathered for the traditional photograph.

it was a happy occasion, bringing together four generations.

in the year ahead, i hope you will have time to pause for moments of quiet reflection. asthe man in the plaster cast discovered, the results can sometimes be surprising.

for christians, as for all people of faith, reflection, meditation and prayer help us torenew ourselves in god’s love, as we strive daily to become better people. the christmasmessage shows us that this love is for everyone. there is no one beyond its reach.

on the first christmas, in the fields above bethlehem, as they sat in the cold of nightwatching their resting sheep, the local shepherds must have had no shortage of time forreflection. suddenly all this was to change. these humble shepherds were the first to hearand ponder the wondrous news of the birth of christ - the first noel - the joy of which wecelebrate today.

i wish you all a very happy christmas.

第2篇 伦敦市长鲍里斯·约翰逊在2019英国保守*年会英语演讲稿

good morning everyone. good god …good morning everybody, thank you very much.please, please take your seats,we’ve got a lot to get through. good morning everybody inmanchester, it’s agreat joy to be back here. not so long ago my friends i…we welcome all sortsofwonderful luminaries to city hall but not so long ago i welcomed the formerfrench primeminister, monsieur alain juppe to my office in city hall and hecruised in with his sizeableretinue of very distinguished fellows with theirlegion d’honneur floret and all the rest of it andwe shook hands and had atête a tête and he told me that he was now the mayor of bordeaux. ithink hemay have been mayor of bordeaux when he was prime minister, it’s the kind ofthingthey do in france – a very good idea in my view. joke, joke, joke! andwhat he said … joke! hesaid that he had the honour of representing, he had239,517 people in bordeaux and thereforehe had the honour of representing the9th biggest city in france. i got the ball back very firmlyover the net,folks, because i said there were 250,000 french men and women in londonandtherefore i was the mayor of the 6th biggest french city on earth.

i can’t remember exactly what hesaid then, i think he said something like ‘tiens!’ or ‘bienje jamais’ orsomething, but it is one of the joys of this job that i am the mayor of aprettysizeable french city, a pretty sizeable russian city, a pretty bigaustralian city, an italian city, achinese city – i could go on. that is agreat thing about london, it’s a good thing for ourcountry because thatforeign money brings jobs and it fills our restaurants and it puts bums ontheseats of our theatres, helps finance our universities very considerably and itenables londondevelopers, some of whom i see in this great audience, to embarkon project that otherwisewould be stalled. am i right? yes. and it brings abuzz of excitement to the city which also ofcourse attracts investors and yet wehave to recognise that the sheer global charisma oflondon is putting pressureon londoners, with average house prices in our city now six timesaverageearnings and for the bottom 25% of earners, the house prices in the bottomquarter arenine times their earnings.

the pressure is really growingand it is intensifying thanks to an entirely home grownphenomenon to which ialluded at the end of the olympic and paralympic games which tookplace lastyear because you may dimly remember that i prophesied that the athletes thatteamgp and paralympics gb had so moved the people of this country to suchparoxysms ofexcitement, i think i said, on the sofas of britain that they hadnot only inspired a generationbut probably helped to create one as well and likeall my predictions and promises as your mayoror as the mayor of many of youhere, i have delivered mes amis, in that gla economics now saythat live birthsin london this year will be 136,942 which is more than in any year since1966when england won the world cup – and the prime minister was born i think.

i look around this audience –that means the population is growing very fast and it is goingto hit ninemillion by 2020, possibly ten million by 2031 and i notice when i point thisout topeople that they start to look a bit worn. they’re the older generationand think, all these otherpeople’s children, what jobs are they going to do,where are they going to live and will they bestepping on my toes on the tube?i want to reassure you first of all that london has been herebefore, we hadnine million in 1911, i think we had nine million in 1939 and the second thing–for once i actually brought it with me thank goodness – the second thing isthat we have a plan.here it is, the 2020 vision, and it will ensure that wecreate a city in which no child is left behindor shut out and everybody has achance to make of their lives what they can.

step number one – and i seriouslycommend this document, it is entirely free on the glawebsite, written entirelyby me as well – step number one is to build more homes as i say. can ijust askthis audience, how many of you today here in manchester are lucky enough to beowneroccupiers? can i ask for a show of hands, is anybody here an owneroccupier? look, here we go.who is an owner occupier? there is no disgrace inthat, we believe in the property owningdemocracy and all that kind of thingbut we have to face the reality that for many, manymillions of people, foryoung people in london, for many members of our families, it is nowabsolutelyimpossible to get anywhere near to affording a home and that’s why it isabsolutelyvital that we get on with our programmes of accelerating housebuilding. we have done about55,000 – rick, how many have we done so far? 55,000so far, give or take it will be around100,000 over two terms.

we’ve put £3.6 billion of publicland to the use of so many of the good developers i seearound here, since maylast year when i was elected by the way, but we need to do more and weneed toaccelerate our programme of house building dramatically and i think that it istime thatwe considered allowing companies to make tax-free loans to theiremployees to help them withthe cost of their rent deposit – how about that?brainy policy, no, put in for the budgetconsiderations. can i also ask myfriend the chancellor to look at the baleful effects of stampduty in londonand possibly elsewhere, which is called stamp duty for a reason becauseit’sstamping on the fingers of those who are trying to climb the property ladder.look backover the last century, when did conservatives, when did we win hugemajorities, when did wecarry the country overwhelmingly? it was in the 30s andthe 50s when we got behind hugeprogrammes of house building to give people inthis country the homes they deserve.

to make those homes possible ofcourse you have got to get on with putting in thetransport links, as i nevertire of telling you and we’ve not only cut delays by 40%, comrades,in londonsince i was elected, we have expanded the capacity of the jubilee line by 25%,thevictoria line is now running at incredible 34 trains an hour – how many isthat per minute? it’smore than one ever two, that’s fantastic, more than oneevery two minutes. there’s no flies onthese guys! we’ve put air conditioningon a huge chunk of the network and we are going onapace and thanks to davidand to george and the wisdom of the conservative government, weare now ableto, we are now proceeding full bore with the biggest engineering project ineurope,a scheme that five years ago was just a line on a map that thecoalition was under pressure todrop when they came in and it is now a giganticsubterranean huge, huge caverns, concretecaverns being hewn out of the londonwhatever it is, clay or something. i should know that. aswe speak, as wespeak, beneath the streets of london are six colossal boring machinescalledada and phyllis and mary and elizabeth and victoria i think, i have got theirnames wrong,i can’t remember their names but they all have female names forsome reason and phyllis andada are coming in from the west and mary andelizabeth are going from the east, from thelimmo peninsula and they arechomping remorselessly through the london clay and they aregoing to meet somewherearound whitechapel for this ginormous convocation of worms – i don’tknow whatthey’ll do but it will absolutely terrific because the rail capacity of londonwill beincreased by 10% and we will have done cross rail, i confidentlypredict, as we did theolympics, on time and on budget. a fantastic example ofwhat this country can do and acalling card that british business is now usingaround the world.

in my view and in the view ofthose who are now working on cross rail, what we should do isuse those worldclass skills that we’ve been accumulating in london, to get going beforewedisband them on the next set of projects. i mean obviously cross rail 2, highspeed rail, newpower stations, solutions to our aviation capacity problem, sothat we have a logicalsequential infrastructure plan for our country and don’tdo what previous governments havedone and that is waste billions by stoppingand starting. i think we can do it, i am absolutelyconfident that we can doit. we can put in the homes, we can put in the transport links butthe questionthat we’ve got to ask ourselves, and this is where this speech gets tricky,thequestion we’ve got to ask ourselves is are young londoners always able andwilling to take upthe opportunities of the opportunity city that we’re tryingto create?

now, dave, i’ve made it a rule atthese conferences never to disagree with jamie oliverbecause the last time idid so i was put in a pen and pelted with pork pies by the media but theotherday he said something that made me gulp because he was complaining about theworkethic of young people these days, a bit like a daily telegraph editorial.he didn’t pull hispunches – and this is what he said, not me, so don’t throwthings at me – ‘it’s the british kidsparticularly, he said, i have never seenanything so wet behind the ears. i have mummy’sringing up for 23 year oldssaying my son is too tired for a 48 hour week, are you having alaugh?’ thecelebrity chef told good housekeeping. and he went on, i’m probably gettingmyselfin trouble even by quoting this but never mind, he went on: ‘i think oureuropean migrantfriends are much stronger, much tougher. if we didn’t haveany, all of our restaurants wouldclose tomorrow. there wouldn’t be any britsto replace them.’

now i can see looks of apoplectic… well, no i can’t really. where’s the apoplexy? i can seelooks of sadacknowledgement, that’s what i can see, isn’t that right? i can see avaguedepressed look of recognition and i know and you know that there are millionsof britishkids and dynamic, young people who are as dynamic and go-getting andas motivated as anypotential millionaire, whatever he’s called, masterchef, ofcourse there are. but my question toyou is, what if jamie has a point? what ifhe has half a point or even a quarter of a point? doyou think he does? half apoint, quarter of a point? he’s on to something. he may have phrasedit in aprovocative way but he was saying something that i think resonates, right?okay, i’mgetting through this with difficulty.

