第1篇 鹏华基金投资总监的演讲稿
(一) 用“单一规则”分析经济周期
(二) 一切通胀问题都是货币问题
(三) 产能增加和过剩周期、房地产周期是最敏感的实体经济周期
(四) 中国货币政策的主要特点和未来可能的经济风险
(五) 对巴菲特的误解
(一) 钟摆
(二) 股市和宏观面直接紧密相关
(三) 股市波动的本质是资金的运动
(四) 反射理论
有一本很有名的书叫《黑天鹅》,它的主题是说,我们辛辛苦苦建立了很多投资模型,去管理我们日常的投资。投资风险可以用一条高斯曲线来表达,大部分风险都在某一个区域里面,我们努力去规避最主要的这样一些风险,但是一次极小概率意外的出现,就可以颠覆一切,将辛辛苦苦建立的模型打破,很多财富从而化为乌有。但我想,巴菲特从60 年代做投资以来,经历过无数次大大小小的所谓黑天鹅事件,他不但存活下来了,而且活得很好,他是怎么做到的?2008年《黑天鹅》这本书的出版,让投资界很震惊,都在反思。黑天鹅事件是不可避免的,关健是我们如何去应对,让我们的资产不断增值,活得更好。这是促使我去思考的另一个重要原因。
研究经济就是研究周期。我尝试用“单一规则”来分析经济周期。“单一规则”是借鉴弗里德曼的说法,他认为,当代一切经济活动都离不开货币信用形式,一切经济政策的调节都是通过货币的吞吐(扩张或收缩)来发挥作用。一切经济的变量,都和货币有关系。货币推动力是说明产量、就业和物价变化的最主要因素,而货币推动力最可靠的测量指标就是货币供应量。由于货币供应量的变动取决于货币当局的行为,因此,货币当局就能通过控制货币供应量来调节整个经济。 政府只需要将货币供应的增长控制在既适度又稳定的水平上就可以了,方法就是将货币供应的增长率相对固定,这就是所谓的“单一规则”,除此以外,不应该也用不着对经济多加干预,市场会自己进行调节。这是弗里德曼最核心的思想。
70 年代开始,美国采取这种方式成功解决了通胀和失业率较高同时并存的经济难题(这是凯恩斯主义所不能解决的问题)。之后,这种货币主张被很多西方国家所接受,成为发达国家经济政策最重要的理论。但是显然,我们国家并没有这么做。
(二) 一切通胀问题都是货币问题
一切通胀问题都是货币问题,这是弗里德曼最著名的论断。通胀这个词语容易产生歧义,cpi 并不是最好的指标,货币购买力这个名词可能更好,大家更容易理解。最近几年货币发的很厉害,买房子越来越辛苦,教育医疗等支出也让老姓感觉很头疼,我们的购买力水平显然在严重下降。我认为,我们可以用货币发行总量的变化大致估算货币购买力水平,具体到某一项资产价格,我们可以用供求关系来加以判断。我们可以用这种办法来分析房价、劳动力和原材料价格。比如劳动力,高善文的报告说,2007 年下半年我们国家已经迈过了刘易斯拐点,农民工不仅仅要求满足最低生存需要就算了,他们对生活有了更高的追求。劳动力供需矛盾发生了深刻变化,因此工人工资在上涨,农产品价格也涨得很厉害,由于农村劳动生产率提高很困难,因此农产品价格上涨是不可逆转的,而且会长期维持,发改委说是有人故意炒作,这是推卸责任的做法。cpi 会长期比ppi 涨幅高,这也是由于劳动力价格上涨引起的,韩国和日本在迈过了刘易斯拐点后,就是这种情况。另外判断有色金属价格,全球量化宽松条件下,不仅中国资金起作用,全球资金都起作用,当然只有涨了。怎么去衡量货币供应量呢?有很多指标,比如 m1 增速、m2 增速、m1 增速-m2 增速、m2/gdp 等,后面还有介绍。
从 2010 年来看,信贷规模占67%的权重,外汇结算占28%权重。是什么影响信贷规模的变化呢?很大一部分是来自固定资产投资。根据2009 年中国统计年报,城镇固定资产投资达到19.4 万亿元,采矿、制造、交通运输等和产能直接相关的投资,达到11.1 万亿,占比57%。而公共产品的提供,如水利、环境教育、卫生文化等固定资产投资只占30%,这和国外很不一样。我们的固定资产投资主要不是为了满足老百姓的娱乐生活消费,而是为了满足产能增加的需要。所以,高善文的文章《十年之痒》,结论我很认同,产能增加和过剩周期的确是中国经济最核心的周期。
