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发布时间:2024-02-08 06:00:45 查看人数:51



开头:2023年英语演讲稿带翻译3分钟 each of us has a family also love their home but you know we have a common house? - that is our planet! earth is our common 'home' and is a very beautiful home then there is blue sky with white clouds a tree with red flowers birds contention how beautiful all the ah but that we have not thought about how to protect the earth ? october 15 20xx astronaut yang liwei and the family telephone said excitedly 'i - see our beautiful home' which sounds from space how many chinese people moved the number of foreigners yeah.

结尾:学生只有一个地球。地球是我们的可爱的“家”!让我们携起手来为我们的家园创造一个美好的明天。 2023年英语演讲稿带翻译3分钟,尽在酷猫写作范文网。





开头:篇1:3分钟英语演讲稿 the east and the west, let’s enjoy the combination of the two cultures? kipling said:“east is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet!” but now, a century later, they have met.

结尾:the world around us is so beautiful.there is no reason why we don’t enjoy it.so,everybody,let’s choose to be happy everyday! ok,that’s all. thanks for listening!


开头:励志演讲稿3分钟成功一 佛经中有一句话说:人心好静,而欲牵之,常能遣其欲,而心自静,澄其心而神自清。 上头这句话的含义是说:长久的快乐绝不在喧闹中,更不在浮华里,它源于光明心力的宁静!初中三年马上过去了。回首三年,有好多事未做:有好多好书没读,有很多数学习题错未改,有很多君子未与之结交,有很多架未打……

结尾:微笑能让别人对你所怀的顾虑在一瞬间消失;微笑能让你与别人的关系融洽;微笑是沟通彼此心灵的无声语言。既然如此,那么,朋友,就请大方起来,请别吝啬你的微笑。 谢谢大家!


开头:it is well-known that smoke is bad for our health. but there are still many people addicted to it and find it hard to quit. it is a problem make many people confused. for this, i have some suggestions. firstly, you have to aware the disadvantages of smoke. if you don’t aware this, you won’t have the mind to do it. then what you need is a strong mind. there is a saying,” nothing in the world is difficult for one who sets his mind on it.” so, a strong mind is important. what’s more, i have warm tips. if you really want to smoke, you can have a chew gum instead of smoke. after a while, your desire to smoke will be fade away gradually. last, give yourself some awards. when you find yourself make some progress, you can give yourself some awards. it is good. hope you can give up smoke successfully.



开头:演讲稿一:3分钟励志英语演讲稿 we should learn to stick to our life no matter how difficult the life is and we should learn to love others .it is the flim tellsx me .

结尾:even if my english is very bad, my teacher stll encourages me to learn english hard and he gives me some ways to learn english. he tells me to read passages loudly and listen to the english tapes everyday morning.in order to progress my writing he also asks me to write some articles at times. i like listen to the english songs,he suggests me to sing the english songs.as a result of his ways my english becomes well. now, i like english very well and i still use the ways he tells me.i know i must learn english even hard.


开头:各位老师,同学: 青春是人一生中最美好的年华。在这段时光里,我们每个人都可以演绎自己的传奇。但是很多时候,我们一边说着“我的地盘我做主”‘另一边却人云亦云。

结尾:生命是充满遗憾的篇章,因为她没有机会让你修改病句,青春也是如此。所以,为了不留下太多的遗憾,让我们飞扬自己的个性,尽情地挥洒青春吧! 关于青春演讲稿范文3分钟


开头:most people would like to be popular with others, but not everyone can achieve this goal. what is the secret to popularity? in fact, it is very simple. the first step is to improve our appearance. we should always make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.

结尾:above all, we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect. if we can do all of the above, i am sure popularity will come our way. 关于英语演讲稿3分钟


开头:1励志演讲稿三分钟:有始有终 定能成功 敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们: 大家早上好! 今天我讲话的主题是“有始有终,定能成功”。古希腊着名哲学家苏格拉底曾经在中学当教师,有一天他对班里同学说,我们来做个甩手游戏吧。游戏很简单,就是把手使劲往前甩三百下,再往后甩三百下,但要求每天都这样做。同学们纷纷说这个游戏容易,保证能做好。一个星期以后,苏格拉底问同学们游戏完成得怎么样?同学们全都举起了手。一个月以后,当苏格拉底再做统计时,全班仍有百分之九十的同学在坚持做。一年以后,当苏格拉底在课堂上再次向大家了解情况时,只有一位同学举起手,他就是后来成为大哲学家的亚里士多德。亚里士多德在自己的学习和生活中,凭着这种持之以恒的精神,自觉锻炼自己的意志,终于在哲学领域取得了前所未有的成就,其哲学思想直到现在仍然放射着智慧的光芒。

结尾:扑克毕竟没有思维,而我们,却是一群有着高级思维能力的活生生的人啊!我本该拥有与扑克截然不同的人生!自己的历史靠自己去书写,自己的青春靠自己去创造,自己的世界靠自己去闯!而不是像牌那样在冥冥中失去自我! 谢谢大家!



结尾:高度重视,从那以后金湖边建起了许多污水处理站金湖的情况渐渐的好起来了,水越来越清,能看见水里的鱼儿在欢快的嬉戏,后来金湖就成了我在《金湖美》里描写的那样了。 在此我要呼吁大家一起保护地球的环境,不要让地球重倒金湖的覆辙!