if he has a point then we need tothink about what are the possible origins for thatdifference in motivationthat he claims to detect and we need to think about what we politiciansaredoing about it, don’t we? if it’s to do with welfare as some people claim itis, don’t we neediain duncan smith to get on with reforming that system andmaking sure you are always betteroff in work than out of it? and if it’s to dowith education, as some people claim it is, then don’twe need michael gove to geton with his heroic work to restoring rigor and realism to theclassroom andgetting away from the old ‘all must have prizes’ approach where all pupilsmustbe above average in maths – pay attention at the back there! – which is notpossible. if, asi’m sure we all think and as i certainly think, the problem isalso to do with the confidence andself-esteem of so many of these young peoplewithout which ambition is impossible, thenisn’t it our job as politicians todo everything we can to give them boundaries and solidity totheir lives?

that’s why i have spent a lot ofmy time as mayor on projects like the mayor’s fund forlondon and team londonand encouraging volunteers to read to kids across our city andmentoringprogrammes which we are expanding and the support of the uniformed groups,thescouts, the guides, all those kinds of fantastic organisations, bringingsporting facilities toschools that don’t have any, mobile pools we’ve beensending around london, beautiful glorifiedsheep dips we send round, they loveit. they work brilliantly well and we’re helping to gettalented youngmusicians to cross that barrier that they confront when they reach the ageofeleven and have to go through into secondary school and so many of them give uptheirinstruments and it’s a real, real tragedy and we are setting up funds tohelp with creation ofexcellence in our schools and to improve standards allround, to support the work that michaelgove is doing.

it’s when i look at the hugerange of projects that we’re engaged in now at city halltogether withhundreds, if not thousands of other projects, many of which are supportedbypeople in this room, i do think we are making a difference to the lives ofthose young peopleand we have got loads of them into apprenticeships, about118,000 over the last couple of years,we’re going to get on to 250,000 by 2019and thanks to the police, thanks very largely to theirwork, we are seeingsignificant falls in crime as jane was just saying. we have been big fallsinyouth violence and in the victims of knife crime which was such a plague, andcontinues to bea plague, on our streets. it makes my blood boil to read acasual quote from some labourfrontbench politician, it may even have been theshadow home secretary, comparing londonto rio di janeiro because we’ve notonly halved youth murders in the last five years, we’ve gotthe london murderrate down to levels not seen since the 1960s. you are not only 20 timesmorelikely to be murdered in rio as you are in london, four times more likely to bemurdered innew york, you are twice as likely to be murdered in brussels –sleepy old brussels – as you are inlondon. presumably with lobster picks.

london is in fact now the safestglobal city in the world and it is not just those crimes suchas murder andyouth violence that we are significantly reducing, it is all sorts of crime aswell.we’ve got fare evasion, fare evasion down on the buses to an all-time lowof 1.1%, whatever1.1% means, mainly thanks to getting rid of the bendy buses.that i think is the way forward.you’ve got to tackle that complex of problems,crime well frozen, educationalunderachievement and you’ve got to make surethat kids growing up in london are able to takeopportunity that our cityoffers and at the same time we must make sure they don’t dismisssome jobs asquote/unquote ‘menial’, which is a word i sometimes hear, and that theyseethem, those jobs that london creates in such abundance, in the same way thatjamieoliver’s east europeans see those jobs, as stepping stones, as abeginning to a life in work thatcan take them anywhere.

now i’m conscious today that i amspeaking very frankly about this issue, i have probablygot myself as usualinto trouble, that’s my job, because i think there is a vast and latentgeniusin these young people and if we could harness their talents more effectivelythen theywould not only have fulfilling lives but we could drive even fasterthe great flywheel of thelondon economy that is now the most diverse in europeand we not only lead the world as thefinancial centre, artistic centre,cultural centre, we now have, we now have the biggest textsector anywhere ineurope, we have a growing ned city of academic health scienceinstitutionsalong the euston road and in ten years, in the next ten years it is forecastthatlondon’s media industry will produce more film and tv content than eithernew york or losangeles. i can scarcely believe that but that’s what i amassured. that is an extraordinarychange that is taking place in the londoneconomy and it is this prodigious, pulsating demandof london that helps todrive the rest of the country.

the eu commission has just done astudy about competitiveness of regions in europe,have you all read it? youshould read it, you’re in it folks. they have discovered, they havedetermined,the eu commission – and i dare not dissent – has concluded that surrey andwestand east sussex – anybody here from surrey and west and east sussex? well done,welldone surrey and west and east sussex, you belong to the fifth mostcompetitive region ineurope. they have looked at berkshire, buckinghamshireand oxfordshire – anybody here fromberkshire, buckinghamshire and oxfordshire?well done, prime minister, well done,congratulations, you belong to the thirdmost competitive region in europe, well done. and whyare those regions sofizzing with competitiveness according to the eu commission? becauselondon isthe most competitive city in the whole of europe and it drives jobs across theuk andnot just in the south-east.

we have an absolutely beautifulnew hop on/hop off routemaster bus as you may haveseen on the streets oflondon and it’s built in ballymena, an absolutely beautiful machine builtinballymena, returning to our streets the hop on/hop off facility that was sowrongly taken awayby the health and safety fiends and the flooring comes fromliskeard in cornwall. yesterday iwas at a factory in middleton, greatermanchester, where they are making the destinationblinds with a beautiful 2019year old chinese silk-screening technique, the destination blindsfor our newlondon bus. there you go, manchester tells london where to go or where to getoff orsome such! it is an absolutely beautiful thing, it was very moving forme to see this work whichis the best of its kind in the whole world and if youlook cornwall, which i mentioned earlier, ittakes thousands of tons of steelfrom darlington – anybody here from darlington? frommiddleton? come on folks,from oldham? well there we go. cranes from derbyshire…[cheer]there you go!newcastle? bridges, bridges from shropshire, anybody from shropshire here?welldone, we love your bridges. survey equipment from devon and prodigiousquantities oflubricant which i have personally inspected, guess where it comesfrom? bournemouth.bournemouth, isn’t that fantastic. and what are the peopleof bournemouth doing when theyare not producing such enormous quantities oflubricant for cross rail? shall i tell you whatthey are doing? i’ll tell you.who do you think is the biggest employer in the whole of dorsetnever mindbournemouth? who is the biggest employer in the whole of dorset, you knowthisone – excluding the nhs which is still pretty big – do you know who it is?insurance is veryclose, it’s the right idea, it is j.p. morgan mes amis. j.p.morgan. if there wasn’t a strongbanking sector in london then there would beno strong banking sector in edinburgh and therecertainly wouldn’t be one indorset.

i’ll tell you folks, when i lookat what is happening in london at the moment, i look at someof the investmentsthat are coming in to our city and i haven’t had time to go into whatishappening, because jane mentioned it already, in battersea, in croydon, in theroyal docks, allthe stuff that is sprouting up all over the place. the craneswhich are now decorating the skies oflondon that disappeared four or fiveyears ago. when i see what’s happening i must say that ishare the optimism andthe excitement of george osborne completely, i thought he gave abrilliantspeech yesterday but i also, i also share his realism, his realism and hisdetermination toremove the remaining barriers to competitiveness in ourcountry and what is the greatestbarrier to competitiveness folks, for londonand indeed for britain? what is it? not visas,much worse than visas. what isthe greatest threat we face, come on folks, pay attention. alabour government,correct.

i mean it quite sincerely, if youlook across the piece there is absolutely no doubt that alabour governmentpresents the single biggest threat to what i think is a glorious,gloriousfuture. do we want to go back to all that again? do we want to put them back onthebridge when they ran the ship aground? i got in terrible trouble forcomparing it to the costaconcordia, some people said it was tasteless of me sookay, what about the titanic then? is thatbetter? is that more acceptable?

we don’t want to go back to thehigh tax, high spend approach of ed miliband whoemanated from the bowels ofthe trade union movement like his party, we want to go forwardwith a low taxenterprise equality. we don’t want a mansion tax do we? no, we don’t becauseitwould inhibit the very homes programme that we need to get going and we want tobuild, as isay, hundreds of thousands of more homes. we don’t want to go backnever mind to the age ofold labour, we don’t want to go back to the age ofdiocletian, emperor diocletian that is, withsome crazed attempt atgovernmental price fixing, which is what ed miliband came up with lastweek, wewant to go forward with a serious programme of new power station building and,for mymoney, with fracking, why not, absolutely, let’s get going.

we must not go back to the oldfailed labour idea of a third runway at heathrow. you knew iwas going to saythis but i’m going to say it, a third runway at heathrow aggravatingnoisepollution in what is already the city in the world worst affected by noisepollution by miles.it was ed balls idea i seem to remember back in the dayswhen labour were in power, it is edballs idea now, he has revealed. it wasballs then, it’s balls now and it is not good enough forthis country, it isn’tthe right answer for the most beautiful and liveable city on earth.

