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发布时间:2024-02-25 19:12:22 查看人数:44



开头:different people have various ambitions. some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. some want to be scientists or businessmen. still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come.


开头:everybody good afternoon:. first of all thank the teacher gave me a story in my own future ideal job. everyone has a dream job. my dream is to become a boss, own a company.


开头:it's time to begin. i appreciate your attention. i hope you'll enjoy my speech. i have important advice.


开头:when i was seven years old and my sister was just five years old, we were playing on top of a bunk bed. i was two years older than my sister at the time -- i mean, i'm two years older than her now -- but at the time it meant she had to do everything that i wanted to do, and i wanted to play war. so we were up on top of our bunk beds. and on one side of the bunk bed, i had put out all of my g.i. joe soldiers and weaponry. and on the other side were all my sister's my little ponies ready for a cavalry charge.


开头:找工作面试为什么过不去 演讲者:regina hartley your company launches a search for an open position. the applications start rolling in, and the qualified candidates are identified. now the choosing begins. person a: ivy league, 4.0, flawless resume, great recommendations. all the right stuff. person b: state school, fair amount of job hopping, and odd jobs like cashier and singing waitress. but remember -- both are qualified. so i ask you: who are you going to pick?


开头:生活与工作两不误才是完美的人生,那么生活和工作真的可以实现平衡吗?nigel marsh博士认为完美的一天建立在与家人相处,个人发展以及工作三者之间的平衡之上,进而他鼓励人们让这一理想变为现实。下面是小编为大家收集关于ted英语演讲:生活和工作真的可以实现平衡吗?欢迎借鉴参考。


开头:vectorj [greetings.] today, the topic i wanna discuss is about workaholics. there is a story on my textbook, unit 2, the company man, which starts like this:


开头:3 ways to be a better ally in the workplace 演讲者:melinda epler 中英对照翻译 in 20xx, i was an executive at an international engineering firm in san francisco. it was my dream job. aculmination of all the skills that i've acquired over the years: story telling,social impact, behavior change. i was the head of marketing and culture and i worked with the nation's largest health care systems, using technology and culture change to radically reduce their energy and water use and to improve their social impact. i was creating real change in the world. and it was the worst professional experience of my life.


开头:ladies and gentlemen: greetings and welcome. i'm so glad you're here today. here's some advice.


different people have various ambitions. some want to be engineers or doctors in the future. some want to be scientists or businessmen. still some wish to be teachers or lawers when they grow up in the days to come.unlike other people, i prefer to be a fa


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