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发布时间:2024-02-29 15:09:20 查看人数:58



开头:1、对即兴演讲者能力的要求 即兴演讲能力是一种高级的演讲能力,是最能反映演讲者修养和功底的。因为即兴演讲场合常有变化,听众的职业、年龄、生活阅历和文化教养也不尽一致,即使是在一次演讲会的过程中也常常产生各种预想不到的情况。即兴演讲能力强的人,能在错综复杂的场合,泰然自若,侃侃而谈。他们能从当时当地听众的实际情况出发,及时调节演讲内容和演讲方式,从而提高演讲的效果。而即兴演讲能力弱的人,则不能随时变通。或者拘泥于原来的讲稿,脱离变化了的实际;或者即席变化,但讲得词不达意,语无伦次,毗漏百出,降低或损害了实际效益;或者不能临场发挥,无法即席发言。




开头:dumpling is a traditional chinese food. on the lunar new year' s day most families make a lot of delicious dumplings. to make them follow this easy process. 饺子是中国的传统食物。在农历新年,大多数家庭都会包很多美味的饺子。要包成饺子,遵循以下那容易的步骤。


开头:i like to look into the mirror. i remember when i was a little girl, i often stood on my toes, trying to find my face in the mirror of the dressing table, which was nearly as high as i was. now i still like to look into the mirror. only now, the dressing table is too low for me. as i bend down, i see the face of a young woman, glowing with maturity, confident in her future and fascinated with her own reflection.


开头:feeling of youth no young man believes he shall ever die. it was a saying of my brother's, and a fine one. there is a feeling of eternity in youth, which makes us amend for everything. to be young is to be as one of the immortal gods. one half of time indeed is flown-the other half remains in store for us with all its countletreasures; for there is no line drawn, and we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. we make the coming age our own-


开头:一、借“景”发挥 成功的就职演讲者很善于捕捉会场场景,甚至听众的目光,也可作为演讲发挥的缘由。 二、借“事”发挥


开头:dear teachers and classmates: i am glad to stand here to give a speech.my topic is i love english english is now used everywhere in the world. it has become the most common language on the internet. learning english makes me confident and brings me great pleasure.


开头:即兴演讲,一般只有3到5分钟,所以演讲者要降低冗余度,话题准确,针对性要强,做好心理准备 ,关键是再演讲之前利用短短几分钟,打好腹稿。打腹稿有如下选择:


开头:喧嚣与繁杂,成了这时代的通病;炒作与呵斥,演绎了诸多新闻,你的一声叮咛,抚慰了一颗躁动的心。——题记 我独自椅坐在窗前,听着雨大梧桐的声音,点点滴滴,心欲碎,那声音仿佛锤子打在了我的心头,敲击着心口最柔软的地方,我面容平静,但内心却如泉水般波涛汹涌。


开头:zoos should be banned. nowadays, lots of people start to realize that zoos are not a good place for animals. people need zoos because it is an easy way to close the animals and also because it's convenient for people to observe them. however, zoos are in fact a cruel place for animals. animals should live in their natural habitat. an animal's natural instinct is to run and to hunt. but that's not for animals kept in zoos. everyday, people feed them. they've never been taught how to hunt for food and will gradually lose their natures. that will be quite cruel for a animal, especially for wild animals such as tigers and lions. you can often find in zoos that a tiger kept in cage has a loose expression in its face.we set animals in zoos and therefore feel that they won't meet danger and may be able to protect them from dying out. this may be just a excuse we find for ourselves to make animals in cages just as entertainment. we always say animals are our friends, then why we put our friends in cages?


开头:自我介绍3分钟即兴演讲稿范文 大家好,我是***,所学的是国际政治专业,四年的大学生活是我人生的关键点。校园生涯和社会实践生活我不断的挑战自我、充实自身,为实现人生的价值打下坚实的基础。


开头:我想要的生活即兴演讲稿范文 大家好,今天我给大家谈一谈我心中的理想生活。 我想我心中的理想生活应分为四部分:童年,青年,中年,老年。


开头:喜看家乡新变化 三十年风雨,三十年潮乡,三十年拼搏,三十年发展,演绎着潮乡儿女的动人事迹。 远景规划,综合治理,多种经营,改革创新。依托地理优势从土里掘起黄金,水稻增产,大棚高效,硕果甜心。海昌提子,谈桥梨子,黄湾蜜桔到处“张扬”。有多少农民荷把锄头进工厂,“美大”太阳热水器、“红枫”袜子、“海月”灯泡……牌子响当当。早出晚归的农民,腰包渐渐地鼓起来了。楼房别墅替代了土屋平房,农村建设刷新变样。


开头:尊敬的各位领导、各位同事: 大家好! 很高兴能够参加今天的竞聘房地产职员的竞聘活动,我叫张欢,大专学历,共产党员。我之所以竞争这一职位主要有以下四方面理由:


开头:as food is to the body, so is learning to the mind. our bodies grow and muscles develop with the intake of adequate nutritious food. likewise, we should keep learning day by day to maintain our keen mental power and expand our intellectual capacity. constant learning supplies us with inexhaustible fuel for driving us to sharpen our power of reasoning, analysis, and judgment. learning incessantly is the surest way to keep pace with the times in the information age, and an infallible warrant of success in times of uncertainty.


开头:一、举实例——用自己生活中的事例来说明 在演讲中,应该用大部分的时间来描述一个曾给你启示的经验。心理学家说,我们学习的方式有两种:一是练习律,让一连串的类似事件导致行为模式的改变;二是效应律,使单一的事件便能形成强烈的震撼力,改变我们的行为。我们平常就有很多丰富的经验,不需要花太多的时间去苦苦搜寻,它们就在我们记忆中。我们的行为多半受这些经验的引导。把这些事件重新组织起来,就可以把它们变成影响别人行为的事实基础。这一点我们应该很轻易就能做到,由于人们对字句的反应与对真实事件的反应方式极为相似。在演讲里讲述事例的时候,一定要把自己经验里的东西重新塑造,务必让听众产生与自己原先感受相同。把你的经验戏剧化,让它们听起来更有趣,更有力量。下面的建议,可以让举例的步骤清晰有力,具有意义。


开头:公众即兴演讲技巧 一、演讲的技巧 “一言之辩重于九鼎之宝,三寸之舌强于百万之师”。英国首相丘吉尔曾说:“一个人可以面对多少人,就代表这个人的人生成就有多大!”无论是政界领袖毛泽东、列宁、克林顿,还是商界领袖杰克·韦尔奇、柳传志、张瑞敏……,古今中外99%深具影响力的成功人士都是善于公众表达沟通的大师!拥有一对多的公众演讲能力和现场行销能力,是我们成功立足现代社会的必备技能!


开头:good afternoon ,ladies and gentlemen! i’m very honored to stand here and give you a short speech! to begin with ,i want to ask a question .does everybody dream a good dream last night? actually ,today i want to talk about dream with you. of course, what i want to talk is not a dream you have last night,but a dream—— about life.


开头:课前两分钟英语优秀演讲稿篇 today i am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. what is success? it is what everyone is longing for.sometimes success would be rather simple. winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now i am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success.


开头:love and take care of nature on stress regain confidence responsibility is a badge of honor for youth




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