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发布时间:2024-02-11 23:58:22 查看人数:16



开头:saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems…… everyone has his own understanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.


开头:最新英语演讲稿:youth 青春 youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .


开头:saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems..... everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have


开头:distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends: hello, everybody! my name is, i come from. today, i am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech‘flying youth, master our future!’


开头:every one has his own dream.when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot. i have got quite different experience from other girls.while they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind.nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete.yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete,i'm so proud of that all the time .


开头:dear classmates: accidentally, found that we have stepped into the way old people envy, middle-aged people want to stay, the young man yearned for youth. those with the blood of youth, is permeated with the passion of youth. however, friend you ever seek to think what is youth?


开头:first i want to ask you some questions: 1、 do you know what is youth? 2、 how do you master your youth? youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind ; it is not rosy cheeks , red lips and supple knees, it is a matter of the emotions : it is the freshness ; it is the freshness of the deep springs of life .


开头:英文写作翻译频道为大家整理的祈福雅安 青春不败五四青年节英语演讲稿,供大家参考! 雅安不哭,我们与你们同在,祈福雅安。 ya'an don't cry, we are with you, pray for ya'an.


开头:ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon! i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “youth”. i hope you will like it , and found the importance in your youth so that more cherish it.


开头:in may, there is always a kind of feelings, always have a firm belief in rising. 16 candles lit up the youth milestone in the life journey, we met in the starting line of youth, for it made a regretless promise duan shaohua years, ready to go


开头:saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems..... everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may paby without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite .


开头:hello! ladies and gentlemen, it is so nice to meet you! i am glad that you can spend this precious time having this class in this afternoon. now please allow me to introduce myself to you .my name is wangjia and i majored in traffic engineering .baoji is my hometown it is very beautiful. and the people are very friendly.


开头:saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems..... everyone has his ownunderstanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experienced the sour ,sweet ,bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance.thre time of young is limitted,it may pass by without your attention,and when you discover what has happened ,it is always too late.grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future,or the situation may be opposite . having a view on these great men in the history of hunmanbeing,they all made full use of their youth time ,to do things that are useful to society,to the whole mankind,and as a cosquence ,they are remembered by later generations,admired by everyone.so do something in the time of young,although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole word,just for youeself,for those around! the young is just like blooming flowers,they are so beautiful when blooming,they make people feel happy,but with time passing by,after they withers ,moet people think they are ugly.and so it is the same with young,we are enthusiastic when we are young,then we may lose our passion when getting older and older.so we must treasure it ,don't let the limitted time pass by ,leaving nothing of significance.


开头:everyone has his own understanding of young; it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, only after you have experienced the sour, sweet, bitter and salty can you really become a person of significance. their time of young is limitted, it may pay without your attention, and when you discover what has happened, it is always too late. grasping the young well means a better time is waiting for you in the near future, or the situation may be opposite.


开头:no young man believes he shall ever die. there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everying.to be young to be as one of the immortal gods. one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for as with all its countless treasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. we make the coming age our own-


开头:my great pleasure to share my dream with you today.i have kept the dream in my mind for so long that whoever in the sun is able to live a happy life for ever. i think this dream is deeply rooted in the future. as we can see, we are now not far away from violence, poverty, diseases, environmental pollution and even wars. most of people are in need of what they have never enjoyed. however, i still can stick to my innermost dream, as i still can see the bright lights in our future. i believe, there will be a day when those from the rich counties are really willing to share what they have with those from the poor countries; there will be a day when we are surprised to find that the word poverty has long been out of our memories; there will be a day when we are together to share our dreams and we will all contribute to making our common dreams come true.


开头:every one has his own dream.when i was a little kid ,my dream was even to have a candy shop of my own .but now ,when i am 16 years old ,standing here ,my dreams have already changed a lot. i have got quite different experience from other girls.while they were playing toys at home,while they were dreaming to be the princesses in the story .i was running in the hard rain,jumping in the heavy snow,pitching in the strong wind.nothing could stop me ,because of a wonderful call from my heart -- to be an athlete.yeah ,of course ,i'm an athlete,i'm so proud of that all the time .


开头:舞动的青春英语演讲稿范文参考 distinguished leaders, young friends: hello, everyone! my name is xu rong, i have to speak on the theme 'youth dance.'


开头:dream flying our ordinary life is a dream, from the very moment of landing, we are a dream to come! similarly, we left this world at the time, it will also be left with their own dreams.


开头:beloved teacher, dear students. hello, everyone. today our topic is let the youth and integrity pass in the path of youth, integrity is one essential thing. good faith is a kind of be secure against assault conviction, is a virtue, is a pursuit of human.


saying goodbye to childhood,we step into another important time in the pace of young,facing new situations,dealing with different problems……everyone has his own understanding of young,it is a period of time of beauty and wonders,only after you have experi


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