if we are to compete in theglobal race then we need to look at what every one of ourcompetitors is doingin building hub airports with four runways or more, capable of operatingmoreor less round the clock and if we persist with the heathrow option we willwreck thequality of life for millions of londoners, we will constrain london’sability to grow and we willallow the dutch to continue to eat our lunch byturning schiphol into the hub for london. thankyou.

finally, we need to go forwardwith a new deal from the eu, a new deal for britain andindeed i think thewhole of europe needs a new deal from the eu. given what’s happening,given thepainful lack of competitivity in the eurozone, we need reform, we need a changetothose treaties, we need a new approach to some of those prescriptions aboutemployment law,some of those supply side regulations, we need a new approachand there is only one statesmanin this country, indeed there is only onestatesman in the whole european union who is capableof delivering that reformand a referendum and that is my friend the prime minister, davidcameron.

it’s true, absolutely true. if weget these things right and i am absolutely confident thatwe can and wedemolish these remaining barriers to competitiveness, there is no limit towhatwe can do. i saw the other day some geezer from the kremlin said somethingabout thiscountry that was even less polite than what jamie oliver had to say.he said that britain was asmall island that no one paid any attention toexcept oligarchs who bought chelsea. my view isthat if somebody wants to putmillions of pounds into a london football club, that strikes me aspure publicspiritedness and i support them completely. i don’t want to risk polonium inmysushi by bandying statistics with the kremlin about per capital gdp or lifeexpectancy exceptto say that the uk of course vastly exceeds russia in both.

the serious point is that thisalleged spokesman underestimates where our country, the uk,is going and whatit can do. if you look at the demographics and the knowledge base andindeedthe manufacturing industries, if you look at what is happening with tata, inwhich thiscountry excels, then there is every chance in our lifetimes and imean to live a very, very longtime, that the uk – mark what i say – the ukcould be the biggest country in the eu both inpopulation and in output. thathad you, it’s true. scary thought. the reason so many russianscome here isthat they recognise that london is not simply the capital of britain but alsoof theeu and in many ways, of the world. a city with more american banks in itthan there are in newyork for heaven’s sake. a 24 hour city in which there are100,000 people working in supplying usall with coffee in the coffee bars oflondon, how about that? we have more baristas thanbarristers, there are quitea few barristers as well, and yet with so much green space in londonthat weproduce two million cucumbers a year from london. eat your heart out, vladimirputin. itis partly thanks to our cucumber yields, our staggering cucumberyields, comrades, that londonnow contributes almost 25% of uk gdp, which ismore than the city has contributed at any timesince the romans founded it.

in the next couple of yearsobviously we need to take all sorts of crucial decisions about howto ensurethe harmonious development of that city and i want those decisions to be takenbyconservatives. the choice at the next election is very simple – it’s betweenthe fool’s gold oflabour gimmicks which we all understand, we’ve all fought beforeand a government that iswilling to take tough and sensible decisions, to cutunnecessary spending but to make the keyinvestments in transport andinfrastructure and housing and in our communities that will takethis countryforward. i know what i want as mayor of the greatest city on earth, i think iknowwhat you want, am i right? i know that we can do it so let’s go for itover the next two years.cut that yellow liberal democrat albatross from aroundour necks and let it plop into the sea, letit plop into the sea by workingflat out for david cameron as prime minister and an outrightconservativevictory in 2019. thank you very much, thank you everybody.

第3篇 英国工*领袖埃德·米利班德在2019年工*年会英语演讲稿

it’s great to be in brighton. andi want to start by thanking somebody from the bottom ofmy heart for thekindest of words. not justine …oh, i would like to thank her, a round ofapplausefor justine please, ladies and gentlemen. not my mum … but a womancalled ella philips. it waslocal election day, ella rode past me on her bike,she fell off …it’s not funny! i helped her upand afterwards she called mesomething i had never been called before: she said i was an“action hero”. whyare you laughing? she said i was an action hero “who mysteriously appearedoutof nowhere”. and she said, “what added to all the confusion was that ed wasactuallyattractive and not geeky at all”. i promise you, she did say that. shesaid, “even the way heappeared was suave”. i don’t know why you find this sofunny, friends. “he was dressed casually,but he had style”. sounds quite me,doesn’t it? now i was pretty pleased with this, as you cantell, until somethingdawned on me: ella was concussed. she was badly concussed. in fact, sheherselfsaid, “i was seeing things because i was still in quite a daze”. well, ella,you are notkidding. but let me say, ella, if you are watching today, thankyou, you have made my year.

i want to start today with thesimplest of thoughts. an idea that has inspired change forgenerations. thebelief that helped drive us out of the second world war and into thatgreatreforming government of 1945. an ambition that is more important now than ithas beenfor decades. an emotion that is felt across our country at kitchentables every night. a feelingthat is so threatening to those who want to keepthings as they are. words that are so basicand yet so powerful, so modest andyet so hard to believe. six simple words that say: britaincan do better thanthis. britain can do better than this; we are britain, we are better thanthis.are you satisfied with a country where people are working for longer for less,year afteryear? are you satisfied with a country divided losing touch with thethings we value the most?are you satisfied with a country that shuts out thevoices of millions of ordinary people andlistens only to the powerful? are yousatisfied with a country standing apart as two nations? welli am notsatisfied. we are britain, we are better than this. and we have to rebuild anewonenation. an economy built on your success, a society based on your values, apolitics that hearsyour voice – rich and poor alike – accepting their responsibilitiestop each other. one nation, weare going to make it happen, and today i amgoing to tell you how.

i want to start with leadership.leadership is about risks and difficult decisions. it is aboutthose lonelymoments when you have to peer deep into your soul. i ran for the leadership ofthisparty, it was really hard for my family, but i believed that labour neededto turn the page and iwas the best person to do it. i when i became leader ifaced a decision about whether weshould stand up to rupert murdoch. it wasn’tthe way things had been done in the past, but itwas the right thing to do so idid it. and together we faced them down. and then the otherweek i faced aneven bigger decision about whether the country should go to war. thebiggestdecision any leader faces, the biggest decision any parliament faces, thebiggestdecision any party faces. all of us were horrified by the appallingchemical weapons attacks insyria, but when i stood on the stage three yearsago, when i became your leader, i said wewould learn the lessons of iraq. itwould have been a rush to war, it wasn’t the right thing forour country. so isaid no. it was the right thing to do. you see, the real test of leadership isnotwhether you stand up to the weak, that’s easy; it’s whether you stand up tothe strong andknow who to fight for. and you know i am reminded of a storyback when i was starting out,standing to be an mp in doncaster, with a womancalled molly roberts. molly was in herseventies, and there i was candidlytrying to get her vote, sitting in her front from sipping amug of tea. and shesaid to me, “how can you, who weren’t brought up in this area,possiblyunderstand the lives of people here, their hopes and their struggles?” it wasthe rightquestion, and here is the answer. for me it lies in the values i wasbrought up with. you see inmy house it was my mum that taught me these values.about the importance of reaching out alistening to people, of understandingtheir hopes and their struggles. she is the most patient,generous person ihave met in my whole life. and she taught me never to be contemptuousofothers, never to be dismissive of their struggle. now she was teaching me alesson of life. andsome people will say, ah yeah but you have to leave decencybehind when it comes to politics.well i say they are wrong, because only ifyou reach out and listen can you do the mostimportant thing a leader can do,the most important qualification in my view for being primeminister. only thenwill you have the ability to walk in the shoes of others and know who tofightfor, whoever your opponent, however powerful they are, guided by the only thingthatmatters: your sense of what is right. this is what i believe, this iswhere i stand, this is theleadership britain needs.

