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发布时间:2024-03-28 13:28:44 查看人数:55



开头:初中关于梦想的演讲稿3分钟一 亲爱的老师同学们: 大家早上好! 今天我很荣幸能够和大家一起度过这美好的周一清晨。


开头:hello,everyone my name is xxx. let me tell you something about me. i am xx,and i am a student in xx.i think that i'm outgoing and funny,so i also think i'm populer at school.


开头:3分钟初中英语演讲稿 good morning everyone it's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality.


开头:【初中三分钟英语演讲稿范文(一)】 earn english not only because of its importance and its usefulness,but also because of my love for it.when i learn english, i can feel a different way of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.when i read english novels,i can feel the pleasure from the book which is different from reading the translation.when i speak english, i can feel the confident from my words.when i write english,i can see the beauty which is not the same as our chinese...


开头:火热的夏天,尽管没有春天般婉约,没有秋天般淳朴,更没有冬天般华丽,但她有自己的风格,使夏天更加光彩照人。 跟随夏的脚步,伴着一声悠长的蝉鸣,太阳爬上了天空。一只只蝉,正端坐在不远处土坡上,在一棵树的枝头,翻着树叶上写的五线谱。是啊,蝉是夏天的歌手,在枝头为属于它们的夏天引吭高歌。树叶是知了们最爱唱的歌谱,树枝是知了们天然的演奏台。听,那北边枝头上的蝉又开始唱歌了——“吱,吱——吱,吱——”,紧接着,南边的知了也跟着唱起来。在夏天的舞台上,知了们演绎了一首动人的大合唱。


开头:my family : hello, everyone, i’m liu dongdong. i’m a student. there are three people in my family—my father, mother and i. my father is 40 years old. he is a worker. i think he is a good worker. because he works very hard. he gets up very early every day and he works for more than 10 hours a day. so he is always busy, he looks very tired when he gets 小学 home. he likes reading newspapers. he usually reads it after supper. so he gets lots of news.


开头:初中英语演讲稿3分钟 good morning everyone it's a great honor for me to stand here to deliver a speech to you. then today i want to talk something about dreams and reality.


开头:初中课前三分钟演讲稿一 微笑是每一个人最富有魅力的肢体语言。 它代表着愉悦,善意,友好,接受等一切积极乐观的精神。它是一门极具魅力的人生哲学。


开头:亲爱的同学们: 大家好! 今天我演讲的题目是《改变不了环境,就改变自己》。 著名的文学家托尔斯泰曾经说过:“世界上只有两种人:一种是观望者,一种是行动者。大多数人想改变这个世界,但没人想改变自己。”想要改变现状,就要改变自己;要改变自己。就得改变自己的观念。




开头:子在川上日:“逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜!”这是古人对时间流逝的惆怅与无奈。 时间无形无影,无声无息,无光无色。然而,时间却又无处不在。静静地深思难题,认真做题时笔尖的转动,撕去的日历,老人的白发,诸如此类,都显示了时间的足迹。




开头:课前三分钟演讲稿初中生 课前三分钟演讲稿初中生 各位老师,各位同学: 大家好,我是来自××班的××,今天我在国旗下为大家演讲的题目是《成功的秘诀永不放弃》。


开头:他是家里的长子,从小在父亲的教育下,他明白他必须成为一个有担当的男子汉。成为让父亲为之骄傲的孩子。他明白他要努力,发奋图强。 从小,家里比较贫穷。他也随父母亲吃苦,没过几个月就得搬家。总是辗转流离,但终于有了一个定居点。他便在这里开始了他的读书生涯。




开头:change want me to be safe to i want to be safe i have read this report, a domestic company asked a representative of the united states to conduct on-the-spot guidance. the representative of the united states has stood strong when he entered location. he said:” all visitors to the site must wear safety helmet, i wear a helmet for my own safety.” after reading this story, i could not help applauding for his safety awareness.


开头:课前三分钟演讲稿初中一 老师们,同学们, 大家好! 今天我讲话的题目是《做一个持之以恒的人》。一个文质彬彬,充满才气,富有冒险精神,对朋友真诚、友善的小男孩伴着他那传奇的经历,征服了全球亿万读者。你知道他是谁吗?他就是哈利?波特,英国女作家j?k?罗琳所创作的“哈利?波特系列小说”中的主人公。你想知道j?k?罗琳是怎样完成这部小说的吗?


开头:初中语文课前三分钟演讲稿一 不知道你有没有一套叫做《智慧背囊》的书啊?上面有好多故事呢,对于写高考作文有很大的帮助。或者可以参考卡耐基的故事集,也教人很多的道理。我从网上节选几个给你,自己挑选喜欢的吧。


开头:stepping into the new century environment pollution has become more serious than ever since. there are different kinds of pollution. such as water pollution air pollution and noise pollution and so on. it seems that we live on a planet which is full of pollution. where all these pollution comes from? to a large extend the environmental destruction is the heavy price that we pay for the rapid development of economy and the growing population. in order to have more fuel people cut down trees and dig more corals. but the growing needs for energy are hardly to meet. countless private cars on the street the gas stations are short of gasoline even the government has raise the price so many times in order to control the needs of gasoline but it’s still not working. overusing the natural resources has already affected the ecological balance. however the factories still release the toxic air into the sky and the polluted water into the rivers. people still lack of the conscious of protecting the environment. i think it’s time for all of us to do something.


开头:成功是用最纯真的梦烹调出的佳肴 梦想如同坚果巧克力,苦中带甜,一帆风顺的逐梦之旅是被美化格式的任务。 梦想是侵满迷幻的画面,或悲伤,或欢悦。在摸索的道路上可能被荆棘刺伤,迷雾中彷徨。但为何不用我们对梦的执着将他们转化为可口的心灵鸡汤,慢慢沉醉在这浓郁的香甜中


第:初中三分钟英语演讲稿保护环境earth looks like a big blue marble; from high above the earth and from the moon, the planet gleams and shines. the blue water in the oceans and seas of the earth makes a dramatic image.water is the source of this beauty and the source of l


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