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发布时间:2024-02-07 23:58:32 查看人数:98



开头:there is a large blackboard on the front wall. my teacher writes our homework on it. there is a birthday chart on the back wall. my teacher puts our names and birthdays on it.


开头:英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。以下是小编整理了英语口语大赛演讲稿,供你参考。 the person i admire the most has to be yang li.


开头:hello! my name is zhengye chengcheng. i'm ten. i study in wz children arts school. i'm in class one grade four .


开头:the person i admire the most has to be yang li. since he was young, he was very quiet, afraid to speak he was even too scared to answer the phone. he failed the same english exam many times. he was never specially trained in english at all. however, after intense practice he finally become a famous english radio presenter, bi-lingual tv host as well as a brilliant translator and the ' english seeding machine'.


开头:hello, ladies and gentlemen. i’m angela zhang from class 4 grade 8. today, my topic is, “the shanghai world expo”. first, i’ll say something about world expo history. as we know, the very first world expo, the great exhibition of 1851, took place in the crystal palace in london. uk. ever since then, the goals of world expos have been both high-minded as well as commercial. visitors are able to explore the world outside of their everyday experience—outside cultures, new scientific advancements, and new inventions. world expos have excited and inspired more and more people in the world.


开头:my home, my heaven dongying,my home,is located in the vast delta plains of the majestic yellow river. there are reeds undulating on the golden beach and varies birds soaring over the wetlands. dongying is a city of oil as well as ecology. the roaring from the running drillings and the sweat on the faces of oil workers witnessed the development of this land.


开头:幼儿英语比赛演讲稿 a:good evening,ladies and gentlemen,boys and girls!it is a great pleasure for us to get together here. we are going to have an english competition and we are going to have fun.since some students think that english is so difficult and boring, we will try to make them understand that english is a great fun for us. with some beautiful songs, performances, poems and speeches, we will see that enalish is so beautiful and attractive. let's enjoy english and its magic.thank you all.


开头:英语教师口语演讲稿 i’m proud of being a teacher wenyang central primary school wu jianjian dear ladies and gentlemen,it’s my honor to stand here to make a speech .my topic today is “i’m proud of being a teacher”.


开头:青少年英语口语大赛演讲稿 宁乡县玉潭中学小学部    指导老师:rully be a polite person good morning, everyone! my name is ___________. i’m _____ years old. i’m a pupil. and i’m in grade 6 from yutan middle school. today, i’m very glad to stand here to give you a speech. my topic is “be a polite person”.


英语口语是被英语国家人民普遍应用的口头交流的语言形式。英语口语通常是通过声音传播的。以下是小编整理了英语口语大赛演讲稿,供你参考。the person i admire the most has to be yang li.since he was young, he was very quiet, afraid to speak he was even too scared to answer the phone. he failed the same english exam many times.


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