and when i think about who weneed to fight for i think about all the people i have met overthe last year. ithink of the people britain and their enormous and extraordinary spirit. ithinkof our troops, serving so bravely all around the world. let us paytribute to them today. youknow i have seen in afghanistan those young men andwomen, young men and women who areyoung enough to be my son or daughterserving our country, and it is a truly humblingexperience. and the events of thelast few days in kenya remind us of the importance of beingever-vigilantagainst terrorism at home and around the world. i think of the brave menandwomen of our police force, who serve with so little credit each and every dayfor our country.let us thank them for what they do. and then i think of allthe people i have met over the lastyear. during the local election campaign idid something unusual. i went to town centres,market squares and high streetsand i stood on a pallet – not a soapbox, but a pallet. and italked to peopleabout their lives. i remember this town meeting i had in cleverly. it wasjustcoming to the end of the meeting and this bloke wandered up. he was incrediblyangry. it’sa family show so i won’t exactly repeat what he said. he was soangry he wouldn’t give me hisname, but he did tell me his story about how hespent the last ten years looking after hisdisabled wife, and then another fouryears looking for a job and not finding one. he was angryabout immigration andsome people in the crowd booed him. but actually he wasn’t prejudiced,he justfelt the economy didn’t work for him. and then i think about the two markettraders imet in chesterfield, standing by their stalls, out in all weathers,working all hours, and they saidlook this country just doesn’t seem to berewarding our hard work and effort. there seem to besome people gettingsomething for nothing. this society is losing touch with our values. andthen ithink about this beautiful sunny spring day i spent in lincoln. and the face inthe crowd,this young woman who said she was an ambulance controller. so proudto be working for ournational health service. and so proud too of her youngson. because she was a single parent,nineteen years old, and what she said tome was, “why does everybody portray me as a burdenon the system? i am not aburden on the system, i am going out, i am doing the right thing forthecountry, why doesn’t anyone listen to my voice?” and then i think about thisscaffolder i metjust around the corner from where i live. i was just comingback from a local café i’d been at. hestopped in me the street, he said to me,“where’s your bodyguard?” i said i don’t have one,but that’s another story. hetold me his story. and what he said to me was “look, i go out, i dothe work, igo all around the country, again out in all weathers, i earn a decent wage, buti stillcan’t make ends meet”. and he said to me, “is anyone ever going to doanything about thosegas and electric bills that just go up and up, faster thani can earn a living?” he wantedsomeone to fight for him. now if you listen tothese stories – four of millions of the stories of ourcountry – and you haveyour own, and your friends and family, what do you learn? all of thesepeoplelove britain, they embody its great spirit, but they all believe that britaincan do betterthan this. today i say to them and millions of others you’reright, britain can do better thanthis, britain must do better than this,britain will do better than this with a government thatfights for you.

but for britain to do better thanthis we’ve got to understand why we got here, why thingsare so tough at themoment even while they tell you there is a recovery and why unless weputthings right it will only be a recovery for the few. now what i’m about to tellyou is the mostimportant thing i’m going to say today about what needs tochange about our country. forgenerations in britain when the economy grew themajority got better off. and then somewherealong the way that vital linkbetween the growing wealth of the country and your family financeswas broken.this is, this goes beyond one party or one government. it is more important toyouthan which party is in power, even more important than that. you see, when iwas growing up inthe 1980s, i saw the benefits of growing prosperity, peopleable to buy a house, a car, even asecond car, go on a foreign holiday theirgrandparents would never have dreamed of. not spendall their hours at work,able to spend time with kids, not working all the hours that god sends,have asecure pension in retirement and also believe that their kids would have abetter life thanthem. that feels a long way away from where britain is todaydoesn’t it and that is because it is.you see, somewhere along the way thatlink got broken. they used to say a rising tide lifts allboats, now the risingtide just seems to lift the yachts. now i say this to the people of britain. ifiwere you i wouldn’t even take a second look at a political party unless theymake this theircentral defining purpose because your future depends on it.your children’s future depends on it.britain’s future depends on it. i say weare britain we can do better than this.

now i have got a question for youladies and gentlemen, do the tories get it?

[audience: no]

oh come on, i didn’t hear you, dothe tories get it?

[audience: no]

ok that is better. they don’t getit do they. i want to say this. i understand why three anda half years agosome people might have thought that david cameron did get it and that iswhypeople voted for him at the last general election. but they voted for changeand i don’tbelieve they got the change that they were voting for. let me justexplain it this way: nextweek we are going to see david cameron resuming hislap of honour for how brilliantly he’sdone as prime minister. claiming creditfor his enormous achievements, how he has saved theeconomy as they put it. nodoubt he’ll even be taking off his shirt and flinging it into thecrowdexpecting adoration from the british people like he did recently on holiday andmaybe ishould make this promise while i’m about it, if i become prime ministeri won’t take my shirt offin public, i mean it is just not necessary is it.i’ll try and keep the promise. anyway, back todavid cameron, so he is going onthis lap of honour, everything is brilliant, he’s saved theeconomy, georgeosborne, he deserves the garlands as well, you know, aren’t theybrilliant.come on. the slowest recovery in one hundred years. one million youngpeoplelooking for work. more people on record working part-time who want full timework. morepeople than for a generation out of work for longer. the longestfall in living standards since1870. that is not worthy of a lap of honour.that is worthy of a lap of shame and that is therecord of this government.

he does have one record thoughbut i don’t think it credits a lap of honour. he has beenprime minister for 39months and in 38 of those months wages have risen more slowly thanprices. thatmeans your living standards falling year, after year, after year. so in 2019you’ll beasking am i better off now than i was five years ago? and we alreadyknow the answer formillions of families will be no. you’ve made the sacrifices,but you haven’t got the rewards. youwere the first into the recession but youare the last one out. now of course it would have takentime to recover fromthe global financial crisis whoever was in power. but when these toriestellyou that the pain will be worth the gain, don’t believe them. they can’t solvethe cost ofliving crisis and here is why. the cost of living crisis isn’t anaccident of david cameron’seconomic policy it is in his economic policy. letme explain why. you see he believes in this thingcalled the global race, butwhat he doesn’t tell you is that he thinks for britain to win theglobal raceyou have to lose, lower wages, worse terms and conditions, fewer rights atwork. butbritain can’t win a race for the lowest wages against countries wherewages rates are pennies anhour and the more we try the worse things will getfor you. britain can’t win a race for thefewest rights at work against thesweat shops of the world and the more we try the worse thingswill get for you.and britain can’t win a race for the lowest skilled jobs against countrieswherekids leave school at the age of 11. and the more we try the worse thingswill get for you. it is arace to the bottom. britain cannot and should not winthat race.

you see it is not the lowachievements of these tories that really gets me. that is badenough. it istheir low aspirations; it is their low aspirations for you. it is their lowaspirations forbritain but their high hopes for those at the top. the citybonuses are back. up 82% in aprilalone thanks to the millionaire’s tax cut. sowhen they tell you the economy is healing, thateverything is fixed, justremember, they are not talking about your life, they are talking abouttheirfriends at the top. that is who they are talking about; it is high hopes forthem. and everyso often you know the mask slips doesn’t it. the other day aman they call lord howell, he was ithink their advisor on fracking at onepoint… there is nothing funny about that. he said it waswrong to frack in someareas but it was ok in others, it was ok in the north east of englandbecausehe said, and i quote ‘it was full of desolate and uninhabited areas.’ in onecasual asidedismissing one whole region of the country. let’s tell thesetories about the north east ofengland and every other part of britain. peoplego out to work. they love their kids. they bringup their families. they carefor their neighbours. they look out for each other. they are proud oftheircommunities. they are proud of their communities. they hope for the future. thetories callthem inhabitants of desolate areas. we call them our friends, ourneighbours, the heroes of ourcountry. they are fed up of a government thatdoesn’t understand their lives and a primeminister who cannot walk in theirshoes. we are britain, we are better than this.

now, to make britain better wehave got to win a race to the top, not a race to the bottom.a race to the topwhich means that other countries will buy our goods the companies will comeandinvest here and that will create the wealth and jobs we need for the future butwe are notgoing to be able to do it easily. it is going to be tough and let mejust say this friends. you thinkopposition is tough, you should trygovernment. it is going to be tough; it is not going to beeasy. and i’m notgoing to stand here today and pretend to you it is. we are going to havetostick to strict spending limits to get the deficit down. we are not going to beable to spendmoney we don’t have and frankly if i told you we were going toyou wouldn’t believe me, thecountry wouldn’t believe me and they would beright not to believe me. but we can make adifference. we can win the race tothe top and let me tell you how. it is about the jobs wecreate, it is aboutthe businesses we support, it is about the talents we nurture, it is aboutthewages we earn and it is about the vested interests that we take on. let mestart with thejobs of the future. the environment is a passion of mine becausewhen i think about my twokids who are 2 and 4 at the moment and not talkingthat much about the environment, moreinterested in the octonauts. there’s aplug. in 20 years’ time they’ll say to me ‘were you thelast generation not toget climate change or the first generation to get it?’ that is thequestionthey’ll be asking.