我们的产能扩张了,无非是为了满足两个需求:国内消费需求和国外消费需求(即出口)。但是,国内消费需求要有很大增长是很困难的。2009 年居民零售消费总额增长 15%,2010 年至今是18.3%,已经不错了,未来也不会有很大增长,这和我国的政治经济环境是直接相关的。我们的社保、医疗体系等都不完善,尤其是养老问题很严重,现在大家的养老金并非由国家统筹,还是基本由县市一级统筹,投资渠道只有国债和存款,这几年收益率还不到2%,在高通胀下这些资产严重缩水,寅吃卯粮,赤字严重,等到你们退休后,能拿到的退休金有可能是不够的,不足以维持你退休前的生活,这个问题会越来越严重,会成为最影响中国人幸福感的事情。那你还敢随便消费吗?另外中国政府与民争利的情况很严重。这几年国家财政增长很快,2006 年增长22%、2007 年增长 32%,2008 年金融危机还增长19%,2009 年增长11%。今年前十个月增长22%,但是居民工资收入增长水平却很低,大家拼命呼吁,但个税起征点还是顽强地维持在2000元不变。可见政府并不想藏富于民,而是希望将更多钱放在库房里。由于有如此多的顾虑,除非政治体制有大的改革,我不认为消费会给经济增长带来惊喜。看“一二五”规划时,说要培育中国消费市场成为世界级的市场,我觉得是很困难的。产能的扩张还是要寄托在出口上。自从2001 年中国加入wto 出口持续大幅增长,我们是世贸体系最大的赢家。我们的出口依存度是很高的,2009 年出口占gdp 是24%,出口金额与居民零售总额的比重是65:100。2009年出口总额达到1.2 万亿美金,超越德国成为全球第一。2008 年金融危机出口下滑了一点,导致东莞工厂减少了 15-20%,引起工人失业,社会动荡。现在国家推动城镇化建设,产能向中西部转移,加大基础建设,这是一个重大国策,这部分产能转移很大一部分是出口带来的。因此要非常重视出口未来的潜力。
简化一点,我认为产能增加和过剩周期的核心是进出口周期。衡量指标上,进出口增速和出口产品的结构比例,还有pmi 等。高善文认为产能增加及过剩周期是核心周期,但没有说房地产周期,是不完整的。房地产周期,影响也很重大。2000年之后,要解释中国经济的增长奇迹,除了加入世贸带动出口增长外,另外一个原因就是房地产。03-07 年地产狂飙带动经济发展,08-09 年金融风暴,政府采用启动房地产的方式来启动中国经济,算是把经济从泥潭里拉了出来,当然代价也很大。关心地产周期,衡量指标主要有:房地产投资增速、房屋销售量、新屋动工量、房价收入比、房租回报率等。
第一,房地产所占财富比重。根据国际货币基金组织的一个统计,2004 当年全球可变现资产的规模是170-220 万亿美金,住宅和商业地产90-130 万亿,股票35-40 万亿,黄金很少只有1.6-2 万亿。因此从全球角度来看,地产占人类财富的比重超过50%。而且由于货币贬值,全球不动产价格持续走高,今天地产所占财富的比重应该更高。而中国呢,有一个大概的测算,2009 年7 月中国房子的总值超过90 万亿,现在可能已经超过100 万亿了。而我们的 gdp 2009 年是34.5 万亿,今年大概是37.5 万亿。房价总价值超过gpd 的两倍多。未来城镇化后,农村土地价格变得更值钱。房地产所占财富比重非常惊人,一点点的波动对整体经济都会产生重大影响。
第二,房地产对m2 的吸纳。09 年初m2 是47.5 万亿,年底时是60.6 万亿,一年增加13.1 万亿。而09 年地产销售总额是4.4 万亿,占新增m2 的34%。09 年房地产投资完成额是 3.62 万亿,占了27.6%,一部分卖出去了,还有一部分没卖出去。房地产销售额加上已经建好但还没有卖出去的,估计占新增m2 超过四成。和房地产业配套的水泥、建材生产等,占比也很重,按照10--20%的比例算,所有这些因素加在一起,房地产及配套产业对新增货币吸收比重可能在60%左右。这是 09 年增加那么多货币却没有发生很严重通胀的其中一个原因。
第2篇 优化经济环境优秀演讲稿:这里是投资者的家
各位领导,同志们,就拿简单的折纸游戏来说吧 用一张足够大的纸,将其对折,不停地对折。当把这张纸对折了52次的时候,您知道它的厚度有多少吗?通过计算机的模拟,这个厚度接近于地球到太阳之间的距离。没错,就是这简单的动作,它可以创造惊人的奇迹。外经贸局在建设“投资者的家”过程中,巧妙地活化了折纸游戏的道理,从服务工作的点滴小事做起,积累点滴情感,以至以小成大,集腋成裘,赢得了情感的最大值,赢得了利用外资项目的成功,赢得了我市对外经贸的快速发展!让我们、你们、他们都积极行动起来,把我们共同的投资者的家――中国金都建设得更加美好,铸就我市外经贸事业的辉煌!
第3篇 投资公司副经理岗位竞聘演讲稿
