好工作人人抢,但是如何找得一份适合自己的好工作,关键就在认清自己和了解对方,一旦清楚自己的能力,并能用有说服力的方法呈现在他人面前,找工作其实真的没这么难。 所谓 技巧包含的不单只是与 官的应对而已,它包括事前的准备以及 期间的临场反应。所谓事前准备,意思就是针对你要应征的职场做功课,首先应针对「该企业、职务之需要」提供「相对应的讯息」,这可说是求职成功的不二法门。其中,履历表的撰写是求职者应征成功的一大关键,一份好的履历表等于在求职路上已经胜出大半。
一般而言,社会新鲜人最缺乏的就是实务经验,这时唯有藉由专业认证才能让自己从中脱颖而出。目前几项基本的专业认证是即将进入职场的新鲜人所不可缺少的,如gept全民英检、toeic多益英文认证及tqc企业人才技能检定或是mous微软office专家认证等语言及信息的认证 。这些专业证照既能证明自己的能力,同时也等于让雇主吃下一颗定心丸。
dehua liu's resume personal data
name: dehua liu
gender: male
address: class 9802, guanghua management college, peking university, beijing 10056 e-mail:editor@jxue.com career objective
to be employed by a transnational company in beijing as a department manager. education beijing jingshan school, 1992--1998. major won the university calligraphy contest in 1999.
chairman of the publicity campaign
commission of peking university of supporting beijing's application for hosting the olympics in 2008.
won the title of an excellent leader of the university student council in 2002. english cet band six in 2000: 93 points
toefl in 2001: 658 points
gre in 2002: 2328 points character ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach hobbies doing on-line reading and traveling references: available upon request.<>
dehua lius resume personal data name: dehua liu gender: male address: class 9802, guanghua management college, peking university, beijing 10056 tel: (0
10) 6320-45xx e-mail:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx career objective to be employed by a transnational company in beijing as a department manager. education guanghua management college, peking university, 1998--2002. beijing jingshan school, 1992--1998. major business administration summer jobs 1999 made personnel system reform plans for a large state-owned enterprise in tianjin. 2000 participated in planning the restructuring of several medium-sized collective enterprises in the suburbs of beijing. 2001 acted as an assistant to the manager of a multinational company in beijing. extracurricular activities captain of the peking university basketball team from 1998 to 2000. won the university calligraphy contest in 1999. chairman of the publicity campaign commission of peking university of supporting beijings application for hosting the olympics in 2008. won the title of an excellent leader of the university student council in 2002. english cet band six in 2000: 93 points toefl in 2001: 658 points gre in 2002: 2328 points character ambitious, honest and reliable, easy to approach hobbies doing on-line reading and traveling references: available upon request.<>