but it is not just aboutenvironmental care. it is also about the jobs we create in the future.you seesome people say, including george osborne, that we can’t afford to haveenvironmentalat a time like this. he is dead wrong. we can’t afford not tohave an environmentalcommitment at a time like this. that is why labour willhave a world leading commitment ingovernment to take all of the carbon out ofour energy by 2030. a route map to one million newgreen jobs in our country.that is how we win the race to the top. and to win that race to thetop we havealso got to do something else, we’ve got to support the businesses of thefuture.now many of the new jobs in the future will come from a large number ofsmall businesses not asmall number of large businesses. and this is reallyimportant. if you think 15 years ahead, therate of change and dynamism is sogreat that most of the new jobs that will be being done willbe by companiesthat don’t yet exist. now that changes the priorities for government. whenthisgovernment came to office, since they came to office they cut taxes for largebusiness by £6bn but raised taxes on small businesses. now i don’t think thatis the right priority. yes weneed a competitive tax regime for largebusinesses but frankly they’ve short-changed smallbusiness and i’m going toput it right. if labour wins power in 2019 we will use the money thatthisgovernment would use to cut taxes for 80,000 large businesses to cut business ratesfor 1.5million businesses across our country. that is the way we win the raceto the top. one nationlabour. the party of small business. cutting smallbusiness rates when we come to office in2019 and freezing them the next yearbenefitting businesses by at least £450 a year. that ishow we win the race forthe top friends, and to win that race to the top we’ve also got tonurture thetalents of the next generation. the skills of people. there are so manybrilliantbusinesses in our country who provide amazing training for theworkforce, but look, we have gotto face facts, leading businesses say this tome too which is there aren’t enough of them and wehave got to work to changethat so we will say if you want a major government contract youmust provideapprenticeships for the next generation. and we’ll also say to companies doingtheright thing, training their workforce that they will have the power to calltime on free-riding bycompetitors who refuse to do the same. that’s how we winthe race to the top friends.

it’s not just business that hasto accept responsibility though, it’s young people. we have atragedy in thiscountry. hundreds of thousands of young people who leave school and end uponthe dole. we’ve got this word for it haven’t we? neet: not in educationemployment ortraining. behind that short word is a tragedy of hundreds ofthousands of wasted lives. if theschool system fails our young people theyshouldn’t be ending up on benefits. they should beending up in education ortraining so they can get back on the road to a proper career. thatrequiresthem to accept responsibility but it requires government too to acceptourresponsibilities for the next generation in britain, and that’s what we’ll do.

but to win the race to the top we’vealso got to take advantage of the talents of britain’s 12million parents.justine and i had one of the great privileges in any parent’s life this year,whichwas taking our son daniel to his first day at school. he was nervous atfirst, but actually prettysoon he started having fun; it’s a bit like beingleader of the labour party really. well it’s notexactly like being leader ofthe labour party. but look, for so many parents in this country thedemands ofthe daily school run, combined with their job are like their very own dailyassaultcourse and we’ve got to understand that. because we can’t win the raceto the top withstressed out parents and family life under strain – we’ve gotto change that.

in the last century, schoolsstayed open till mid-afternoon and that was okay back thenbecause one parentusually stayed at home. but it’s not okay now: that’s why we want everyprimaryschool in britain to have the breakfast clubs and after school care thatparents need andthat’s what the next labour government will do.

to win the race to the top we’vealso got to deal with the issue of low pay. the nationalminimum wage, one ofthe last labour government’s proudest achievements, friends. but wehave toface facts: there are millions of people in this country going out to work,coming home atnight, unable to afford to bring up their families. i just thinkthat’s wrong in one of the richestcountries in the world. the next labourgovernment must write the next chapter in dealingwith the scourge of low payin this country. and to do that though, we’ve got to learn lessonsfrom the waythe minimum wage came in, because it was about business and workingpeople,business and unions working together in the right way so we set the minimumwage atthe right level and we’ve got to do the same again. the minimum wagehas been falling in valueand we’ve got to do something about it.

there are some sectors, and idon’t often say anything nice about the banks but i willtoday, there are somesectors which actually can afford to pay higher wages, and some of themare - aliving wage in some of the banks. so we’ve got to look at whether there aresome sectorswhere we can afford a higher minimum but we’ve got to do it on theright basis – business andworking people working together. that’s what we willdo: the next labour government willstrengthen the minimum wage to make workpay for millions in our country. that’s how we winthe race to the top.

and to win that race to the topwe’ve got to call a halt to the race to the bottom, betweenworkers alreadyhere and workers coming here. i’m the son of two immigrant parents. i’mproudof the welcome britain gave me and my family, and we’ve always welcomed peoplewhowork, contribute and are part of our community. let me say this, if peoplewant a party thatwill cut itself off from the rest of the world, then let mesay squarely: labour is not your party.but if people want a party that willset the right rules for working people then labour is yourparty, the only partythat will do it. employers not paying the minimum wage and governmentturning ablind eye - it’s a race to the bottom; not under my government. recruitmentagencieshiring only from overseas – it’s a race to the bottom; not under mygovernment. shady gangmasters exploiting people in industries fromconstructing to food processing - it’s a race to thebottom; not under mygovernment. rogue landlords, putting 15 people in tied housing - it’s arace tothe bottom; not under my government. and our country, sending out a message totheworld that if you need to engage in shady employment practices, thenbritain is open forbusinesses? it’s a race to the bottom; not under mygovernment. and in case anyone askswhether this is pandering to prejudice,let’s tell them, it isn’t. it’s where labour has alwaysstood – counteringexploitation, whoever it affects, wherever they come from. we’ve neverbelievedin a race to the bottom, we’ve always believed in a race to the top, that isour party.

and to win the race to the topwe’ve also got to take on the vested interests that hold oureconomy back. inthe 1990s we committed to a dynamic market economy. think of thosewords:‘dynamic, ‘market’, ‘economy’. and then think about this, what happenswhencompetition fails? what happens when it just fails again and again and again?thengovernment has to act. train companies that put the daily commute out ofreach. paydaylenders who force people into unpayable debt. gas and electriccompanies that put prices up andup and up. it’s not good for an economy. it’snot a dynamic market economy when one sectionof society does so well at theexpense of others. it’s bad for families, it’s bad for business and it’sbadfor britain too.

now some people will just blamethe companies but actually i don’t think that’s where theblame lies. i thinkit lies with government. i think it lies with government for not having hadthestrength to take this on. not having stood up to the powerful interests. nothaving thestrength to stand up to the strong.

take the gas and electricitycompanies. we need successful energy companies, in britain. weneed them toinvest for the future. but you need to get a fair deal and frankly, there willneverbe public consent for that investment unless you do get a fair deal. andthe system is brokenand we are going to fix it.

if we win the election 2019 thenext labour government will freeze gas and electricityprices until the startof 2019. your bills will not rise. it will benefit millions of families andmillionsof businesses. that’s what i mean by a government that fights for you. that’swhat imean when i say britain can do better than this.

now the companies aren’t going tolike this because it will cost them more but they havebeen overcharging peoplefor too long because of a market that doesn’t work. it’s time to resetthemarket. so we will pass legislation in our first year in office to do that, andhave a regulatorthat will genuinely be on the customers’ side but also enablethe investment we need. that’show britain will do better than this.

so, making britain better thanthis starts with our economy – your economic success as afoundation forbritain’s economic success. but it doesn’t just stop there it goes to oursociety aswell. i told you earlier on about those market traders inchesterfield and how they felt thatsociety had lost touch with their values. ithink what they were really saying was this: that theyput in huge hard workand effort, they bring up their kids in the right way and they just feelthattheir kids are going to have a worse life than them. and nowhere is that moretrue thanwhen it comes to renting or buying a home.

there are 9 million people inthis country renting a home, many of whom who would want tobuy. 9 million people- we don’t just have a cost of living crisis, we have a housing crisis too.in2019 when we left office there was a problem. there were one million too fewhomes inbritain. if we carry on as we are, by 2020 there will be two milliontoo few homes in britain. thatis the equivalent of two cities the size ofbirmingham. wave got to do something about it andthe next labour governmentwill. so we’ll say to private developers, you can’t just sit on landand refuseto build. we will give them a very clear message - either use the land or losethe land,that is what the next labour government will do.

we’ll say to local authoritiesthat they have a right to grow, and neighbouring authoritiescan’t just stopthem. we’ll identify new towns and garden cities and we’ll have a clear aimthatby the end of the parliament britain will be building 200,000 homes ayear, more than at anytime in a generation. that’s how we make britain betterthan this.

and nowhere do we need to put thevalues of the british people back at the heart of ourcountry more than in ournational health service, the greatest institution of our country. youknow ihad a letter a couple of months back from a 17 year old girl. she was sufferingfromdepression and anxiety and she told me a heart-breaking story about howshe had ended upin hospital for 10 weeks. mental health is a truly one nationproblem. it covers rich and poor,north and south, young and old alike andlet’s be frank friends, in the privacy of this room;we’ve swept it under thecarpet for too long. it’s a bit of a british thing isn’t it; we don’t liketotalk about it. if you’ve got a bad back or if you’re suffering from cancer youcan talk abbot itbut if you’ve got depression or anxiety you don’t want totalk about it because somehow itdoesn’t seem right – we’ve got to change that.it’s an afterthought in our national healthservice.

and here’s a really interestingthing – so you might say, it’s going to be really tough timesed, you told usthat before. you said there would be really difficult decisions in government,andthat’s true, so how are you going to make it work? well here’s the thing,the 17-year-old said inthat letter, look if someone had actually identifiedthe problem when it started three yearsearlier i wouldn’t have ended up inhospital. i wouldn’t have ended up costing the statethousands of pounds andthe anguish that i had. so it’s about that early identification andtalkingabout this issue.