我叫,中共*员,中级会计职称。弹指一挥间,不知不觉中,从年毕业于大学至今,我已参加工作整整年。年来,我坚持以“踏踏实实做事、老老实实做人”为座右铭,勤奋工作,奋发向上。在政工科工作两年后,在近年的时间里,我一直从事会计工作,先后担任出纳、会计和货运部副科长。我的努力得到了大家的认可:曾荣立全省“青春之功”二等功;曾先后被评为全省交通财务报表决算先进个人、全市年度财务决算先进个人、全市巾帼建功先进个人、交通局先进个人和优秀共产 *员;在交通局举办的演讲比赛中,获得了第一名。
第4篇 奥巴马总统呼吁加强美国基础设施投资英语演讲稿
the president: hello, st. paul! (applause.) it is good to be back in minnesota. (applause.)
audience member: we love you!
the president: i love you back. that’s why i came here. good to see you.
although, can i just say that when we got off the plane, secretary foxx, who is from northcarolina, turned to me and he said, this is the coldest i’ve ever been in my life. (laughter.)now, we were only out there for like a minute -- (laughter) -- which goes to show how soft thesefolks from north carolina are when it comes to the weather. (laughter and applause). i, on theother hand, am from chicago -- (applause) -- i walked off those stairs and i was like, this isbalmy, this is great. (laughter.) february, in minnesota -- can’t beat it. cannot beat it.
now, in addition to secretary foxx, who i want to -- give him a big round of applause forthat introduction. (applause.) you’ve two champions for the people of minnesota who are heretoday. you’ve got representative betty mccollum -- (applause) -- and representative keithellison. (applause.) you’ve got your mayor, chris coleman, in the house. (applause.) the newmayor of minneapolis, betsy hodges, is here. (applause.) and my great friend, who actually toldme i was running for president before i knew i was running for president -- r.t. rybak. lovethat name. (applause.) where’s r.t.?
now, i want to thank everybody who showed me around union depot and gave me apreview of this new light rail line. it is fantastic. (applause.) and i also just want to say --even though he’s not here today -- i want to say to everybody how michelle and i have beenkeeping in our thoughts and prayers one of the great americans that we know, as well as agreat minnesotan -- walter mondale. (applause.)