开头:滔滔的江水,滚滚的黄河,连绵不断的山路,都属于我们伟大的祖国。祖国的山川雄奇,祖国的河水秀逸,祖国的胸怀无比广阔。 当侵略者的铁碲践踏我们美丽山河的时候,每一个有良知的中国人脸上流着泪,心中淌着血。为了心中神圣不可侵犯的祖国,他们在黑暗中摸索,在屈辱中抗争。

结尾:祖国有广阔的疆土,有辉煌的历史,有漫山遍野的宝藏,有山川五岳秀丽的风光。思想的野马在奔驰,我用我的心描绘着祖国妈妈,她飘散的长发是千百条悠然流贯的河川,她硬朗而峭拔的脊梁是连绵不断的山峰,而她明亮的眼睛则是洞庭的水,西湖的波吧! 祖国是东方的明珠,是亚洲腾飞的巨龙,是远方地平线上初升的太阳。祖国在你心中,在我心中,在我们大家心中!


开头:my definition of success by bao jinlong(鲍金龙) it is easy to describe success in terms of money, fame and reputation. but i believe that success is not external. i believe that success comes from within. my definition of success is to be true to yourself, and be true to others. that means, that you must cherish your personal ideal even in the face of adversity. i also believe that success is not discriminatory. success is not restricted to such a class of people, in fact, it may be achieved by any person irrespective of his race, creed, gender and economic background. a good example of success is that of beethoven. he is one of the world's most famous composers, yet he was deaf. he could not hear the majestic pieces of music that he created. yet, in the face of this adversity, he was able to maintain his ideals--that of composing music.

结尾:我知道这是个艰巨的任务,实现起来会遇到许多困难和障碍。但我笃信自己的理想,并将坚守下去——即使逆境重重。我们千万不能对一个理想作出不成熟的弃绝决定——让这些孩子,让我们的理想经受挑战。因为,没有理想的生活是没有生气的。 谢谢! 英语即兴演讲稿(带翻译)3分钟


开头:我的偶像3分钟演讲稿范文2023 亲爱的老师、同学们: 大家好! 寒假里,老师给我们推荐了《三国演义》这本书,书中主要写了东汉末年,诸侯争霸的故事。《三国演义》中描写了许多历史人物,像刘备、关羽、张飞、赵云、诸葛亮、周瑜等等。但其中我最崇拜的要数诸葛亮了。

结尾:诸葛亮是我偶像,我崇拜他,我要向他学习,多读书,多积累知识,让自己成为博学多才的人。 我的偶像3分钟演讲稿范文2023,尽在酷猫写作范文网。


开头:2023年护士节3分钟励志演讲稿大全 【2023年护士节3分钟励志演讲稿1】 尊敬的各位领导 各位老师亲爱的姐妹们大家好!!



开头:if we changed the rules of football, greatly enlarged the goal and sent away david seaman or any other goal keeper, so that another david, namely david beckham, could score easily, then scoring would not give him the thrill of accomplishment and the joy that it brings. if we further changed the rules by not allowing arsenal's defenders to defend, so that beckham needed only to lift a finger, actually a toe, to score, then there would be no game at all, because the meaning of winning would have disappeared. in accepting the challenge, in surmounting the difficulties and in enduring the hardship, success acquires its value. the sense of attainment varies in proportion to the degree of difficulties on overcomes.

结尾:what is success? everyone has his own interpretation as i do. but i am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. so ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life! wish you all good success!


开头:i am flying today, speech is the ideal wing, as a middle school student, we are in love fantasy, love to dream, love highlight their personality, love and zhang yang us different, we were not mistaken, we now are not qualitatively period of development, there is no one standard for us to judge their own life and values. we always let adults know that we can do it yourself to live, you can solve their own problems, but we have some dependence. love day dreaming, perhaps today we want to be a teacher, to educate our newcomers, and perhaps tomorrow we want to be a scientist to explore our humanity to the present do not know some of the mystery, ,or we have no way to explain some phenomena ... ...

结尾:down we love fantasy, love to dream of behavior, we need to do one for the people and human progremake a difference. to our actions to prove that we have! 初一学生英语演讲稿3分钟


开头:励志演讲稿3分钟 只要努力就有收获一 热爱生活,你会感到大自然的美好; 热爱生活,你会感到人世间其乐无穷。



开头:关于团结的3分钟演讲稿1: 尊敬的各位领导、亲爱的老师们,同学们: 大家上午好!我是来自14建筑班的吐达阿吉。今天我国旗下讲话的题目是“民族团结,从我做起”



开头:竞选班委3分钟演讲稿 小学竞选班委3分钟演讲稿 大家好,我今天走上这个讲台,为的是竞争这个班级的元首——班长。我相信,凭着我的勇气和信心,我一定可以如愿以偿的。

结尾:最后,我真诚希望大家相信我,支持我,给我这次展示能力的机会。 我将在这一片属于我们的天空中挥洒春的汗水,为大学校园明天绘出一幅美好的蓝图。我相信我们班的明天会更加美好!


开头:everytime i am asked what i want to do in the future. i think a minute and say being a doctor is my dream job. doctor is an other kind of artist who does human art by fighting with diseases and making people feel good. i think it is a pleasure to try my best to bring happiness to others. it is a feeling of pride and i am fond of it. in modern life, a mass of people work day and night to seek wealth and as a result they ignore their health. it is known that strong body is a foundation of beatific life. i dreamed to be an excellent doctor who can help them have a right to enjoy life again. curing people is a doctor's holy responsibility.

结尾:the other is of course the super stars. each one has his own personality, just like my idol ronaldo. when he smiles, we all smile with him. who can forget that buck-toothed smile, or that unique hairstyle. during the 20xx world cup. ronaldo was born to a poor family. he has set an example to children who can’t afford a pair of shoes, but have talent and a passion for football. he gives them confidence and hope of a better future. football is the game that wins everyone’s heart and the best game ever invented.


