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发布时间:2024-03-04 15:32:15 查看人数:51



开头:the president: good morning! (applause.) good morning,everybody! everybody,please have aseat. have a seat. well, on behalf of michelle andmyself, welcome to the white house. thisis one of myfavorite events every year, especially special this year, as ilook at this extraordinary group ofindividuals and our opportunity to honorthem with our nation’s highest civilian honor -- thepresidential medal offreedom.


开头:sunny ways, my friends, sunny ways. this is whatpositive politics can do. this is what a causative,hopeful – a hopeful vision and a platform and ateam together can make happen. canadians –canadians from all across this great country sent aclear message tonight. it's time for a change in thiscountry, my friends, a real change.


开头:演讲者:laura vanderkam 劳拉·凡德卡姆 中英对照翻译 when people find out i write about time management, they assume two things. one is that i'm always on time, and i'm not. i have four small children, and i would like to blame them for my occasional tardiness, but sometimes it's just not their fault. i was once late to my own speech on time management.


开头:freedom is an important right of people. it usually refers that you can do want you want and live the life you want. of course it must be on the basis that you can’t affect others’ freedom. otherwise it does not belong to your freedom anymore. in my opinion freedom is not you can do whatever you want but you don’t have to do what you don’t want to.


开头:mr. speaker, members of the 77th congress: i address you, the members of this new congress, at a moment unprecedented in the history of the union. i use the word “unprecedented” because at no previous time has american security been as seriously threatened from without as it is today.


freedom is an important right of people. it usually refers that you can do want you want and live the life you want. of course it must be on the basis that you cant affect others freedom. otherwise it does not belong to your freedom anymore. in my opinion


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