now, like millions of americans, i’ve spent some time with minnesotans lately -- because iwas watching the olympics. (laughter.) minnesota sent 19 athletes to the games. (applause.)that’s tied for second most of any state, and they did us all proud. it is not shocking thatminnesotans might be pretty good at the winter olympics. (laughter.) what is particularlyinteresting is that, once again, the tiny town of warroad proved that it really is hockeytown,usa, thanks to t.j. oshie and gigi marvin, who we’re just so proud of. and t.j.’s shootoutperformance against the russians i might say i enjoyed a lot. (applause.) i tweeted at himabout it.
so we’ve spent some time over the last few weeks on hockey, but i’m not here to talk abouthockey. by the way, i cannot play hockey. (laughter.) i grew up in hawaii -- we do not havehockey in hawaii. but i’m here to talk about what you’re doing in the twin cities, and howyou’re helping to create new jobs and new opportunities for every american.
we are at a moment when our economy is growing. our businesses have created about 8.5million new jobs in the past four years. unemployment is at the lowest it’s been in over fiveyears; in minnesota, it’s lower than it’s been in six and a half years. (applause.) and, by theway, you’ve got a great governor who i served with in the senate, mark dayton, who is helpingto make that happen. (applause.)
so in a lot of ways things are looking up. but in some ways, the trends that had beenbattering middle-class families for a long time have gotten even starker, because those at thetop are doing better than ever, while wages and incomes for a lot of families have barelybudged. and too many families are working harder than ever just to keep up. so as i said atthe state of the union address a few weeks back, our job is to reverse those trends. (applause.) we’ve got to build an economy that works for everybody. we’ve got to restoreopportunity for all people, so that no matter who you are, where you come from, what youlook like, you can get ahead if you work hard and you’re responsible.
and so i laid out an opportunity agenda that has four parts. number one, good jobs thatpay good wages in manufacturing, in energy, in innovation and infrastructure. number two,train folks with the skills they need to get those good jobs, something that your senator, alfranken, is doing great work on every single day. he cares a lot about that job training issue. (applause.) number three, guaranteeing every child has access to a world-class education. (applause.) and, number four, making sure that hard work is rewarded with wages you can liveon, and savings you can retire on, and health care you can count on. that’s what we’re fightingfor. (applause.)
minnesota is helping to lead the way on these issues. your state legislature is poised toraise your minimum wage this year. (applause.) in my state of the union address, i called fora new women’s economic agenda. it’s actually a family economic agenda -- equal pay for equalwork, paid sick leave and more. and there are leaders in your state legislature that areworking hard at this, because they know when women succeed, america succeeds. (applause.)
so on all these issues, we’re reaching out to members of congress, looking to see if they’rewilling to work with us on some of these priorities. but what i also said at the state of theunion is, in this year of action, whenever i can partner directly with states or cities or businessleaders or civic leaders to act on this opportunity agenda, i’m going to go ahead and do it.we can’t wait. we’ve got to move. we’ve got to get things going. too many families arecounting on it. (applause.)
so yesterday, i launched new hubs to attract 21st century manufacturing jobs to america.and today, i’m here to launch a new competition for 21st century infrastructure and the jobsthat come with it, because any opportunity agenda begins with creating more good jobs. andone of the fastest and best ways to create good jobs is by rebuilding america’s infrastructure --our roads, our bridges, our rails, our ports, our airports, our schools, our power grids. we’ve gota lot of work to do out there, and we’ve got to put folks to work. (applause.)
one of the most difficult things about the financial crisis we went through was the housingbubble bursting, and construction workers were hammered harder than just about anybody.and while we’ve cut the unemployment rate for construction workers almost in half since2019, too many are still looking for jobs at a time when we’ve got so much that we could putthem to work on rebuilding. we’ve got ports that aren’t ready for the next generation ofsupertankers. we’ve got more than 100,000 bridges that are old enough to qualify formedicare. (laughter.)
everybody knows, and nobody knows better than minnesotans, when we’ve gone through awinter like this, roads are wrecked, full of potholes all across the country. (applause.)
now, other countries are not waiting to rebuild their infrastructure. they’re trying to out-build us today so they can out-compete us tomorrow. as a percentage of gdp, countries likechina, germany, they’re spending about twice what we’re spending in order to buildinfrastructure -- because they know that if they have the fastest trains on the planet or thehighest-rated airports or the busiest, most efficient ports that businesses will go there.