and if it’s true of mentalhealth, it’s true in an even bigger way about care for the elderly.there’s somuch more our country could be doing for our grandmas and granddads, mumanddads, nuclease and aunts. and it’s the same story. just putting a £50 grab railin the homestops somebody falling over, prevents them ending up in hospitalwith the needless agony,and all of the money that it costs. the 1945 labourgovernment, in really tough times, raised itssights and created the nationalhealth service. i want the next labour government to do thesame, even in toughtimes, to raise our sights about what the health service can achieve,bringingtogether physical health, mental health, and the care needs of the elderly: atrueintegrated national health service. that’s the business of the future.

but we don’t just need to improvethe health service, friends; we’ve got to rescue it fromthese tories. and theliberals too. now look, before the election, i remember the speeches bydavidcameron. i remember one where he said the three most important letters to himwerenhs. well he has got a funny way of showing it, hasn’t he? and when theycame to office, theywere still saying how brilliant was in the health service,how the health service was doing greatthings and the doctors and nurses and soon. now have you noticed they have changed theirtune recently? suddenly theyare saying how bad everything is in the nhs. now the vastmajority of doctorsand nurses do a fantastic job. sometimes things go wrong. and when theydo, weshould be the first people to say so. but hear me on this. the reason davidcameron isrunning down the nhs is not because the doctors and nurses aren’tdoing as good a job as theywere before. it is because they have come to arealisation that the health service is gettingworse on their watch and theyare desperately thrashing around trying to find someone else toblame. blamethe doctors, blame the nurses, blame the last labour government. that iswhatthey are doing. well let me tell you about the record of the last labourgovernment. whenwe came to office there were waiting time targets of 18 monthsthat were not being met, whenwe left office there were waiting time targets of18 weeks that were being met. when we cameto office there was an annual wintera&e crisis, when we left office the people had a&eservices they couldrely on. when we came to office there were fewer doctors and nurses, wewhenleft office more doctors and nurses than ever before. and when we came tooffice peoplesaid well the health service, it was a good idea in previous generationsbut i don’t really believeit will be there in the next, and we left officewith the highest public satisfaction in the historyof the health services. yesfriends, we did rescue the national health service. so when you heardavidcameron casting around for someone to blame for what is happening in the nhsjustremember it is not complicated, it’s simple, it’s as simple as abc: whenit comes to blame, itis anyone but cameron. we know who is responsible, thetop-down reorganisation that nobodyvoted for and nobody wanted, the abolitionof nhs direct, the cuts to social care, thefragmentation of services. we knowwho is responsible for thousands of fewer nurses, we knowwho is responsiblenot just for an annual a&e crisis, but an a&e crisis for all seasons.itis this prime minister who is responsible. so friends it is the same oldstory, we rescue the nhs,they wreck the nhs and we have to rescue it all overagain. and that is what the next labourgovernment will do.

right, i have explained to youhow we can make britain better by changing our economyand changing oursociety, and now i want to talk about how we change our politics. and hereisthe bit you have all been looking forward to: party reform. now look let me sayto you, changeis difficult, change is uncomfortable. and i understand whypeople are uncomfortable aboutsome of the changes, but i just want to explainto you why i think it is so important. with all ofthe forces ranged againstus, we can’t just be a party of 200,000 people. we have got to be aparty of500,000, 600,000, or many more. and i am optimistic enough – some mightsayidealistic enough – to believe that is possible. and the reason it is possiblein our party is theunique link we have with the trade unions. the unique link.i don’t want to end that link, iwant to mend that link. and i want to hear thevoices of individual working people in our party,louder than before. becauseyou see, think about our history. it is many of you who have beentelling usthat actually we haven’t been rooted enough in the workplaces of our country.andthat is what i want to change. and that is the point of my reforms. see myreforms are abouthearing the voices of people from call centre workers toconstruction workers, from people withsmall businesses to people working insupermarkets at the heart of our party. because you see itis about my view ofpolitics. leaders matter, of course they do, leadership matters, but in theendpolitical change happens because people make it happen. and you can’t be aparty thatproperly fights for working people unless you have working people atthe core of your party, upand down this country. that is the point of myreforms. and i want to work with you to makethem happen so that we can makeourselves a mass-membership party. friends, let’s makeourselves truly thepeople’s party once again.

but to change our politics wehave got to a lot more than that. we have got to hear thevoices of people thathaven’t been heard for a long time. i think about our young people,theirtalent, their energy, their voices. the voices of young people demanding a job,the voicesof young people who demand that we shoulder and don’t shirk ourresponsibilities to theenvironment. the voices of gay and lesbian young peoplewho led the fight and won the battlefor equal marriage in britain. and thevoices of young people, particularly young women, whosay in 2019 the battlefor equality is not won. you see they are not satisfied that 33% of labourmpsare women, they want it to be 50% and they are right. they are not satisfiedthat 40 yearsafter the equal pay act, we still do not have equal pay for workof equal value in this country.they are not satisfied and they are right. andthey are not satisfied that in britain in 2019,women are still subject toviolence, harassment, and everyday sexism. they are not satisfied andthey areright. friends, let’s give a voice to these young people in our party. andlet’s give avoice to these young people in our democracy, let’s give the voteto 16 and 17 year olds andmake them part of our democracy.

but you know we have got to winthe battle for perhaps the most important institution ofall, our unitedkingdom. friends, devolution works. carwyn jones, our brilliant first ministerofwales, he is showing devolution works. and let’s praise the leadership ofour scottish joannelamont for the brilliant job she is doing against alexsalmond. now that referendum onseptember the 18th 2019, it is going to beconducted on the basis of fact and figures andarguments and counterarguments,but i have a story i want to tell you which i think says evenmore. it’s thestory of cathy murphy. cathy murphy lives in glasgow, she worked in thelocalsupermarket. in 2019, cathy was diagnosed with a serious heart problem, but shecame tolabour conference nonetheless in 2019 as a delegate. she fell seriouslyill. her family werecalled down from glasgow. the doctors said to her that tosave her life they’d have to give her avery long and very risky operation. shehad that operation a few weeks later at the world-leadingliverpool broadgreenhospital. cathy pulled through. she went back to glasgow some weekslater. shecomes back down to liverpool every six months for her check-up. now she said tomethe nurses and doctors don’t ask whether she is english or scottish, thehospital doesn’t carewhere she lives. they care about her because she isscottish and british, a citizen of our unitedkingdom. friends, cathy is withus today, back as a delegate. where is she? cathy’s here.friends, i don’t wantcathy to become a foreigner. let’s win the battle for the united kingdom.

so i have talked to you todayabout policy and what a labour government would do, how itwould make britainbetter and win a race to the top in our economy, put our society back intouchwith people’s values and change our politics so it lets new voices in. but thenext electionisn’t just going to be about policy. it is going to be about howwe lead and the character weshow. i have got a message for the tories today:if they want to have a debate about leadershipand character, be my guest. andif you want to know the difference between me and davidcameron, here’s an easyway to remember it. when it was murdoch versus the mccanns, he tookthe side ofmurdoch. when it was the tobacco lobby versus the cancer charities, he took thesideof the tobacco lobby. when it was the millionaires who wanted a tax cutversus people payingthe bedroom tax, he took the side of the millionaires.come to think of it, here is an even easierway to remember it: david cameronwas the prime minister who introduced the bedroom tax, i’llbe the primeminister who repeals the bedroom tax.

you see here is the thing aboutdavid cameron. he may be strong at standing up to theweak, but he is alwaysweak when it comes to standing up against the strong. that is thedifferencebetween me and david cameron, so let’s have that debate about leadershipandcharacter, and i relish that debate. and we know what we are going to see fromthese toriesbetween now and the general election, it is the lowest form ofpolitics, it is divide and rule.people on benefits versus those in work.people in unions against those outside union. people inthe private sectorversus those in the public sector. people in the north against those inthesouth. it is the worst form of politics. like sending vans into areas ofbritain where people’smums and granddads have lived for years, generations,and telling people to go home. i say weare britain, we are better than this.telling anyone who’s looking for a job that they are ascrounger. however hardthey are looking, even if the work is not available. i say we are britainweare better than this. so come on. so david cameron i have got a message foryou. you cantell your lynton crosby, it might work elsewhere, it won’t workhere. we’re britain, we’re betterthan this.

friends, the easy path forpolitics is to divide, that’s the easy part. you need to know thisabout me, ibelieve in seeing the best in people, not the worst. that’s what i am about.that’show we create one nation. that’s how we make britain better than this.that’s how we have agovernment that fights for you.

now, it is going to be a bigfight between now and the general election. prepare yourself forthat fight.but when you think about that fight, don’t think about our party, think aboutourcountry. i don’t want to win this fight for labour; i want to win it forbritain. and just rememberthis, throughout our history, when the voices ofhope have been ranged against the voices offear, the voices of hope have wonthrough. those who said at the dawn of the industrialrevolution that workingpeople needed the vote and they wouldn’t wait - they knew britaincould bebetter than this, and we were. those that said, at the birth of a new century,those whosaid at the birth of a new century that working people needed a partyto fight for them and theold order wouldn’t do – they knew britain could bebetter than this, and we were. those whosaid at our darkest hour in the secondworld war that britain needed to rebuild after the warand said ‘never again’,they knew britain could be better than this, and we did. those who said,as the20th century grew old, that the battle for equality was still young; they knewbritain coulddo better than this, and we did.

and so now it falls to us, tobuild one nation, a country for all, a britain we rebuild together.britain’sbest days lie ahead. britain can do better than this. we’re britain, we’rebetter thanthis. i’ll lead a government that fights for you.

