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发布时间:2024-02-07 06:22:38 查看人数:69



开头:flute is a modern orchestral and chamber music in the main melody of the treble instruments, appearance is an open severalthe long cylindrical tube. early flute is ebony wood or coconut, modern multi-use of metal materials, such as nickel silver alloy ordinary professional type of silver alloy, 9k and 14k gold, 90 secondary school students after the first use of silver or silver flute flute, the more popular brands have a love climbing, and attas, there are performers use special glass flute.


开头:简单的小学生英语演讲稿 dear judges: i am very glad to make a speech here ! today i'd like to talk something about english.


开头:hello, boys and girls. my name is shen huiyao. i’m a girl and i’m a student. i’m from qianjia wan. i like yellow, because i like banana. my favorite food is eggs. i like chinese, because i think mr. fan is a good chinese teacher. and i like miss zhou, too.


开头:people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.' i can still remember the words that dad said to me years ago. when i was young, i used to be very naughty. life then was like a glaball ,shining with bright colours. i had once gone down to the river bank, catching a great many worms and was afterwards punished by mum. i had ever cut the pillow towel into pieces in order to make clothes for my dolls. similarly, i was then blamed seriously. once i even put the hot iron on the floor which immediately burnt a big hole on the carpet. although i had done so many annoying things, my childhood seemed to be rather colourful. however, i had never had a clear definition about myself. but then something happened. it had made a great difference to my life and made who i am now.


开头:一个简单又惊人的职场潜规则 women represent 50 percent of middle management and professional positions, but the percentages of women at the top of organizations represent not even a third of that number. so some people hear that statistic and they ask, why do we have so few women leaders?


开头:hello everyone,it's really my honor to be here.today, shall we talk about courage. courage is not only found in the heat of war or the mighty works of brave men and women. courage is the mother taking care of her sick child in the early morning hours. courage is the father who shows up on time everyday at a boring, low-paying, dead-end job to feed and clothe his family.


开头:小学生英语简单演讲稿一: good morning everyone, today is my turn to the speech. first of all, i would like to say that a quick test, we hope that the good preparation, good test for all, is the only way home for a good year. my english is not high, i wish i could within the next two years to learn english well. i hope you will be able to learn english after graduation to have a good future. finally, i wish the students and teachers a happy new year, further study and work. well! i finished the speech. thank you for listening。


开头:英语演讲稿3分钟简单一 good evening, ladies and gentlemen i’m very glad to be here for this english speech contest.first of all,please let me introduce myself.


开头:简单的短篇英语演讲稿 i love english because it can be very helpful in my future career,for english is so widely used in the world. moreover, i find it very interesting to learn a subject that is absolutely different from chinese culture. in the course of learning english, i learn a lot of things about western countries, which is very fresh and interesting for me.i make friends with somes foreigners in a englsih website,we communicate with each other about our countries'unique culture,i think i am making contribution to connecting china and the world.


开头:英语演讲是英语交际的一种重要形式,想在讲台上用英语发言,需要怎么做呢?以下是小编整理了3分钟简单英语演讲稿,供你参考。 3分钟简单英语演讲稿篇1:learn how to say no


开头:change the ingredients of your life this is a glass of water, tasteless, right? however if you add sugar, it will taste sweet, but if you add vinegar, it will become bitter. the same is true with our lifethe flavor is created by our choices.


开头:my dream hello everyone! it is my great pleasure to share my dream with you today. my dream is to become a teacher. you know being a teacher is a thing that is very valuable and very interesting.


开头:ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i‟m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.


开头:people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are.' i can still remember the words that dad said to me years ago. when i was young, i used to be very naughty. life then was like a glaball ,shining with bright colours. i had once gone down to the river bank, catching a great many worms and was afterwards punished by mum. i had ever cut the pillow towel into pieces in order to make clothes for my dolls. similarly, i was then blamed seriously. once i even put the hot iron on the floor which immediately burnt a big hole on the carpet. although i had done so many annoying things, my childhood seemed to be rather colourful. however, i had never had a clear definition about myself. but then something happened. it had made a great difference to my life and made who i am now.


开头:简单一分钟英语演讲稿1 ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m tony, an 11-year-old happy boy.i live with my parents and we love each other.


开头:distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends: 尊敬的评委,老师,亲爱的朋友们: hello, everyone! my name is cheng xiang yan , i am a junior student come from life science institution .today, i am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech'flying youth, master our future!'


flute is a modern orchestral and chamber music in the main melody of the treble instruments, appearance is an open severalthe long cylindrical tube. early flute is ebony wood or coconut, modern multi-use of metal materials, such as nickel silver alloy ord


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