but we don’t want businesses to go there. we want them to come here to minnesota. (applause.) we want them to come here to the united states of america. and that means thebest airports and the best roads and the best trains should be right here in america.
at a time when companies are saying they intend to hire more people this year, we need tomake that decision easier for them. and we can create jobs at the same time, rebuilding ourtransportation systems, our power grids, our communications networks -- all the things thatcommerce relies on and that help get workers to those jobs.
so the bottom line is there’s work to be done, workers ready to do it. rebuilding ourinfrastructure is vital to business. it creates good-paying jobs that, by the way, cannot beoutsourced. (applause.) this is one of congress’s major responsibilities -- helping states andcities fund new infrastructure projects. (applause.)
and part of the reason i’m focused on this is congress has an important deadline comingup. if congress doesn’t finish a transportation bill by the end of the summer, we could seeconstruction projects stop in their tracks, machines sitting idle, workers off the job.
so next week, i’m going to send congress a budget that funds rebuilding ourtransportation infrastructure in a more responsible way -- by doing it over four years, whichgives cities and states and private investors the certainty they need to plan major projects.projects like repairing essential highways and bridges; building new transit systems in fast-growing cities and communities, so folks who live there can get to work and school every dayand spend less time sitting in traffic. (applause.) and we’re going to have to constructsmarter, more resilient transportation systems that can withstand the worst impacts ofclimate change, like bigger surges of water that we’ve seen in recent floods.
so, all told, my transportation budget will support millions of jobs nationwide. and we’llpay for these investments in part by simplifying the tax code. we’re going to close wasteful taxloopholes, lower tax rates for businesses that create jobs here at home, stop rewardingcompanies for sending jobs to other countries, use the money we save in this transition tocreate good jobs with good wages rebuilding america. it makes sense. (applause.)
now, i’ll be honest with you, there are leaders in both parties who are willing to reachacross the aisle in congress when it comes to american infrastructure. they know howimportant it is. and infrastructure didn’t use to be a partisan issue -- shouldn’t be democrator republican. everybody uses roads, everybody uses ports, airports. unfortunately, time andagain over the past few years, there have been some republicans in congress who refused toact on common-sense proposals that will create jobs and grow our economy. it’s not thatthey’re -- i guess they don’t like roads; they just don’t want to pay for them. it doesn’t workthat way. you’ve got to come up with a way to get these projects going.
so while congress is deciding what it’s going to do next, i’m just going to go ahead and dowhat i can to create more good jobs. and that’s why i came here to st. paul. (applause.)
because this project symbolizes what’s possible. union depot was renovated and expandedwith the help of what we call tiger grants. these are competitive grants that we created aspart of the recovery act, also known as the stimulus, which actually worked despite whateverybody claims. (applause.) so the idea is, if a city or state comes up with a plan tomodernize transportation infrastructure that will have a significant impact on economicactivity, and if they line up other sources of funding to help pay for it, they can win a tigergrant and the federal government becomes a partner with these local communities.
so far, these grants have given a boost to 270 infrastructure projects across all 50 states. (applause.) and you heard secretary foxx talk about -- these grants are helping cities like laand states like north carolina, and they helped you rebuild this depot into a hub that will bringdifferent modes of transportation together under one roof instead of scattered across the city.amtrak is going to be here. the new metro green line will be here. bus lines will be here. (applause.)
and i just had a chance to take a look at some of those spiffy new trains. (laughter.) theyare nice. and they’re energy efficient. they’re going to be reliable. you can get from onedowntown to the other in a little over 30 minutes instead of when it’s snowing being in trafficfor two hours. (applause.) the trains were made in california, which meant folks were put towork here in the united states building them. (applause.)
and here’s the best part of it: not only have you made a more efficient transportationsystem, cutting down commutes, saving on gas, reducing carbon pollution, but this depot hashelped to boost economic development in lowertown st. paul. (applause.) just across thestreet the old downtown post office building is becoming apartments and shops. all told, morethan 4,000 jobs were created for this project. (applause.) and we’re seeing businesses crop upand new development crop up all along the line.