第4篇 英国首相卡梅伦在2019英国保守*年会英语演讲稿

this week in manchester we’veshown this party is on the side of hardworking people.

helping young people buy theirown home.

getting the long-term unemployedback to work.

freezing fuel duty.

backing marriage.

cutting the deficit.

creating jobs.

creating wealth.

make no mistake: it is this partywith the verve, energy and ideas to take our countryforward…

…and i want to thank everyonehere for the great week we’ve had.

when we came to office, we faceda clear and daunting task: to turn our country around.

in may 2019, the needle on thegauge was at crisis point.

people were talking about ourcountry in a way they had not done for decades.

but three and a half years later,we are beginning to turn the corner.

the deficit is falling.

our economy is growing.

the numbers of our fellowcountrymen and women in work are rising.

we are not there yet, not by along way.

but, my friends, we are on ourway.

i want to thank the people whohave done the most to get us this far.

you. the british people.

never giving up. working thoseextra hours. coping with those necessary cuts.

you. british business. you keptpeople on in the hard times. invested before you knew forcertain that thingswere getting better.

together – we are clearing up themess that labour left.

but i have a simple question, tothe people in this hall and beyond it.

is that enough?

is it enough that we just clearup labour’s mess and think ‘job done’?

is it enough to just fix whatwent wrong?

i say – no. not for me.

this isn’t job done; it is jobbegun.

i didn’t come into politics justto fix what went wrong, but to build something right.

we in this party – we don’t dreamof deficits and decimal points and dry fiscal plans

…our dreams are about helpingpeople get on in life…

…aspiration, opportunity…

…these are our words, our dreams.

so today i want to talk about ourone, abiding mission…

…i believe it is the greatconservative mission…

… that as our economy starts torecover…

…we build a land of opportunityin our country today.

now, i know, it’ll be tough.

but i know we’ve got what ittakes in this party.

some people say “can’t be done” –conservatives say “what’s to stop us?”

they said we couldn’t getterrorists out of our own country.

well – theresa knew otherwise...

...and that’s why abu qatada hadhis very own may day this year...

…didn’t it feel good seeing himget on that plane?

some people said the nhs wasn’tsafe in our hands.

well – we knew otherwise.

who protected spending on thenhs? not labour – us.

who started the cancer drugsfund? not labour – us.

and by the way – who presidedover mid staffs…

…patients left for so longwithout water, they were drinking out of dirty vases...

...people’s grandparents lyingfilthy and unwashed for days.

who allowed that to happen? yes,it was labour...

...and don’t you dare lectureanyone on the nhs again.

and some people say a lot ofthings on europe.

you’ll never be able to veto aneu treaty.

you’ll never cut the budget.

and if you did these things–you’d have no allies in europe.

well we’ve proved them wrong.

i vetoed that treaty…

…i got britain out of the eubail-out scheme…

…and yes – i cut that budget.

and in doing all this, we haven’tlost respect – we’ve won allies to get powers back fromeurope.

that is what we will do...

...and at the end of it – yes –we will give the british people their say in a referendum.

that is our pledge. it will beyour choice: in or out.

britain in the world

and friends, you know whatsomeone said about us recently?

apparently some russian officialsaid: britain is “just a small island that no-one pays anyattention to.”


let me just get this off mychest.

when the world wanted rights, whowrote magna carta?

when they wanted representation,who built the first parliament?

when they looked for compassion,who led the abolition of slavery?

when they searched for equality,who gave women the vote?

when their freedom was in peril,who offered blood, toil, tears and sweat?

and today – whose music do theydance to?

whose universities do they flockto?

whose football league do theywatch?

whose example of tolerance…

…of people living together fromevery nation, every religion, young and old, straight andgay…

…whose example do they aspire to?

i haven’t even got on to the factthat this small island beat russia in the olympics lastyear…

…or that the biggest-sellingvodka brand in the world isn’t russian, it’s british – smirnoff –made in fife…

...so yes, we may be a smallisland…

…but i tell you what, we’re agreat country.

but i want to make a seriouspoint about our place in the world.

following that vote on syria inthe house of commons, some people said it was time forbritain to re-think ourrole.

i’m sorry – but i don’t agree.

if we shrunk from the world wewould be less safe and less prosperous.

the role we play, theorganisations we belong to...

... and yes – the fact ourdefence budget remains the 4th largest in the world...

...all this is not about nationalvanity – it’s about our national interest.

when british citizens –ourfathers, mothers, daughters– are in danger...

...whether that’s in the desertsof algeria or the city of nairobi…

…then combatting internationalterrorism – it matters to us.

when five of the world’s fastestgrowing economies are african…

…then trading with africa – andyes helping africa to develop with aid – that matters to us.

and at the heart of all this work– the finest foreign secretary i could ask for: williamhague.

around the world, we really domatter as a united kingdom…

…england, wales, northern irelandand scotland.

the date of the referendum hasbeen set. the decision is for scotland to make.

all the arguments about oureconomy, jobs, currency – i believe they make an unanswerablecase for the uk.

but today i want a more simplemessage to go out to all the people of scotland.

from us here in this hall, fromme, from this party, from this country, from england, wales,northern ireland…

…and it’s this:

we want you to stay.

we want to stick together.

think of all we’ve achievedtogether – the things we can do together.

the nations – as one.

our kingdom – united.

for 12 years now, men and womenfrom all parts of these islands have been serving theircountry in afghanistan.

next year, the last of our combattroops will be coming home...

...having trained up the afghansto look after their own country.

more than a decade of war.

sacrifice beyond measure – fromthe finest and bravest armed forces in the world.

and i want us to stand, to raisethe roof in here, to show just how proud of those men andwomen we are.


we in this room are a team.

and this year, we said goodbye toone of our team.

margaret thatcher made ourcountry stand tall again, at home and abroad.

rescuing our economy. givingpower to our people. spreading home ownership. creatingwork. winning the coldwar. saving the falklands.

i asked her about her recordonce.

i was sitting next to her at adinner – and i was really nervous.

as ever she was totally charming,she put me at ease...

...but after a while i said:“margaret, if you had your time in government again, is thereanything you’d dodifferently?”

and she turned to me and said:“you know, i think i did pretty well the first time around.”

well we can all agree with that –and we can all agree on this...

...she was the greatestpeace-time prime minister our country has ever had.

labour’s mess

margaret thatcher had an almightymess to clear up when she came to office…

…and so did we.

we will never forget what wefound.

the biggest budget deficit in ourpeace-time history.

the deepest recession since thesecond world war.

but it wasn’t just the debt anddeficit labour left…

…it was who got hurt.

millions coming here fromoverseas while millions of british people were left on welfare.

the richest paying lower taxrates than their cleaners.

unsustainable, debt-fuelled banksbooming – while manufacturing withered away.

the north falling further behind.

towns where a quarter of peoplelived on benefits.

schools where 8 out of 10children didn’t get five decent gcses.

yes, they were famously“intensely relaxed” about people getting filthy rich…

...but tragically, they were also“intensely relaxed” about people staying stuck on welfareyear after year...

…“intensely relaxed” aboutchildren leaving school without proper qualifications so theycouldn’t hope toget a job at the end of it.

that was it.

that was what they left.

the casino economy meets thewelfare society meets the broken education system...

…a country for the few built bythe so-called party of the many…

…and labour: we will never letyou forget it.

our mission

these past few years have been areal struggle.

but what people want to know nowis: was the struggle worth it?

and here’s the honest answer.

the struggle will only be worthit if we as a country finish the job we’ve started.

finishing the job meansunderstanding this.

our economy may be turning thecorner – and of course that’s great.

but we still haven’t finishedpaying for labour’s debt crisis.

if anyone thinks that’s over,done, dealt with - they’re living in a fantasy land.

this country’s debt crisis,created by labour, is not over.

after three years of cuts, westill have one of the biggest deficits in the world.

we are still spending more thanwe earn.

we still need to earn more andyes, our government still needs to spend less.

i see that labour have stoppedtalking about the debt crisis and now they talk about thecost of livingcrisis.

as if one wasn’t directly relatedto the other.

if you want to know what happensif you don’t deal with a debt crisis...

...and how it affects the cost ofliving...

