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发布时间:2024-02-03 12:40:02 查看人数:18



开头:the president: everybody, have a seat. ms. baker: hello. my name is janice baker. i havethe privilege to say that i'm the firstperson in the state of delaware to enrollfor health insurance through the new marketplace. (applause.) like many consumers out there, it took me a number of frustratingattempts beforei could apply for and select my plan. i kept trying because i needed access to thenew healthcare options.


开头:the president: hello, st. paul! (applause.) it is good to be back in minnesota. (applause.) audience member: we love you! the president: i love you back. that’s why i came here. good to see you.


开头:in just two weeks, we’ll come together, as a nation, to mark the 10th anniversary of the september 11th attacks. we’ll remember the innocent lives we lost. we’ll stand with the families who loved them. we’ll honor the heroic first responders who rushed to the scene and saved so many. and we’ll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.


开头:下面小编给大家分享奥巴马经典英语演讲稿,欢迎阅读: 奥巴马经典英语演讲稿 hello, chicago!


开头:想不想要知道那些名人的英语演讲稿?小编特地为大家收集了几位名人的经典演讲稿,下面分享给大家。 刘慈欣英语演讲稿 ladies and gentleman,


开头:if there is anyone out there who still doubts that america is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.


开头:mrs. obama: i see tears. i do. wow, abby, amazing. we're so proud of you. man, good stuff!very good stuff. you guys, welcome to the white house. let's say that again – welcome to the white house!


开头:barack obama’s inaugural address my fellow citizens: i stand here today humbled by the task before us, grateful for the trust you have bestowed, mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors. i thank president bush for his service to our nation, as well as the generosity and cooperation he has shown throughout this transition.


开头:mr. secretary-general, thank you for bringing us together today to address an urgent threatto the people of west africa, but also a potential threat to the world. dr. chan, heads of stateand government, especially our african partners, ladies and gentlemen: as we gather heretoday, the people of liberia and sierra leone and guinea are in crisis. as secretary-general banand dr. chan have already indicated, the ebola virus is spreading at alarming speed.thousands of men, women and children have died. thousands more are infected. ifunchecked, this epidemic could kill hundreds of thousands of people in the coming months.hundreds of thousands.


开头:the president: good morning! (applause.) good morning,everybody! everybody,please have aseat. have a seat. well, on behalf of michelle andmyself, welcome to the white house. thisis one of myfavorite events every year, especially special this year, as ilook at this extraordinary group ofindividuals and our opportunity to honorthem with our nation’s highest civilian honor -- thepresidential medal offreedom.


开头:the president: hello, everybody! (applause.) oh, it is good to be in l.a.! (applause.)it is colder in d.c.at the moment, colder in chicago, and 70-degree weather is something tobethankful for. and it is great to be atdreamworks animation. i would like towork here. (laughter.) i haveasked jeffrey. the only concern i had was the lights werekind of dim in the offices and -- (laughter) -- i’m pretty sure i’d fallasleep. but there’s a natural connectionbetween me anddreamworks. i don’t knowif you know this, but my ears were one of the inspirations for “shrek.” (laughter.) that’s true. true story.


开头:the president: hello, milwaukee! (applause.) thank you! oh, it’s good to be back inmilwaukee. give chris a big round of applause for that great introduction. (applause.) happy labor day, everybody. happy labor day. (applause.) today is a day that belongs to you–- the working men and women who make america the greatest country on earth. so thank youto the working folks who are here today, and the unions who’ve always had your back. (applause.) thank you to the milwaukee area labor council, to the wisconsin afl-cio. (applause.)


开头:hi! how are you all doing? are you sure?well, let me just tell you, it is beyond a pleasure and an honor to be here with all of you today. i want to start by thanking president krislov for that very kind introduction, as well as all of thetrustees, the faculty, the staff here at oberlin. i also want to tell you how proud and how movedi am to receive this honorary degree from this particular school – the first college in americato officially embrace the admission of black students, and the first co-ed school to grantbachelor's degrees to women. (applause.)


开头:at his trial in 1964, nelson mandela closed his statement from the dock saying, 'i have foughtagainst white domination, and i have fought against black domination. i have cherished theideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and withequal opportunities. it is an ideal which i hope to live for and to achieve. but if needs be, it isan ideal for which i am prepared to die.'


开头:thank you. (applause.) thank you all so much. thank you. well, you guys rest yourselves. you’ve been very busy. (laughter.) you’re being spoken to a lot. i hear my husband was here. (laughter.) but it is truly a pleasure to be here with all of you today, and i want to thank you so much for joining us for this year’s college opportunity day of action. you should be proud. we’re already proud of you, and this day has just already been a tremendous success.


开头:hello, cbc! (applause.) thank you so much. everybody, have a seat. it is good to be with you here tonight. if it wasn’t black tie i would have worn my tan suit. (laughter.) i thought it looked good. (laughter.)


开头:the president: thank you so much. (applause.) everybody, please have a seat. thankyou. well, it is wonderful to be here,and i always look forward to an opportunity to speak tosome of our topbusinesses across the country who are hiring people, investing inamerica,making the economy run. and many of youi’ve had a chance to interact with before. asyou know, oftentimes when i do something like this, i want to spendmore time answeringquestions and having a conversation than giving any formalremarks. let me just provide alittlebit of an introduction.


开头:the president: hey! hello, phoenix! (applause.) hello, arizona! (applause.) it is -- audience member: we love you, obama! the president: i love you back. it is good to be here. (applause.)


开头:the president: hello, ohio! (applause.) it is good to be backin cleveland. the last timei was herewas about a year ago, in the final days of the campaign. i know how much you misshearing how iapprove this message every night on your tv. (laughter.) i will say it is niceto behere when the only real battle for ohio is the browns-bengals game thissunday. (applause.)he’s got the browns shirt right here, brownscap. (laughter.)


开头:remarks by the president on general motors restructuring grand foyer june 1, 2023 just over two months ago, i spoke with you in this same spot about the challenges facing our auto industry, and i laid out what needed to be done to save two of america's most storied automakers ——general motors and chrysler. these companies were facing a crisis decades in the making, and having relied on loans from the previous administration, were asking for more。


想不想要知道那些名人的英语演讲稿?小编特地为大家收集了几位名人的经典演讲稿,下面分享给大家。刘慈欣英语演讲稿ladies and gentleman,good evening!its my great honor to receive the clarke award for imagination in service to society. thank you.this award is a reward for imagination. imagination is a capability tha


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