so everybody is winning. and in part because of some flexibility that we showed duringthe planning process, the line is also going to stop in some poor neighborhoods that oftentimeshave difficulty getting to the places where there are jobs. (applause.) so it’s going to help folkswho are willing to work hard, trying to get into the middle class, it helps them get access --helps people get access to opportunity that, up until this point, had a tough time.
so we know this works. today, we’re kicking off the next round of competition for tigergrants. mayors and governors, city councils, state legislatures, all of you who are watching heretoday, if you’ve got a great idea for your city or your state, then let us know your plan. if it willencourage economic activity and support local businesses, and help put people to work, thenyour country is interested in partnering with you.
and tiger grants aren’t the only way that we can help cities like st. paul and minneapolisrebuild their infrastructure. you’ve got -- federal funding helped to build the green line; that’sgoing to make it easier than ever to travel between the two cities. you’ve got more than 5,000construction workers from all over minnesota helping to build it. nearly 200 police officers,train operators and maintenance workers are being hired. and that’s not counting all the jobsthat are being created from the offices and the apartment buildings that are going to be builtalong the line. because the trains stopped at neighborhoods that have access to publictransportation, those folks are going to work. and all of this can be duplicated all across thecountry.
but unfortunately, funding for these projects are going to be in jeopardy unless congresspasses this new transportation bill. so i want everybody to understand. now, the good newsis keith ellison, betty, they’re already onboard. (applause.) they know this needs to happen. alfranken, all over it. some democrats and republicans are already working together to makesure transportation doesn’t -- funding doesn’t run out. and we’re seeing some glimmers ofhope, because this new round of tiger grants was the result of bipartisan cooperation. that’swhat needs to happen when we work together.
but we’re going to need your voices telling a story around the country about why this is soimportant. roads and bridges should not be a partisan issue. more americans should haveaccess to the kind of efficient, affordable transit you’re going to have with the green line. (applause.) there’s no faster way or better way for congress to create jobs right now and togrow our economy right now, and have a positive impact on our economy for decades than ifwe start more projects and finish more projects like this one.
let’s create more good jobs, build smarter schools, better airports, faster railways, betterbroadband networks. let’s educate our kids and our workers better. let’s rebuild an economywhere everybody who is willing to hard has a chance to get ahead. (applause.)
this is the beginning, not the end. we’ve got a lot more rail we got to lay. we’ve got a lotmore roads we got to travel. let’s get going, minnesota.
thank you. god bless you. god bless the united states of america. (applause.)
第5篇 李嘉诚励志演讲稿:打工是最愚蠢的投资
我们试想一下,有谁生下来上天就会送给他一大堆金钱的?有谁是准备非常齐全了完美了再去创业就成功了?含着金汤匙出生的毕竟是极少数、富不过三代,许多伟业都是平凡人创造出来的。计划赶不上变化,特别是在如今这个信息高度快速传播的年代! 我曾经问过我的一个朋友为什么不去打工?他的回答是:“说句得罪点的话,出去打工简直就是愚蠢的浪费青春!”为什么你一直是打工仔?因为你安于现状!因为你没有勇气,你天生胆小怕事不敢另择它路!因为你没有勇往直前,没有超越自我的精神!虽然你曾想过改变你的生活、改变你穷困的命运、但是你没有做,因为你不敢做!你害怕输,你害怕输的一穷再穷!你最后连想都不敢想了,你觉得自己也算努力了、拼搏了、你抱着雄心大志、结果你没看到预想的成就,你就放弃了。你就只能是一个打工仔!!
1 、我没有口才——错:没有人天生就很会说话,台上的演讲大师也不是一下子就能出口成章,那是他们背后演练了无数次的结果!你骂人的时候很擅长、抱怨的时候也很擅长、但这种口才是没有价值的口才,看别人争论的时候、自己满嘴评头论足、却不知反省自己,倘若你付出努力练习,你今天是否还说自己没口才?