...just go and ask the greeks.

so finishing the job meanssticking to our course until we’ve paid off all of labour’s deficit,not justsome of it.

and yes – let’s run a surplus sothat this time we fix the roof when the sun is shining...

...as george said in thatbrilliant speech on monday.

to abandon deficit reduction nowwould throw away all the progress we’ve made.

it would put us back to squareone.

unbelievably, that’s exactly whatlabour now want to do.

how did they get us into thismess?

too much spending, too muchborrowing, too much debt.

and what did they propose lastweek?

more spending, more borrowing,more debt.

they have learned nothing –literally nothing – from the crisis they created.

but finishing the job is aboutmore than clearing up the mess we were left.

it means building somethingbetter in its place.

in place of the casino economy,one where people who work hard can actually get on.

in place of the welfare society,one where no individual is written off.

in place of the broken educationsystem, one that gives every child the chance to rise up andsucceed.

our economy, our society,welfare, schools…

...all reformed, all rebuilt -with one aim, one mission in mind:

to make this country, at longlast and for the first time ever, a land of opportunity for all.

for all.

so it makes no difference whetheryou live in the north or in the south, whether you’re blackor you’re white, aman or a woman, the school you went to, the background you have, whoyourparents were…

...what matters is the effort youput in, and if you put the effort in you’ll have the chance tomake it.

that’s what the land ofopportunity means.

that’s what finishing the jobmeans.

of course i know that others in politicsmay talk about these things.

but wishing for something, caringabout something - that’s not enough.

you can’t conjure up a dynamiceconomy, a strong society, fantastic schools all with thestroke of aminister’s pen.

it takes a mixture of hard work,common sense and – above all – the right values.

when the left say: you can’texpect too much from the poorest kids; don’t ask too muchfrom people onwelfare; business is the problem, not the solution…

…here in this party we say:that’s just wrong.

if you expect nothing of peoplethat does nothing for them.

yes, you must help people – butyou help people by putting up ladders that they can climbthrough their ownefforts.

you don’t help children succeedby dumbing down education…

...you help them by pushing themhard.

good education is not aboutequality of outcomes but bringing the best out of every singlechild.

you don’t help people by leavingthem stuck on welfare…

...but by helping them stand ontheir own two feet.

why? because the best way out ofpoverty is work – and the dignity that brings.

we know that profit, wealthcreation, tax cuts, enterprise...

...these are not dirty, elitistwords – they’re not the problem...

...they really are the solutionbecause it’s not government that creates jobs, it’s businesses…

…it’s businesses that get wagesin people’s pockets, food on their tables, hope for theirfamilies and successfor our country.

there is no shortcut to a land ofopportunity. no quick fix. no easy way to do it.

you build it business by business,school by school, person by person…

...patiently,practically, painstakingl

第5篇 英国女王2019年英国议会开幕英语演讲稿

my lords and members of the house of commons.

my government will legislate in the interests of everyone in our country. it will adopt a onenation approach, helping working people get on, supporting aspiration, giving newopportunities to the most disadvantaged and bringing different parts of our country together.

my government will continue with its long-term plan to provide economic stability andsecurity at every stage of life. they will continue the work of bringing the public finances undercontrol and reducing the deficit, so britain lives within its means. measures will be introducedto raise the productive potential of the economy and increase living standards.

legislation will be brought forward to help achieve full employment and provide more peoplewith the security of a job. new duties will require my ministers to report annually on jobcreation and apprenticeships. measures will also be introduced to reduce regulation on smallbusinesses so they can create jobs.

legislation will be brought forward to ensure people working 30 hours a week on the nationalminimum wage do not pay income tax, and to ensure there are no rises in income tax rates,value added tax or national insurance for the next 5 years.

measures will be brought forward to help working people by greatly increasing the provision offree childcare.

legislation will be introduced to support home ownership and give housing associationtenants the chance to own their own home.

measures will be introduced to increase energy security and to control immigration. mygovernment will bring forward legislation to reform trade unions and to protect essentialpublic services against strikes.

to give new opportunities to the most disadvantaged, my government will expand thetroubled families programme and continue to reform welfare, with legislation encouragingemployment by capping benefits and requiring young people to earn or learn.

legislation will be brought forward to improve schools and give every child the best start in life,with new powers to take over failing and coasting schools and create more academies.

in england, my government will secure the future of the national health service byimplementing the national health service’s own 5 year plan, by increasing the health budget,integrating healthcare and social care, and ensuring the national health service works on a 7day basis. measures will be introduced to improve access to general practitioners and to mentalhealthcare.

measures will also be brought forward to secure the real value of the basic state pension, sothat more people live in dignity and security in retirement. measures will be brought forwardto increase the rights of victims of crime.

to bring different parts of our country together, my government will work to bring about abalanced economic recovery. legislation will be introduced to provide for the devolution ofpowers to cities with elected metro mayors, helping to build a northern powerhouse.

my government will continue to legislate for high-speed rail links between the different parts ofthe country.

my government will also bring forward legislation to secure a strong and lastingconstitutional settlement, devolving wide-ranging powers to scotland and wales. legislationwill be taken forward giving effect to the stormont house agreement in northern ireland.

my government will continue to work in cooperation with the devolved administrations on thebasis of mutual respect.

my government will bring forward changes to the standing orders of the house of commons.these changes will create fairer procedures to ensure that decisions affecting england, orengland and wales, can be taken only with the consent of the majority of members ofparliament representing constituencies in those parts of our united kingdom.

my government will renegotiate the united kingdom’s relationship with the european union andpursue reform of the european union for the benefit of all member states.

alongside this, early legislation will be introduced to provide for an in-out referendum onmembership of the european union before the end of 2019.

measures will also be brought forward to promote social cohesion and protect people bytackling extremism. new legislation will modernise the law on communications data, improvethe law on policing and criminal justice, and ban the new generation of psychoactive drugs.

my government will bring forward proposals for a british bill of rights.

members of the house of commons.

estimates for the public services will be laid before you.

my lords and members of the house of commons

my government will continue to play a leading role in global affairs, using its presence all overthe world to re-engage with and tackle the major international security, economic andhumanitarian challenges.

my ministers will remain at the forefront of the nato alliance and of international efforts todegrade and ultimately defeat terrorism in the middle east.

the united kingdom will continue to seek a political settlement in syria, and will offer furthersupport to the iraqi government’s programme for political reform and national reconciliation.

my government will maintain pressure on russia to respect the territorial integrity andsovereignty of ukraine, and will insist on the full implementation of the minsk agreements.

my government looks forward to an enhanced partnership with india and china.

prince philip and i look forward to our state visit to germany next month and to our state visitto malta in november, alongside the commonwealth heads of government meeting. we alsolook forward to welcoming his excellency the president of the people’s republic of china andmadame peng on a state visit in october.

my government will seek effective global collaboration to sustain economic recovery andto combat climate change, including at the climate change conference in paris later this year.

my government will undertake a full strategic defence and security review, and do whatever isnecessary to ensure that our courageous armed forces can keep britain safe.

my government will work to reduce the threat from nuclear weapons, cyber attacks andterrorism.

other measures will be laid before you.

my lords and members of the house of commons

i pray that the blessing of almighty god may rest upon your counsels.

第6篇 英国首相卡梅伦2019年锡克教丰收节英语演讲稿

i send my best wishes to everyone in india, britain and around the world celebrating vaisakhi.

i know this is an incredibly important time for the sikh community as families and friendscome together to commemorate the birth of the khalsa and give thanks. from southall tosunderland, from ottawa to amritsar, sikhs around the world will be marking vaisakhi withvibrant parades and celebrations with homes, gurdwaras and entire neighbourhoods burstinginto life with decorations and colour.

vaisakhi also gives us a chance to celebrate the immense contribution of british sikhs, whohave enriched our country for over 160 years. whether it is in the fields of enterprise orbusiness, education, public service or civil society, britain’s sikhs are a success story and modelcommunity.

and i see this contribution every day, all around. like at the magnificent gurdwara sahibleamington, where i saw for myself the values of sikhism – of compassion, peace and equality– in practice. and across the country i see how sikh and asian businessmen and women areboosting the economy by creating jobs and opportunities. but this contribution is not just arecent thing it goes back many, many years and was never more starkly demonstrated than 100years ago during the first world war.

just last month we commemorated the indian soldiers, many of whom were sikh, who foughtbravely alongside the allies in the battle of neuve chapelle in northern france. i pay tribute tothose men who travelled far from home and who fought and died with their comrades in thefight for freedom. we will never let their sacrifice be forgotten.

so at this important time, let us commemorate the birth of a great religion, let us give thanksfor everything the sikh community does for britain and let us celebrate the successful multi-ethnic, multi-faith democracy country that we are.

so wherever you are, i wish you all a very happy and peaceful vaisakhi.




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    ionceknewsomeonewhospentayearinaplastercastrecoveringfromanoperationonhisback.hereadalot,andthoughtalot,andfeltmiserable.later,her… ...[更多]