2 、我没有钱—— 错: 不是没有钱,而是没有赚钱的脑袋。工作几年了没有钱么?有、但是花掉了。花在没有投资回报的事情上面。花在吃喝玩乐上、或存放贬值了,没有实现价值最大化、所以钱就这样入不敷出。每月当月光族、周而复始、没有远虑、当一天和尚敲一天钟,得过且过。
3 、我没有能力——错: 不给自己机会去锻炼,又有谁一出生就有能力?一毕业就是社会精英?一创业就马上成功?当别人很努力的学习、很努力的积累、努力找方法,而你每天就只做了很少一点就觉得乏味。学了一些就觉得没意思、看了几页书就不想看、跟自己也跟别人说没兴趣学。然后大半辈子过去一事无成,整天抱怨上天不给机会。能力是努力修来的、不努力想有能力,天才都会成蠢材。但努力,再笨的人也能成精英。
4 、我没有时间——错:时间很多、但浪费的也很多!别人很充实、你在看电视,别人在努力学习时、你在玩游戏消遣虚度。总之时间就是觉得很多余、你过得越来越无聊。别人赚钱了羡慕别人、但不去学别人好好把握时间创造价值,整天不学无术。
5 、我没有心情——错:心情好的时候去游玩、心情不好的时候在家喝闷酒,心情好的时候去逛街、心情不好的时候玩游戏,心情好的时候去享受、心情不好的时候就睡大觉。好坏心情都一样,反正就是不做正事。
6 、我没有兴趣——错:兴趣是什么?吃喝玩乐谁都有兴趣,没有成就哪来的尽兴!没钱拿什么享受生活!你的兴趣是什么?是出去旅游回来月光族、出去k歌回头钱包空空、出去大量购物回来惨兮兮.... 打工有没有兴趣?挤公交车有没有兴趣?上班签到下班打卡有没有兴趣?家里急需要一大笔钱拿不出来有没有兴趣?借了钱没钱还有没有兴趣?卖老鼠药的人对老鼠药有兴趣.....?
7 、我考虑考虑——错:考虑做吧有可能就成了、不做吧好不甘心!一想整天上班也没有个头、还是明天开始做吧!又一想还是算了、这钱挣的也不容易!不不、就是打工挣钱也不容易,决定了不能放弃机会! 哎呀、天都黑了,明天再说吧!然后第二天又因为以上12345点、因为左思右想、继续循环、最终不能决定。犹犹豫豫、耽误了很多时间、还是一无所获。
有句话是:“可怜之人必有可恨之处!” 这一生中不是没有机遇,而是没有争取与把握!借口太多,理由太多....!争取之人必竭力争取、一分钱都没有也千方百计想办法!不争取之人给一百万也动不起来、发财不了、还有可能一败涂地。这就是行动力的欠缺!喜欢犹豫不决、喜欢拖延、喜欢半途而废、最后一辈子平庸、碌碌无为!还有的人、做事三分钟热度,一开始热情高涨、等会就继续懒散,这种人成功的帽子也不会在你的头上。
第6篇 风险投资管理部经理竞聘演讲稿
我叫 ,现年xx岁,xxxx年参加农行工作,xxxx年加入中国***,曾在阜田、八都、罗田、白沙、枫江营业所及支行风险资产部从事过信贷、储蓄工作。
3、是充分发挥资产保全部在清收工作中的管理、组织、协调和指挥作用。按照“先内后外、先易后难、先钱后物”的原则,通过制订清收计划、下达清收任务、组织清收队伍、协调各方关系、采取各种措施,使辖内清收工作有条不紊、有的放矢、有实效。 因为山高,我学会了攀登,因为路长,我学会了奔跑;因为热爱,我走上了财政,因为执著,我会追求卓越。古希腊力学家阿基米德说过:给我一个支点,我能撬动整个地球;我要说的是,给我一个舞台,我会还你十二份精彩。作为这次竞争的参与者,我希望获得成功,但绝不回避失败。所荣幸的是,我得到了一个机会,拥有了一个平台,经受了一次考验,享受了一次快乐!